Enda CraigWe Have Arrived At The Crossroads To A New World Order ... The Old Ways Are Considered A Threat.

We all accept the existence of a virus that has shown itself to be dangerous to a large section of the elderly population.

What is not acceptable is the amplification of it's dangers by trickle down world establishment who are using it to implement a new way of living to suit Their agenda and on their terms.

The old ways were crumbling and imploding.

Massive and effective protests in the world's capital cities sent a clear message that change was inevitable.

What we are seeing unfolding on the world stage is a pre-emptive strike by the Elites to stop this people-change in its tracks and implement a new system on their terms.

Fear has been identified as the ' silver-bullet ' as they exploit the understandable concerns of the people at large.

People who may not be completely convinced of the threat in the end will apply the ' Precautionary Principle ' .... better to be safe than sorry.

What's happening is a sophisticated psychological strategy assembled by some of the most brilliant minds available ... they believe they know exactly how to make the people compliant.

⏭ Enda Craig is Donegal community activist.

At The Crossroads To A New World Order

Enda CraigWe Have Arrived At The Crossroads To A New World Order ... The Old Ways Are Considered A Threat.

We all accept the existence of a virus that has shown itself to be dangerous to a large section of the elderly population.

What is not acceptable is the amplification of it's dangers by trickle down world establishment who are using it to implement a new way of living to suit Their agenda and on their terms.

The old ways were crumbling and imploding.

Massive and effective protests in the world's capital cities sent a clear message that change was inevitable.

What we are seeing unfolding on the world stage is a pre-emptive strike by the Elites to stop this people-change in its tracks and implement a new system on their terms.

Fear has been identified as the ' silver-bullet ' as they exploit the understandable concerns of the people at large.

People who may not be completely convinced of the threat in the end will apply the ' Precautionary Principle ' .... better to be safe than sorry.

What's happening is a sophisticated psychological strategy assembled by some of the most brilliant minds available ... they believe they know exactly how to make the people compliant.

⏭ Enda Craig is Donegal community activist.

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