Caoimhin O’MuraileAs the Covid-19 pandemic continues to spread across the globe in its now varying guises the question we must ask is; could this be a way of nature fighting back against the abuse inflicted on the planet by her troublesome tenants, man?

Unfortunately, nature is incapable of cognitive thought, thus it cannot differentiate between a few thousand mega-rich capitalists, the owners of the transnational corporations, space programme companies such as SPACEX and other conglomerates, who cause most of the problems inflicted on the planet, and the rest of humanity. 

It is these companies and their modes of production, dating back to the first Industrial Revolution, beginning around 1760-80, which through the centuries have been largely responsible for what we now know as climate change and global warming. 

The question is, could these increases in the earth’s temperatures be contributing towards this virus? As we know both bacteria, and viruses can ebb and flow in different temperatures. Could the recent increases in temperature, resulting in the polar icecaps melting at an ever-increasing rate have any bearing on the rise and spread of SARS-COV 2 (COVID-19)? Could the present virus able to survive in the temperatures on earth now, whereas previously it may have been a fraction of a degree too cold for it to live? If these fluctuations in global temperatures are connected you can bet your last euro, or pound, dollar or any other currency the various virologists will not tell us. Even if they wanted to, should this theory be the case, they would be silenced. Is there a connection? Or are the increases in global temperatures and the rise of COVID-19 merely coincidental? I for one am not a great believer in coincidences.

Space exploration and transport, another source of planetary destruction, is on the increase and as more countries join the space club, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) being the latest, and the privatisation of future space travel by the likes of Eon Musk, space traffic will increase as could planetary and atmospheric damage. Could these probable negative impacts see more mutations of COVID-19 to such a point they are vaccine resistant? 

We are already witnessing weather conditions hitherto unthinkable along with new forms of viral infections, such as the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) back in the early part of the century so what is next on the radar? Already, and in less than a year COVID has mutated more than once but, fortunately and as of yet, nothing which is showing vaccine resistance. That does not necessarily mean this will always be the case. As various companies distribute their vaccines, at a profit of course, how long before all of them become redundant? The worst company, in this apparent race for profit, appears to be AstraZeneca who promised a certain number of vaccines, then went back on their commitments, making all kinds of excuses all of which are probably bullshit. 

Break it all down and it roughly translates to vaccine rationing, meaning they are restricting the amounts in order to increase prices and profits. Even in a pandemic when, let’s face it, humanity is at risk, and all vaccines should be [ideally] distributed to countries free of charge by these already mega-rich companies, they cannot, it appears, resist causing further problems in pursuit of greater profits. While they are playing monopoly with people’s lives the chances of a vaccine resistant COVID mutation may increase! If this becomes the case what then for the human race? Extinction perhaps? 

While governments around the world try to get schools back on track, what kind of future lies in store for today’s students? What will their working environment be? Will working from home become the normal way, whether employees like it or not? Have the trade unions asked themselves this question? If not, why not?

Another aspect of planetary vandalism which may, and I emphasise may, have a relevance in this pandemic is deforestation. The Tropical Rain Forests are being decimated at an alarming rate – clearing land for development and profit – and these forests are the planets lungs. They are a central part of the ecosystem which are being destroyed purposely by a few greedy selfish profiteers. The point I am trying to make is these trees, as all plant life exhale oxygen which we breath in, thus allowing us to exist. Now with less and less of these lungs providing humans, and other mammals, with the oxygen we need eventually, if this destruction continues, we shall all suffocate. With less oxygen to breath people who suffer with respiratory diseases, such as COVID-19 and Asthma may well fall by the wayside as those with healthier lungs take in more oxygen, which there is less of. This may sound a far-fetched analysis and it may well be, but if there is less oxygen for a larger population surely the susceptible amongst us will suffer. Does that make sense?

