It's Still Only Thursday ➤ The social media accounts of the republican troll group ‘Ladfleg’ have been taken offline. 

The group, which began in 2012, presented itself as a “parody” (although a parody of what remains unclear), and a “satirical group”.

In reality, they were an organised trolling group, which, amongst other things, bullied a woman who was terminally ill with cancer, harassed Unionist elected representatives (especially women), doxxed teenagers, attempted to have criminal charges brought against a Christian pastor, targeted Ashers bakery, repeatedly used the sectarian slur “hun”, repeatedly called twitter users “c**ts”, mocked the Ulster-Scots language, insulted even the most moderate Unionists and, perhaps most seriously, set back community relations by years, dehumanising and demonising the entire working-class Loyalist community.“Satire”?

Although their demise has been lamented by republican extremists and, curiously, by members of the Alliance Party and a handful of others, the vast majority of people who knew what Ladfleg was were happy to see the group consigned to history.

Continue reading @ It's Still Only Thursday.

Ladfleg ➖ Gone But Not Forgiven

It's Still Only Thursday ➤ The social media accounts of the republican troll group ‘Ladfleg’ have been taken offline. 

The group, which began in 2012, presented itself as a “parody” (although a parody of what remains unclear), and a “satirical group”.

In reality, they were an organised trolling group, which, amongst other things, bullied a woman who was terminally ill with cancer, harassed Unionist elected representatives (especially women), doxxed teenagers, attempted to have criminal charges brought against a Christian pastor, targeted Ashers bakery, repeatedly used the sectarian slur “hun”, repeatedly called twitter users “c**ts”, mocked the Ulster-Scots language, insulted even the most moderate Unionists and, perhaps most seriously, set back community relations by years, dehumanising and demonising the entire working-class Loyalist community.“Satire”?

Although their demise has been lamented by republican extremists and, curiously, by members of the Alliance Party and a handful of others, the vast majority of people who knew what Ladfleg was were happy to see the group consigned to history.

Continue reading @ It's Still Only Thursday.


  1. It went beyond parody and into naked sectarianism.

  2. Really funny at the start then descended into pure invective and trolling
