Organized Rage. It raises question over how the new manager of the England national soccer team dealt with the John Terry racism in sport controversy.
Roy Hodgson, the newly appointed England football manager’s decision to drop Rio Ferdinand, the Manchester United defender from his Euro 2012 squad whilst selecting John Terry, epitomizes all that is wrong with English football. No matter how much media hacks attempt to dress up this decision as one of a lack of fitness, few believe it. Not least because Rio has not missed a game through injury since January of this year.
When Hodgson was appointed it was hoped he would brings back some moral fibre into a game which at the 'highest level, has been reduced to the reactionary belief that success on the park should be bought and sold like any commodity. Thus two of our greatest clubs are owned by a Russian oligarch who gained his great wealth on the back of organized crime, and an Arab Sheikh, whose wealth was plundered from the State his father ruled over. It is beyond me how Chelsea and Manchester City fans can look at themselves in the mirror and believe they have won a major trophy by sporting ability.
The rest of the Premier League clubs are owned by the normal assortment of barrow boys who have always been involved in the game, and financial tricksters and property speculators of varying degrees of honesty and competence. Many brought their influence within premier league clubs by borrowing large sums of money which they quickly offloaded onto the books of the football club they then ‘owned.’ Thus Glasgow Rangers will not be the only well loved British football institution to go into administration.
On the pitch one man above all others has epitomized football’s moral decay, John Terry of Chelsea and England. A man who amongst a long list of misdemeanors has now added Rio Ferdinand's scalp to his trophy cabinet, as he was almost certainly responsible for Hodgson prematurely ending Rio’s England career as it is doubtful at 33 if he will get another chance at international level.
I suppose it is hardly surprising a sleaseball like Terry was appointed England captain and has held the post almost continuously throughout a period when government ministers, from Prime Minister down, believed enriching oneself financially at all cost was a beneficial national characteristic. First made England captain in August 2006, Mr Terry went on to skipper the side until earlier this year. Admittedly he was stood down twice due to his unsavoury behaviour off the pitch, but he has always been able to wangle his way back into the job. It is worth noting during his captaincy England have won diddley squat, nil in the footballing parlance. He might be an above average player, but he has the morals of an ally cat, and little ability to inspire people on to do greater things, how could he when he spends much of his personal life in the gutter preening himself.
In the last decade alone he has been charged with affray, after a bouncer was hit in the face with a bottle. Caught cheating on his future wife in the back of his car in a public car park, fined for parking his 'Bentley' in a disabled drivers bay, he took £10,000 from undercover reporters in return for a private tour of Chelsea's training ground, urinated into a beer glass and dropped it on the floor in a crowded east London night club, and had an affair with his best ‘friend’ and former team mate Wayne Bridge's girlfriend. Having made her pregnant he paid for an abortion.
After the tabloid's exposed this sordid tale, to dig himself out of a hole of his own making, he trawled his wife and kids around Abu Dhabi for all to see having tipped off the tabloids where they would be. The Daily Mail obligingly played the game and published a two page spread of Terry as loving and attentive husband and father. As to his 'best friend's broken heart and his mistress recovering from a termination, I doubt he gave them another thought.
Last, but not least he insulted fellow professional, Anton Ferdinand by calling him a "fucking black cunt" during a Chelsea game with QPR. It was the blow back from this which has led to the ending of Rio Ferdinand’s England career, as he is the older brother of Anton and understandably is a tad pissed off with Terry. Most folk would say so what, he has every right to be, its not Rio's problem but Terry's, and if black members of the England squad, or anyone else come to that, feel uncomfortable working alongside a racist bigot then its they who should be supported not Mr Terry.
Sadly in the corrupt, amoral world of Premier League and England football, right and wrong long ago ceased being the deciding factor. Decisions are made on who can bring the most media pressure to bear, coupled with friends in low places. It seems under the management of Roy Hobson, as with his predecessor Fabio Capello, John Terry has a get out of jail free card which keeps paying out.
As he has maintained his place in Roy Hodgson's England squad, do not expect the national side to win any major competition any time soon. It was not a fluke England did so poorly in the South African World Cup, it was partially due to Mr Terry's poisonous influence which led to a powerful and disgruntled clique developing similar to that which drove André Villas-Boas from Chelsea.