Maybe nature has had enough of us and being unable to differentiate between the guilty minority and innocent vast majority, we will all suffer. For decades now people like the eminent conservationist and scientist David Attenborough have been telling us if we do not mend our ways the planet will suffer greatly. He is predated by Karl Marx and his collaborator, Frederic Engels, the latter who, at the height of the first Industrial Revolution, stated; “Of Irelands 32,509 English square miles, 13,243 lie between sea-level and 250 feet.” Engels continued to inform his listeners of the day:

The centre of Ireland, north and south of the line from Dublin to Galway, forms a wide plain at an average height of 100-300 feet above sea-level. 

We do not have to be mathematicians to realise that if sea-levels continue to rise, largely due to global warming caused greatly by the modes of production, we are in trouble. Could this potential problem, compounded by ever mutating forms of COVID-19 which may also be a result of climate change be the slow demise of humanity? Nature’s way of saying enough is enough, goodbye and good riddance? Could these be reasons why Eon Musk wants to colonise the planet Mars for a few very wealthy people to live, leaving the rest of us to our fate?

I am only posing alternative questions here, and that is all they are, questions. They are not definite facts regarding the decline in the planet and that declines relationship to the present pandemic, but given the dribble we have been fed for the past twelve months these questions may be food for thought, and not very nice food at that.

Caoimhin O’Muraile is a Dublin 
based Marxist and author. 

The Pandemic – Could It Be Nature’s Way Of Fighting Back?

Caoimhin O’MuraileAs the Covid-19 pandemic continues to spread across the globe in its now varying guises the question we must ask is; could this be a way of nature fighting back against the abuse inflicted on the planet by her troublesome tenants, man?

Unfortunately, nature is incapable of cognitive thought, thus it cannot differentiate between a few thousand mega-rich capitalists, the owners of the transnational corporations, space programme companies such as SPACEX and other conglomerates, who cause most of the problems inflicted on the planet, and the rest of humanity. 

It is these companies and their modes of production, dating back to the first Industrial Revolution, beginning around 1760-80, which through the centuries have been largely responsible for what we now know as climate change and global warming. 

The question is, could these increases in the earth’s temperatures be contributing towards this virus? As we know both bacteria, and viruses can ebb and flow in different temperatures. Could the recent increases in temperature, resulting in the polar icecaps melting at an ever-increasing rate have any bearing on the rise and spread of SARS-COV 2 (COVID-19)? Could the present virus able to survive in the temperatures on earth now, whereas previously it may have been a fraction of a degree too cold for it to live? If these fluctuations in global temperatures are connected you can bet your last euro, or pound, dollar or any other currency the various virologists will not tell us. Even if they wanted to, should this theory be the case, they would be silenced. Is there a connection? Or are the increases in global temperatures and the rise of COVID-19 merely coincidental? I for one am not a great believer in coincidences.

Space exploration and transport, another source of planetary destruction, is on the increase and as more countries join the space club, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) being the latest, and the privatisation of future space travel by the likes of Eon Musk, space traffic will increase as could planetary and atmospheric damage. Could these probable negative impacts see more mutations of COVID-19 to such a point they are vaccine resistant? 

We are already witnessing weather conditions hitherto unthinkable along with new forms of viral infections, such as the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) back in the early part of the century so what is next on the radar? Already, and in less than a year COVID has mutated more than once but, fortunately and as of yet, nothing which is showing vaccine resistance. That does not necessarily mean this will always be the case. As various companies distribute their vaccines, at a profit of course, how long before all of them become redundant? The worst company, in this apparent race for profit, appears to be AstraZeneca who promised a certain number of vaccines, then went back on their commitments, making all kinds of excuses all of which are probably bullshit. 

Break it all down and it roughly translates to vaccine rationing, meaning they are restricting the amounts in order to increase prices and profits. Even in a pandemic when, let’s face it, humanity is at risk, and all vaccines should be [ideally] distributed to countries free of charge by these already mega-rich companies, they cannot, it appears, resist causing further problems in pursuit of greater profits. While they are playing monopoly with people’s lives the chances of a vaccine resistant COVID mutation may increase! If this becomes the case what then for the human race? Extinction perhaps? 

