The Irish And The Craic
An Irish word in a sentence, or put in a refrain,
its letters crammed together, can put a conversation aflame
Alone it sounds so empty, it doesn’t always mean the same,
it’s constant use in English can drive the listener insane
But once you get the meaning, and how to put it in a phrase,
you will use it as a greeting, and the ‘craic’ will never be the same
The craic word can mean anything, and mean so much more besides
If some one even looks at you, you can make the ‘craic’ word snide
What’s the story, with your man over there? Is all you have to say
Sure you know the craic with him, and just look and turn way
The word has traveled all around the world, where once it was never heard
So I’m gonna tell you all about the ‘craic’, so you can join the Irish herd
when you hear the word craic mentioned, don’t even look or stare
Just smile and nod your head, as if the word ‘craic’ was always there
People who hear it, love it, they can't stop using it every day,
Did you hear the craic? - what is the craic? - will be all they want to say
Have ye any craic this morning? never heard any craic today,
Sure there is no craic over there, its craic, craic, craic all day
‘Craic’ is not religious, or political a-tall,
its told up on the Shankill Rd, and its told up on the Falls,
‘Craic’ is the only Gaelic word, that can cross the political divide,
the craic is there for everyone, it doesn’t take a political side
But In Belfast, you're in trouble, if they ask you round the back
and they look at you between the eyes and say, Naigh, listen, here’s the craic
Belfast, is only place I am certain, and it’s fairly safe to say,
you’ll never hear any craic between the Ra, and the UDA
There is only one other place, this to you I tell,
the only place you don’t want the craic
is down Below in hell
The ‘craic’ comes with a health warning,
even with a ‘beware’
if you tell the American police ‘you’ve loads of craic’
they will put your ass in stir.
But In Dublin the craic is ninety, where they drink Guinness night and day
You just walk in to any pub and you’ll immediately hear them say ... what’s the craic?
So many countries produce amazing things, none better I must say
Than the worldwide Irish greeting , ‘what’s the ‘craic’ with you today’.
That was excellent....