Seamus Daly Must Be Released On Bail
The ongoing case against Seamus Daly rumbles on despite the fact that the prosecution against Seamus relies solely on evidence that is over 15 years old and more importantly, to date has not been made available the court that has been remanding him on a near monthly basis. Seamus Daly has been incarcerated now for over a year, his liberty has been removed, while the prosecution play a game of deceit and sleight of hand with the Judiciary.
Each time Seamus' case has been brought up, conveniently to Omagh Magistrates Court, excuse after excuse is made by the prosecution team as to why they have not been able to produce any of the evidence they claim to have. Much of their reasoning is based on evidence to be secured from the 26 County state and that they are holding up proceedings. They generally proceed to give an undertaking to have said evidence within a certain time frame. The Court accepts this and remands Seamus back into Gaol. Time after time this time frame is not met.
On April 21st 2015, supposed evidence was once again not available to the court and in her frustration Judge Bernie Kelly made clear to the prosecution that they had six weeks in order to produce it. She further stated that failure to produce such evidence would strengthen the case to give Seamus bail. This is a matter of public record and was reported by the media. Seamus at this hearing was remanded once again until May 19th.
On May 19th 2015, With Seamus' case again in Omagh Magistrates Court and with pressure on the prosecution to produce any shred of evidence to justify his ongoing incarceration, all relevant parties turned up to hear what would emerge. Everyone that is, but the prosecution barrister. In an attempt to delay matters further the prosecution barrister sent someone who has not been involved in the case to represent the prosecution. This person stated that they did not know the details of the case and that the actual prosecution barrister was not available on that day. This was an obvious attempt to delay matters and undermine the instructions of the last hearing in which they were to have new evidence.
With the prosecution barrister not available on that day, we believe they hoped that the Judge would give an extension on the original six week time frame to produce the evidence. At this hearing Seamus was once again remanded back to Maghaberry. As the time frame closes Seamus will apply for bail. We believe this must be granted.
In the absence of any evidence against him, and the laws of natural justice, which is innocent until proven guilty, it would stand to reason that Seamus must now be released unconditionally or at a minimum be granted bail. The ongoing case against Seamus Daly is farcical. And we know from history that the British Government are only too willing to use a scapegoat to cover their incompetence. Cases such as the Birmingham six and the Guildford four, to name but two stand out in proof of this. We call on all those who believe in Justice and with any regard for human rights to use their voice to end the imprisonment of Seamus Daly.
Sounds reasonable, wont happen!