There Is No Availability Of Mental Health Services For Combatants
No ceasefire for the minds
The walking wounded wander,
Every day they ponder
On the life that they have squandered
A war rages in their minds
Each day their mind replay it
They struggle to stay away from it
Like a movie, their mind keeps playing it
A war rages in their minds
The steel cell door slams hard
They walk around the yard
A mind thinking very hard
A war rages in their minds
They can’t get help to fix it
If they speak, they’ll get convicted
The spiral just gets deeper
A war rages in their minds
horror they have seen
Plays out on their minds' screen
It haunts them everywhere
A war rages in their minds
If they visit an NHS physician
And tell them their position
The police will be informed
A war rages in their minds
They said there was a ceasefire
The war was really over
But the memories are never over
A war rages in their minds
So true, and mental health support is also needed for the children of combatants and partners