Chris Fogarty takes issue with a book on the Irish "Famine".

One of the scandals of our era is that Ireland’s government and its National University are denying the fact that Ireland’s “famine” was a genocide meticulously-executed from London. A Short History of Ireland’s Famine is a shocking disappointment; so unexpectedly deceptive. Its author, Professor O’Donnell, had assured me of his opposition to the Irish “famine” lie, of his respect for the murdered millions, and of his efforts, despite Ireland’s corrupt academia, to inculcate truth samizdat-style into his best students in the hope that some might become the next generation of historians. This “potato famine” book demolishes its author’s assurances. Its “famine” contention was pre-refuted starting in 1846 when the Cork Examiner newspaper began to refer to that 1845-1850 genocide as a “Holocaust of humanity.”

The book is condemned by its own back-cover blurb. It reads:
The Great Famine of the 1840s was Ireland’s greatest disaster: potato blight repeatedly devastated crops and led to colossal loss of life and mass emigration to Britain, the USA and Australia.
That is the genocide-concealing omission exactly as taught until recently in schools on both sides of the Atlantic. It could have been written by genocidists Charles Trevelyan or Lord Heytesbury.

This book is a late-stage revival of the “famine” lie when tens if not hundreds of thousands have learned which British regiment starved their Irish relatives. It was written forty-six years after Cecil Woodham-Smith published the “famine” - refuting fact that Ireland starved because its agricultural products were removed at British gunpoint. By naming thirteen of the perpetrating British army regiments Ms. Woodham-Smith broke an important taboo. Ireland’s establishment and academia slandered her for the next three decades. This book attempts to re-set public knowledge back to pre-Woodham-Smith’s revelations. Its author O’Donnell, for the past three years, has had a copy of my work that names each of Britain’s sixty-seven regiments that removed Ireland’s food crops to the ports for export. From my book Author O’Donnell knew the dates that each of the sixty-seven regiments entered and exited each garrison in Ireland, the volumes of food they removed, and that General Sir Edward Blakeney was commander-in-chief of that genocide from its beginning to its successful end, and that complicit Queen Victoria, in 1849, conferred on him a prestigious Order of the Bath.

The sources of this A Short History of Ireland’s Famine are the Who’s Who of Ireland’s history fabricators; it conceals the following crucial facts:

1) It was no famine. The British army perpetrated it. Their essentially sole mission in Ireland in those years was the robbery from Ireland’s producers of their abundant and varied edibles; flour, oatmeal, grains, vegetables, meats and livestock, dairy- and poultry-products, etc.

2) Ireland’s land was then “owned” by English landlords. Their land-titles were conquest-based, and their usurpations of the wealth created by everyone on “their” typically 20,000-30,000 acre estates were enforced by the British army. International outrage forced the British government, in 1900-1920, to buy them out. Upon receipt of the above-market prices, they repatriated to England and their estates were “striped” into, typically, 28-acre survival farms for Ireland’s producers, its indigenes, with an acre or two of the nearest bog for fuel. So munificent were those “golden handshakes” given to the landlords that to enable amortization from those small farms the repayment period was set at 68.5 years. My father and all of our neighboring farmers in Co. Roscommon and presumably the rest of Ireland, were still paying off that “debt” into the 1970s after which Ireland’s centuries of destitution ended. .

3) While removing Ireland’s edibles, the army was not in mutiny; it was enforcing orders from London.

4) In addition to the sixty-seven regiments, the food removal was implemented by Ireland’s English-officered constabulary, by 37 English landlord-commanded militia regiments, by the British Coast Guard and navy including its marines.

5) Ireland’s hundreds of Holocaust mass graves. They provide eloquent testimony as to the mission of those regiments.

Ruan O'Donnell, 2015, A Short History of Ireland's Famine. O'Brien Press: ASIN: B015HHP7RQ

⏩ Chris Fogarty is the author of Ireland 1845-1850: the Perfect Holocaust, and Who Kept it "Perfect."

