At Last, A Truthful U.S. Take

Ed Moloney with a piece from The Broken Elbow, commenting on Kevin Cullen's recent reporting of the Boston College oral history project. 
  • At Last, A Truthful U.S. (At Least More Truthful Than Usual) Take On The Boston College
Hats off to the Boston Globe’s Kevin Cullen for saying some essential truths in this National Public Radio (NPR) segment about the Belfast Project saga. Long overdue perhaps but most welcome nonetheless. And wonderfully ironic that a Bostonian said them. Thanks Kevin!
Saddest figure on the programme was BC’s resident lizard, Jack Dunn, shamed into silence by Kevin’s principled stand and unable to launch his customary torrent of lies against the project’s research staff. One priceless quote from Dunn was his lament that because of the subpoenas fewer people would be willing to participate in oral history projects in America. Nothing to do with BC’s cowardly capitulation, of course!
You can hear the programme here. Enjoy.