While governments around the world try to get schools back on track, what kind of future lies in store for today’s students? What will their working environment be? Will working from home become the normal way, whether employees like it or not? Have the trade unions asked themselves this question? If not, why not?

Another aspect of planetary vandalism which may, and I emphasise may, have a relevance in this pandemic is deforestation. The Tropical Rain Forests are being decimated at an alarming rate – clearing land for development and profit – and these forests are the planets lungs. They are a central part of the ecosystem which are being destroyed purposely by a few greedy selfish profiteers. The point I am trying to make is these trees, as all plant life exhale oxygen which we breath in, thus allowing us to exist. Now with less and less of these lungs providing humans, and other mammals, with the oxygen we need eventually, if this destruction continues, we shall all suffocate. With less oxygen to breath people who suffer with respiratory diseases, such as COVID-19 and Asthma may well fall by the wayside as those with healthier lungs take in more oxygen, which there is less of. This may sound a far-fetched analysis and it may well be, but if there is less oxygen for a larger population surely the susceptible amongst us will suffer. Does that make sense?

Maybe nature has had enough of us and being unable to differentiate between the guilty minority and innocent vast majority, we will all suffer. For decades now people like the eminent conservationist and scientist David Attenborough have been telling us if we do not mend our ways the planet will suffer greatly. He is predated by Karl Marx and his collaborator, Frederic Engels, the latter who, at the height of the first Industrial Revolution, stated; “Of Irelands 32,509 English square miles, 13,243 lie between sea-level and 250 feet.” Engels continued to inform his listeners of the day:

The centre of Ireland, north and south of the line from Dublin to Galway, forms a wide plain at an average height of 100-300 feet above sea-level. 

We do not have to be mathematicians to realise that if sea-levels continue to rise, largely due to global warming caused greatly by the modes of production, we are in trouble. Could this potential problem, compounded by ever mutating forms of COVID-19 which may also be a result of climate change be the slow demise of humanity? Nature’s way of saying enough is enough, goodbye and good riddance? Could these be reasons why Eon Musk wants to colonise the planet Mars for a few very wealthy people to live, leaving the rest of us to our fate?

I am only posing alternative questions here, and that is all they are, questions. They are not definite facts regarding the decline in the planet and that declines relationship to the present pandemic, but given the dribble we have been fed for the past twelve months these questions may be food for thought, and not very nice food at that.

Caoimhin O’Muraile is a Dublin 
based Marxist and author. 


  1. Caoimhin - There is an interesting argument to be developed here. As you point out nature is blind and without intent. There is always a way in which evolution addresses these questions and drives towards what can survive.
    A parallel argument I came across has been one made by religious lunatics who suggest it is their god's way of hitting back at humanity for its sins.
    I know that is ridiculous but the fact that some of them actually welcome the virus and praise their god for sending it. That mindset is even more sick than anything the virus produces.

  2. AM, I agree, these nutters are always with us. During the bubonic plague a crowd of these headbangers went around flogging themselves half to death for offending God. It was hoped God would look sympathetically on these besotted wretches and spare them the plague. Needless to say it spared them nothing. Todays religious nutters may perhaps be better asking questions of their god. For example;if God is all powefull then would he/she/it not wipe away COVID with a wave of the eternal hand? If God is all caring would he/she/it not spare us meek and humble souls the horrors of the pandemic? Perahaps God is neither all powerfull, or all caring! More to the point maybe, just maybe, this God does not exist!!!
    Nature, which has nothing to do with superstitious rubbish, may be countering the behavoural patterns of a few greedy, "God fearing" capitalists. These same capitalists, epitomised by the Bilderberg Group, are using this pandemic as a smoke screen to change all our lives, minus pleasure, and we are idiot enough to fall for it.

    Caoimhin O'Muraile
