Anthony McIntyre ☠ With Israel's genocidal onslaught on the civilian population of Gaza having resumed for more than a week now, its chief sponsor, the United States, in the UN chose splendid isolation over international solidarity with those on the receiving end of Judeo-Nazi butchery.
US expressions of solidarity with beleaguered Ukraine now sound like nothing other than pious moralising, the criticism of Putin, self-serving bombast. Countless more children have been murdered in the two months of Gazacide than Russia has managed in its entire war of aggression.
In the UN the US alone stood with the Kapos, using its power of veto to prevent a ceasefire, which had it come into being, would have called time on the Israeli genocide. The gratitude expressed by Israel's corrupt leader, Baby Killer Netanyahu was effusive. Baby Killer knows the value of US support and military hardware. It is what makes the genocide possible. Without it, the Judeo-Nazis would be compelled to halt.
If we express surprise at the US action we would be fooling no one other than ourselves. Only last week it lauded one of the world's most notorious war criminals who died having reached the age of one hundred. Literally thousands of those Kissinger murdered never saw their first birthday. Antony Blinken, after Genocide Joe the leading cheerleader for the Israeli war on children, eulogised the mass murderer:
It was Henry’s enduring capacity to bring his strategic acumen and intellect to bear on the emerging challenges of each passing decade that led presidents, secretaries of state, national security advisers, and other leaders from both parties to seek his counsel, including me.
Not a word about Henry's enduring capacity to massacre millions, his enduring passion for murder. The fawning over Kissinger at least demonstrates the type of counsel Blinken is still eager to take in. Henry would not have batted an eyelid at genocide. If Blinken is blinking it is not in disbelief at what has been unfolding in front of his eyes.
Many apologists and genocide deniers pretend that the real abomination is to accuse Israel of genocide rather than the genocide that Israel is committing. Take this cringeworthy evasion by Howard Jacobson: Charging Jews with genocide is to declare them guilty of precisely what was done to them. And your point is Mr Jacobson? That being a victim of some heinous barbarism arms you with immunity from becoming barbaric? That has all the persuasiveness of a belief that some magic potion can make a warrior invisible in battle.
The Jewish musician and outspoken critic of Israeli policy in the occupied territories, Jonathan Ofir, did not hold back: 'it is clear that we are really in Nazi times, and it really does bring associations of the Holocaust.'
Many years ago I read a striking book - Germany's Willing Executioners by Daniel Goldhagen. Its central point was that the Nazis alone did not bear responsibility for the Holocaust - the entire German people did.
Soldiers of the Infant Destruction Force currently exterminating their way through Gaza proclaimed in song for the camera their genocidal intent:
Soldiers of the Infant Destruction Force currently exterminating their way through Gaza proclaimed in song for the camera their genocidal intent:
Everyone knows our slogan
There are no uninvolved
Echoing Goldhagen, Ofir opined:
These are not just the chants of some kids on the hills. They are soldiers in Gaza — the same soldiers perpetrating this horrific genocide right in front of our eyes. Those cheerleading them in explicitly genocidal terms are not just far-right fanatics either; this spirit is everywhere.
Thursday's vote in the UN is ample proof that in the Whitehouse Biden & Blinken are rendering the chorus.
⏩Follow on Twitter @AnthonyMcIntyre. |
No serious action from the rest of the Arab world either save a few meaningless farts of hot air in the UN. Even Egypt has said they will not take the Gazans in. Horrendous and I think by now the Gazans have got the message. The best they can hope for is to hand over the hostages and give up. There's only going to be one armed group standing after the dust settles and it won't be Hamas.
ReplyDeleteIt's more Hamas than the Gazans. Genocide is being practiced on the Gazans on the pretext of fighting Hamas. Two months into Israel's war on Gaza and Hamas is still in the game. That surprises me. All the while they amplify the stench of Apartheid Israel in the international community. One commentator observed on seeing the isolated presence of the warmongering US at the UN vote that it signalled the end of Western hegemony in the world. I am not so sure but it has taken a dent. The West's leadership now looks terrible, having hypocritically squandered any high ground it had on Ukraine. Who is going to believe any Western leader when they label Putin a war criminal?
DeleteSurrender is always an option particularly when the costs of resisting are so high for the civilian population. But the historical experience of those who have surrendered to the Nazis has never been encouraging.
And I can't see Hamas ever surrendering given what they have just committed. They know there is only one outcome for them and that suits their Jihadi belief just fine. Not excusing what the Israeli's are doing, just stating a fact. Civilians are always the ones who suffer in war.
DeleteThe West are a bunch of hypocrites but I listened to a podcast by Steve Hilton who used to be Cameron's director of strategy. Pretty revealing how much the unelected Civil Servants actually veto whatever they like in defiance of a Government and they do so in the belief they have the Nation's best interests at heart, and it's their patriotic duty to curtail a temporary Government if they just don't agree with the policy. In effect this make democracy an illusion which is what we've suspected all along. The whole show is rotten to the core.
There is never much incentive to surrender when up against genocidaires. The Soviets and Britain both refused to surrender to the Nazis they faced. The Soviets probably had more call to fear genocide and the Brits were more than capable of halting an invasion and winning the air war.
DeleteMuch of how we see these things will be shaped by the factors we believe cause Hamas to exist. I think religious ideology plays a much lesser role than that of the Kapos.
I think Religious Ideology is the root cause of all this horror. One bunch of crazy Arabs against another bunch of crazy Arabs keen on obliterating the other and pontificating the alleged divine mandate given to them by different versions of the same God. Israel was set up as a Jewish homeland. The Palestinians were there for a long time and became Muslim. What really is the sick joke is seeing when you delve into the DNA...they all come from the same bloody people.