If we have learn't anything about how New Labour and the coalition governments govern the UK it is perception is all, money knows best and those who have a great deal of it must be worshiped. It is not an accident of history that throughout much of this period a man like Terry could captain his country's soccer team.
What message does his continued presence in the England squad send out to young people. Could it be no matter how badly you behave and how appallingly you treat your friends, love ones and fellow professionals, as long as you are a millionaire all will be forgiven?
If only Roy Hodgson had cried enough and showed John Terry the red card he so richly deserves, football may have joined the fight back against elitism which is taking place throughout Europe and much of the world, and who knows may have once again become 'the beautiful game.'
Today The Pensive Quill carries an article by guest writer Mick Hall which initially ran in
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The world is what it is...and that makes it what it is. My mrs calls me her wee 'whitey' but it's usually last thing at night or first thing in the morning..she's soft and sexy and i dont mind
ReplyDeletebut as i said before..we dont do racism at Celtic..we do SECTARIANISM and i'm very proud to say we do it extremely well.
Go into the bronx with the political correctness..i'll see ye on on the other side haha
This post brings to mind a story King Billy McNeill told about a Protestant playin for Celtic.. At half-time at Ibrox in the changin room the wee Prod had his head in his hands sayin i canny go back oot there....Why not asked the tea-mates...well ther callin me a fenian bastard and a papish cunt nd all sorts a stuff....Agh never worry said McNeill sure they call us that too.. Aye but youz fukin are!!! said the wee proddy lmfao.
ReplyDeleteMick can I take it you wont be ask the Terry fella for his autograph,great post Mick I was a big fan of the English team when they won the world cup in 66 with the exception of "nobby" they were footballers,Bobby Charlton was and is a gentleman ,he let his skills do his talking,even "nobby"played some blinders,the football from the days of Best ,Law, Pele, Leeds, L/pool and the host of other first divison teams made my Saturday nights viewing,today as you rightly say the beautiful game is all about money and egos of the super rich,
ReplyDeleteA tourist walked into a Brighton curio/antique shop,after looking around for a while he noticed a very life like bronze statue of a had no price tag,but it was so striking that he decided to buy it anyway.he took it to the shopkeeper and said"how much is this bronze rat?" the owner replied"£12 for the rat £100 for the story"the tourist gave the owner £12 for the rat and said"I,ll just take the rat you can keep the story"as he walked down the street he noticed that a few real rats had crawled out of the sewers and began following him.this was a little disconcerting so he started to walk a little faster,but within a couple of streets the swarm of rats had grown to hundreds and they were all squealing and screeching in a very menacing way,he increased his speed and ran towards the beach,as he ran he looked behind him and saw the rats were now numbered in their millions and they were running faster and faster,by now very concerned he ran down to the pier and threw the bronze rat far out into the water.amazingly the rats jumped into the water and were all drowned.the man walked back to relate this to the shopkeeper who said"Ah youve come back for the story then" "no" said the man"I,ve come back to see have you a bronze statue of John Terry"
Watch Eng fail miserably in the WCup. Abramovich has splashed £70 mill on 2 new players, even though the club hasn't a manager ! In previous decades anyone could win the title.
ReplyDeleteMarty and Larry
ReplyDeleteGreat tales, you chaps always cheer me up, something which my daughter tells me is no easy task these days.
ReplyDeleteafter paying 50 million for Torres i'm dreading to think who the latest two might be.
ReplyDeletegood piece that asks some questions of sports fans.
'you chaps always cheer me up, something which my daughter
tells me is no easy task these days.'
I think that comes with age Mick. Mine tells me the same
Why do dwarfs laugh when they play soccer?the grass tickles their balls.
ReplyDeleteTried erotic suffocation on the wife the other night when we were having sex,she obviously didnt like it,she has been lying there for five days now giving me the silent treatment...
ReplyDeleteFor Larry ;Japanese couple having an argument.
ReplyDeletehusband;"Sukitaki"! wife replies"Kowanini",husband says"Toka a anji rodi roumi yakoo"!wife on her knees literally begging "mimi nakoundinda tinkouji"! husband replies angrily "kina tim kouji"! now look at you sitting there reading this as if you understand Japanese!!!
Guy with a gun enters a bar"who the fuck had sex with my wife?" voice in the background "you dont have enough bullets mate"..