Brendan Curran with a poem from his expansive body of work.


 There Is No Availability Of Mental Health Services For Combatants 

No ceasefire for the minds

The walking wounded wander,
Every day they ponder
On the life that they have squandered
A war rages in their minds
Each day their mind replay it
They struggle to stay away from it
Like a movie, their mind keeps playing it
A war rages in their minds
The steel cell door slams hard
They walk around the yard
A mind thinking very hard
A war rages in their minds
They can’t get help to fix it
If they speak, they’ll get convicted
The spiral just gets deeper
A war rages in their minds
horror they have seen
Plays out on their minds' screen
It haunts them everywhere
A war rages in their minds
If they visit an NHS physician
And tell them their position
The police will be informed
A war rages in their minds
They said there was a ceasefire
The war was really over
But the memories are never over
A war rages in their minds

⏩ Brendan Curran, The Poet Without A Pen.

There Is No Availability Of Mental Health Services For Combatants

Brendan Curran with a poem from his expansive body of work.


 There Is No Availability Of Mental Health Services For Combatants 

No ceasefire for the minds

The walking wounded wander,
Every day they ponder
On the life that they have squandered
A war rages in their minds
Each day their mind replay it
They struggle to stay away from it
Like a movie, their mind keeps playing it
A war rages in their minds
The steel cell door slams hard
They walk around the yard
A mind thinking very hard
A war rages in their minds
They can’t get help to fix it
If they speak, they’ll get convicted
The spiral just gets deeper
A war rages in their minds
horror they have seen
Plays out on their minds' screen
It haunts them everywhere
A war rages in their minds
If they visit an NHS physician
And tell them their position
The police will be informed
A war rages in their minds
They said there was a ceasefire
The war was really over
But the memories are never over
A war rages in their minds

⏩ Brendan Curran, The Poet Without A Pen.

1 comment:

  1. So true, and mental health support is also needed for the children of combatants and partners