DeleteRegardless, all of this war is an abomination. The Israeli's need to get out and a UN peacekeeping force needs to go in to help the people.
Cam Comments
ReplyDeleteThemselves Alone - just read that.
Great article.
I can't say I enjoyed it for there is nothing enjoyable about reports on genocide but you took the gloves off with that one.
America has seriously lost the high ground and Zelensky's war is fading from public memory.
I now have met people who were very supportive of Zelensky but now have turned against him.
Putin has won - both on the ground and on the airwaves thanks to the Zionists.
A previous blog used the term JudeoFascism.It has connotations in Ukraine.Zelensky is Jewish and has paid 7 million Dollars to buy a property for his Parents in Occupied Palestine.He also is allied to the Neo Nazi Azov Battalion and has released commemorative Stamps honouring Ukrainian Nationalist Collaborator Bandera who slaughtered Jews in Occupied Ukraine.Zelensky is currently visiting the extreme psuedo Libertarian Capitalist President of Argentina and is feted by every Right Wing Racist in action today.Zionism is Religious/Nationalist Fundamentalism.Like all Fascism it knows only one way.It refuses to compromise and its Neoliberal Economic model is supplemented by an Armed wing which in Europe is NATO and elsewhere by the US War Machine.An evil matrix that survives via Mass Surveillance,Fortress Europe and economic and military terrorism.
ReplyDeleteWhat edition of RT did you distill that conspiratorial piffle from. Russia invaded Ukraine first in 2014 and then in 2022, remember.
DeletePutin is feted by every shade of fat right nationalist opinion from Trump to Le Pen and Farage.
ReplyDeleteQuestion.....I walk into your house and kick you and your family out. Would you use any and all force necessary to take back what is rightfully yours or suck it up and take it on the chin and do nothing?
Horrendous and I think by now the Gazans have got the message. The best they can hope for is to hand over the hostages and give up.
Open up the Alec McCrory Finkelstein And Hamas piece, maybe you missed 2nd last comment, I asked you what hostages are you talking about? I linked examples of the IDF kidnapping 12,13 and 14yr kids from the West Bank who are then thrown into a prison and tortured and sometimes sexually abused. Or do you only mean the hostages kidnapped by Hamas on the 7th Oct? In the same piece I also linked articles showing that from 'the sea to the Jordan river' there are tens of billions of dollars worth of oil and gas. I linked a few sources in the comments. In the Finkelstein And Hamas piece you said
The fact that there is a successful Jewish state surrounded by enemies and the sea and is one of the only places in the region that does NOT have oil and is yet prosperous really gets their goat.
Here you say something similar.....
Israel was set up as a Jewish homeland. The Palestinians were there for a long time and became Muslim.
The modern state of Israel was set up for Zionists by Zionist's---not as a Jewish homeland but a Zionist state. And the 'comment' I think you missed I put a few Zionist links you should check out....
There's only going to be one armed group standing after the dust settles and it won't be Hamas.
Hamas are going no where. They'll re-group and keep fighting. And if you answered "yes, I'd use all means necessary" to the first question I asked, then you'd do what Hamas are doing.....
I think Religious Ideology is the root cause of all this horror.
Religion isn't the 'root cause'...All the 'horrors' on this rock are simply down to a few thousand billionaires who control the worlds finances.
One bunch of crazy Arabs against another bunch of crazy Arabs keen on obliterating the other and pontificating the alleged divine mandate given to them by different versions of the same God.
What's your take on 'one bunch of crazy Orthodox Christians against another bunch of crazy Orthodox Christians'........ Two Orthodox Christian countries at war.....
"President Vladimir Putin’s decision to attack Ukraine has split the Orthodox Church. Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, a leading authority of the Eastern Orthodox Church, quickly condemned the “unprovoked invasion of Ukraine.”
By contrast, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, has supported the war, which he claimed in a sermon was a struggle to defend “human civilization” against the “sin” of “gay-pride parades.”
Regardless, all of this war is an abomination. The Israeli's need to get out and a UN peacekeeping force needs to go in to help the people.
Why not apply the same logic to Ukraine/Russia and send NATO home and let the UN keep the peace (they can kinda keep the peace in Kosovo).
What really is the sick joke is seeing when you delve into the DNA...they all come from the same bloody people.
Watch these two videos fro a YT channel called 'Useful charts'.....Jewish Denominations Explained once you get to the end you'll understand why not all of "the same bloody people" share the same DNA. The 2nd video is called Who Controlled Jerusalem the Longest?. Spoiler alert it isn't Jews or 'crazy Arabs' who have controlled Jerusalem the longest.
ReplyDeleteI get the impression you think I'm rooting for Israel, I'm not an my apologies if I gave you that impression. I'm really quite time poor so I cannot do a deep dive and watch all you link to I'm afraid.
"One bunch of crazy Arabs against another bunch of crazy Arabs keen on obliterating the other and pontificating the alleged divine mandate given to them by different versions of the same God.
What's your take on 'one bunch of crazy Orthodox Christians against another bunch of crazy Orthodox Christians'........ Two Orthodox Christian countries at war....."
Quite simply, Hitchens was right. Organised religion poisons everything.
ReplyDeleteI get the impression you think I'm rooting for Israel, I'm not an my apologies if I gave you that impression. I'm really quite time poor so I cannot do a deep dive and watch all you link to I'm afraid.
It's how it reads......
Quite simply, Hitchens was right. Organised religion poisons everything.
Hitchens likes the sound of his own voice....
Here is my comprehensive response to Howard Jacobson's awful and highly misleading opinion piece: @joshxhowie @howardjacobson @observer @guardian
ReplyDeleteAdrian - thanks for sharing that with us.