Harry Saul Markham, a student in London and the director of a Jewish educational movement, writes in Israel Hayom ➤ Anyone that suggests the Palestinians will erase these memories or feelings for this land through a change in leadership or for political expediency, simply does not understand the Palestinian narrative.
A Jewish state based on universal suffrage and the protection of rights and liberties for all has flourished for over 72 years. For those of us that campaign for Israel, the line "Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East" has been our trump card. Israel is certainly the oasis of democracy in a neighborhood of autocratic and police states. Although for many, the future of a democratic and Jewish state is in peril. This is certainly the view of one of the world's largest liberal Zionist organizations, J Street ...
I would agree that the democratic future of the Jewish state is in real danger. And although I am in favor of maintaining the status quo for as long as possible, I do not believe it will be eternally sustainable, and one day, therefore, there will need to be a permanent solution to this conflict.
However, I do not believe the proposed two-state solution is the answer.
Continue reading @ Israel Hayom.
Very interesting article which goes to the heart of the semming intractability of the Israel/Palestine conflict . A starting point to resoove this eternal imbroglio could be a simultaneous (even if only symbolic) mutual renunciation of the Jewish Law of Return and the Palestninan Rigght of Return. A tall order I accept but thdre has to be some imaginmative, 'out of the box thinking to get even half way towaqrds a lasting solution.
ReplyDeleteI don't find it interesting. Yet another Zionist using flowery language to tell us what we already know, nothing is off the table with them. They'll justify any outrage imaginable using the argument that one the strongest militaries in the world backed by the global super power is somehow under threat of extinction. It is the same illogical argument my whole life.