A Short History of Ireland’s Famine

Chris Fogarty takes issue with a book on the Irish "Famine".

One of the scandals of our era is that Ireland’s government and its National University are denying the fact that Ireland’s “famine” was a genocide meticulously-executed from London. A Short History of Ireland’s Famine is a shocking disappointment; so unexpectedly deceptive. Its author, Professor O’Donnell, had assured me of his opposition to the Irish “famine” lie, of his respect for the murdered millions, and of his efforts, despite Ireland’s corrupt academia, to inculcate truth samizdat-style into his best students in the hope that some might become the next generation of historians. This “potato famine” book demolishes its author’s assurances. Its “famine” contention was pre-refuted starting in 1846 when the Cork Examiner newspaper began to refer to that 1845-1850 genocide as a “Holocaust of humanity.”

The book is condemned by its own back-cover blurb. It reads:
The Great Famine of the 1840s was Ireland’s greatest disaster: potato blight repeatedly devastated crops and led to colossal loss of life and mass emigration to Britain, the USA and Australia.
That is the genocide-concealing omission exactly as taught until recently in schools on both sides of the Atlantic. It could have been written by genocidists Charles Trevelyan or Lord Heytesbury.

This book is a late-stage revival of the “famine” lie when tens if not hundreds of thousands have learned which British regiment starved their Irish relatives. It was written forty-six years after Cecil Woodham-Smith published the “famine” - refuting fact that Ireland starved because its agricultural products were removed at British gunpoint. By naming thirteen of the perpetrating British army regiments Ms. Woodham-Smith broke an important taboo. Ireland’s establishment and academia slandered her for the next three decades. This book attempts to re-set public knowledge back to pre-Woodham-Smith’s revelations. Its author O’Donnell, for the past three years, has had a copy of my work that names each of Britain’s sixty-seven regiments that removed Ireland’s food crops to the ports for export. From my book Author O’Donnell knew the dates that each of the sixty-seven regiments entered and exited each garrison in Ireland, the volumes of food they removed, and that General Sir Edward Blakeney was commander-in-chief of that genocide from its beginning to its successful end, and that complicit Queen Victoria, in 1849, conferred on him a prestigious Order of the Bath.

The sources of this A Short History of Ireland’s Famine are the Who’s Who of Ireland’s history fabricators; it conceals the following crucial facts:

1) It was no famine. The British army perpetrated it. Their essentially sole mission in Ireland in those years was the robbery from Ireland’s producers of their abundant and varied edibles; flour, oatmeal, grains, vegetables, meats and livestock, dairy- and poultry-products, etc.

2) Ireland’s land was then “owned” by English landlords. Their land-titles were conquest-based, and their usurpations of the wealth created by everyone on “their” typically 20,000-30,000 acre estates were enforced by the British army. International outrage forced the British government, in 1900-1920, to buy them out. Upon receipt of the above-market prices, they repatriated to England and their estates were “striped” into, typically, 28-acre survival farms for Ireland’s producers, its indigenes, with an acre or two of the nearest bog for fuel. So munificent were those “golden handshakes” given to the landlords that to enable amortization from those small farms the repayment period was set at 68.5 years. My father and all of our neighboring farmers in Co. Roscommon and presumably the rest of Ireland, were still paying off that “debt” into the 1970s after which Ireland’s centuries of destitution ended. .

3) While removing Ireland’s edibles, the army was not in mutiny; it was enforcing orders from London.

4) In addition to the sixty-seven regiments, the food removal was implemented by Ireland’s English-officered constabulary, by 37 English landlord-commanded militia regiments, by the British Coast Guard and navy including its marines.

5) Ireland’s hundreds of Holocaust mass graves. They provide eloquent testimony as to the mission of those regiments.

Ruan O'Donnell, 2015, A Short History of Ireland's Famine. O'Brien Press: ASIN: B015HHP7RQ

⏩ Chris Fogarty is the author of Ireland 1845-1850: the Perfect Holocaust, and Who Kept it "Perfect."

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