A Morning Thought @ 1171



  1. Bat flu....

    One of the people who was pushing for everyone on this rock to have a vaccine because of a bug (in fact he has been pushing vaccines for a very long time) is Bad Billy Boy Gates.

    Apart from his own operating system being plagued with virus after virus, he was very good friends with non other than Jeffery Epstein.

    If anyone thinks I am going to listen to someone who was very good friends with a convicted sex offender/trafficker, they have another thing coming.

    1. frankie,

      I too , don't not listen to Bill Gates on vaccination...there are thousands more qualified than him telling me it's the right thing to do!

  2. you have access to the internet, so why not click on the link with the music being discussed and make up your own mind instead of being put off for some weird reason.

    Stevie, that was the advice Christopher Owens gave to someone on Metal Ireland. I think it's great advice. Personally I've been opening links since they were invented. The worst that can happen is I get a virus.

    While we both agree Bad Billy Boy Gates isn't to be trusted on any level, the truth is he is the WHO. While you are topping up your tan in some south Pacific island living under medical martial law (watch it, fully transcribed and source links). Then when you have time open this and watch Who Is Bill Gates?.

    The two links are from The Corberttreport. James Corbertt simply goes where the evidence leads him. He is against censorship, his integrity, his site is up there with the TPQ for honesty.

    1. For those of you like opening links:


  3. What you make of they Afghans blatantly flouting social distancing rules at Kabul airport, I mean how selfish is that? some people

    1. That's so fucking funny, David. Have you thought of doing a comedy benefit gig for refugees?

    2. I certainly will not, for covidiots? They shall be ostracized and sneered upon. Rules is rules

  4. Proven to be risky behaviour, David.

  5. Barry,

    I opened the link (copy/pasted) and fact checked your link and to be honest reviews aren't great...(from wiki)

    The Columbia Journalism Review describes Media Bias/Fact Check as an amateur attempt at categorizing media bias and Van Zandt as an "armchair media analyst". The Poynter Institute notes, "Media Bias/Fact Check is a widely cited source for news stories and even studies about misinformation, despite the fact that its method is in no way scientific

    All Corbertt does is ask questions. He transcribes his videos and provided links to fact check things for yourself. Personally I have been following Corbertt since 2008.

    Barry 17 mins of your life. Watch it and come back tell the world what parts you think are factually incorrect. And back it up with sources and not some academic bullshit.
