Dixie ElliotIn the 2006 Saint Andrew’s Agreement talks the British government promised to pass an Irish Language Act at Westminster.

Sinn Féin wanted it to be devolved to Stormont.

The following year in 2007, Edwin Poots told the Sinn Féiners up in Stormont that it wasn't getting past him.
Ten years pass and there's barely a mention of the Irish Language Act from Sinn Féin.

January 2017 and Sinn Féin demands that Arlene Foster steps aside as First Minister until after the RHI Inquiry.

Arlene Foster refuses to step aside so Martin McGuinness is forced to resign as Deputy First Minister.

Sinn Féin announced that there would be no return to the status quo without an Irish Language Act.

A three year stand off ensued before Sinn Féin were forced to crawl back into the status quo empty-handed.

June 2021: Sinn Féin calls the Tories... "Er Boris, could you legislate for that Irish Language Act at Westminster?"

"We said we'd legislate for an Irish Language Act in Westminster back in 2006... where have you been since then?"

"Tied up in Stormont but that doesn't include the three years we weren't in Stormont because of the Irish Language Act."

"OK then, you did help us out with Welfare Reform."

"Could you consider a border poll sometime soon as well?"

"You Want More!"

Thomas Dixie Elliot is a Derry artist and a former H Block Blanketman.
Follow Dixie Elliot on Twitter @IsMise_Dixie

Sinn Féin Are Hailing This As A Victory

Dixie ElliotIn the 2006 Saint Andrew’s Agreement talks the British government promised to pass an Irish Language Act at Westminster.

Sinn Féin wanted it to be devolved to Stormont.

The following year in 2007, Edwin Poots told the Sinn Féiners up in Stormont that it wasn't getting past him.
Ten years pass and there's barely a mention of the Irish Language Act from Sinn Féin.

January 2017 and Sinn Féin demands that Arlene Foster steps aside as First Minister until after the RHI Inquiry.

Arlene Foster refuses to step aside so Martin McGuinness is forced to resign as Deputy First Minister.

Sinn Féin announced that there would be no return to the status quo without an Irish Language Act.

A three year stand off ensued before Sinn Féin were forced to crawl back into the status quo empty-handed.

June 2021: Sinn Féin calls the Tories... "Er Boris, could you legislate for that Irish Language Act at Westminster?"

"We said we'd legislate for an Irish Language Act in Westminster back in 2006... where have you been since then?"

"Tied up in Stormont but that doesn't include the three years we weren't in Stormont because of the Irish Language Act."

"OK then, you did help us out with Welfare Reform."

"Could you consider a border poll sometime soon as well?"

"You Want More!"

Thomas Dixie Elliot is a Derry artist and a former H Block Blanketman.
Follow Dixie Elliot on Twitter @IsMise_Dixie


  1. Witty as always, Dixie.
    Given what victory used to mean this is a long way off. At one time it would have been regarded as the wooden spoon.
    It is easy to understand SF inflating its significance. Not so easy to understand is why Dickie Dinosaur thought he could push it over the line within the DUP. Sammy Wilson identified the problem immediately and from that point on it seemed his position was untenable. His belief in idiocy such as the earth being 6000 years old was a clear indication that he was a man with no hold on reality. The minute he became DUP leader it was a date with disaster, a train wreck waiting to happen.

  2. Asking a government which Sinn Fein were supposedly committed to removing from Irish soil, for a favour which in reality was a suppossed right, is considered a victory? What happened to we'll send them home in boxes? What happened to; the British Government never have had, have not and never can have any right in Ireland? Now Sinn Fein, obviously accepting partition, are asking the occupying government to enact laws for them! Could anybody imagine Marshal Tito asking Berlin to legislate for Yugoslavia during the German occupation? Should Sinn Fein not be cooperating with the British Government? Not only are they cooperating, it appears they are part of it! Expect nothing less, read the GFA and the - at best lack of clarity - at worst a Bible of contradictions and con tricks and to justify signing the thing it now appears Sinn Fein (provisional) will do anything to convince people the party did the right thing by signing it. Suddenly the British Government are Sinn Feins friends! Sounds a bit like an imaginary situation back in 1984/85 Arthur Scargill having afternoon tea with Margaret Thatcher, with Ian MaGreggor serving on while 180,000 miners families starve!!
