In order to lose weight I,m trying out a new diet, its called Gerry,s Itwasntme,s psf decomission the flab diet,rather than eating food,I,m being fed lies!
I thought this was so funny and apt. Its is embarrassing to listen to him on economics. All the long standing opponents of republicanism are having a ball laughing.
Brian, That is outstanding! Best yet in my opinion. I'm wondering if this could backfire badly on The Master, you'd think after the shamozzle he made in the leaders debate last time out he'd have at least done his homework on basic economics, his critics in the free state media knew it was Achilles and they got him easy. Has his big head let him get carried away with the idea he'd cruise in. Still belief he'll win easy but it's plain for everyone to see what many of us have known for a long time - he talks out of his arse...
Larry I think I have found the reason why the troubles really started. Paisley may have been a contributer but I think the real reason why the loyalists went nuts in the Clonard area in 69 was the result of years of mental torture with those f##kin bells, anybody waking up on a weekend morning with those things going BOOM BANG in yer head and if one had been on the falling down water the night before oh boy how awful is that , I experienced a few moments of them on Sat morning and its no wonder our Nuala has a foul temper on her its enough to drive a person nuts,its no wonder poor Albert is eating anything and everything out of date ,the poor man is probably trying to end it all,them bells they caused the loyalists to go bannas in 69 nothing to do with the civil rights protest.
ANTHONY BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!! Liverpool have just made a £20 million bid for Andy Murray!!! Daglish said he never any one hit the net so many times in 90 mins
Bob doh Brains met a black girl at the club and after a few dances she asked him if he would like to take her home Bob said "DOH yer f##kin joking I,m not driving to Africa at this time of night doh!..Monies tight said the bloke to his wife,"if you would walk to work we could get rid of the second car" .."if you were better in bed " she replied "we could get rid of the gardener"! Bob doh Brains went for a job in a chemical factory.the manager asked "have you ever worked with chemicals before?" "yes" replied Bob the manager then asked him "do you know what nitrate is?" Bob answers "doh well I hope its going to be time and a half"A man buys a lie detector robot which slaps people who tell a lie,he decides to test it at dinner, Dad "son where were you today?" Son "at school" the robot slaps the son Son "ok ok I lied I went to the cinema" Dad "what did you watch?" Son"toy story 3" the robot slaps the son again.Son "ok I watched a day with a porn star" Dad "when I was your age I didnt even know what a porn star was" the robot slaps the dad Mum "ha ha well after all he is your son" the robot slaps the mum!played hungry hippos for real last night,..rolled Malteasers across the floor at Weight Watchers....
Teacher asks little Johnny to name the 3 kings who have brought peace and happiness to peoples lives? Johnny replies"drinking, smoking and f##king".....Did you see that the lineswoman was apparently upset before the game-when she found out the ref and the other linesmam were wearing the same outfit.....They say sex is the best form of exercise. now correct me if I,m wrong,but 2 mins and 15 secs once every 3 months aint going to shift a f##kin beer belly?....AFTER YEARS OF INVESTIGATIONS INTO 9/11 the Americans found out it wasnt muslim terrorists who attacked the Twin Towers,it was 2 Irish builders fitting a door on the 44th floor.the door wouldnt fit so Mick told Paddy to fetch a plane and take a bit of the top
I went to a fancy dress party last night dressed as a loaf of bread,the birds were all over me!..A little boyasks his dad"whats between mums legs"? his father answers"paradise son" the son asks "whats between your legs" his father replies "the key to paradise son" the son says "A piece of advice dad,change the lock ,that f##ker next door has a spare key"..My wife said my manhood reminded her of her favourite supermarket, I said "why,because its well stocked and capable of supplying you with your every need?" "no" she replied "because its Lidl".....
A muslim was caught shaggin a sheep in Wales,when questioned he said it was islamb and he could do what the f##k he liked ...its hard being a decorator in this politically correct world,I can no longer say "black paint" I have to say "please paint that wall Leroy"...A hippy sits next to a nun on a bus and asks her if he can have sex with her,she says "no I.m married to god"and gets of the bus disgusted,the bus driver says"she prays every Tue night at midnight in the graveyard,why dont you dress up in a hooded robe,go to the graveyard tell her you are god and demand sex?"the hippy tries this and to his suprise the nun says" yes but only if we have anal sex as I want to keep my virginity" they have passionate bum sex and when they are done the hippy throws of his robe and cries"ha ha I,m the hippy"! the nun cries "ha ha I,m the bus driver"!,,,,,my wife bought an 8ft light switch....what a huge turn mate said he couldnt think of another word for stitch,"I said is that so"....I was playing scrabble in the road and someone stole some I went to the local tout and asked "whats the word on the street",,,,seen a with 3 lions on his chest...I love that safari park...the Egyptment goverment have come up with a plan to try and stop the riots in Cairo,get in a car,honk the horn and chill out...their calling it Toot-n-kalm-doon....
The wife just rang to say that I need to get down to the hospital right away,the mother in law was on her way out and didnt have long to live, I told her that Rangers and Celtic were playing in the cup final "I dont care" she said "you can tape it and watch it later" you should have seen her face when I turned up with a camcorder and tripod.!
An Englishman,a Scotsman,a Welshman, an Irishman, a Latvian, a Turk an Aussie, a Yank, a Jap an Egyptian,a Mexican, a Greek, a Spainard, a Russian, an Estonian, a German, an Italian,a Pole, a Lithuanian, a Swede, a Chezk, and a Swiss went into a nightclub.the bouncer said"sorry lads I cant let you in without a Thai"!WARNING!!! If you get a text message about getting swine flu from tinned pork Delete it ...its SPAM....All the organs of the body were having a meeting to decide who was the one in charge,"I should be the one in charge said the brain,because I run all the bodies systems,so without me nothing would happen" "I should be in charge said the rectum,because I,m responsible for waste removal",all the other body parts laughed at the rectum and insulted him,so in a huff he shut down tight.within a few days the brian had a terrible headache,the stomach was bloated and the blood was toxic,they all decided that the rectum should be the boss. ...Moral of the story...Even though all the others do all the work....the arsehole is usually in charge.!..I was sent a kilo of pottery clay annonymously in the post.I have no idea what to make of it!!
My girlfriends convincedshe,s being stalked.........well she,s not actually my girlfriend comes home to find his mate shaggin his wife so he stabs him to death.wife says "if you carry on like that,you wont have any mates left soon"...Paddy is sunbathing on a beach in Spain,out of manners and to prevent sunburn,he keeps a hat over his privates,..a woman walks past sniggering she says"if you were a gentleman you,d lift your hat....Paddy replied"if you wernt so ugly it would lift itself"
A cannibal father and son were walking through the jungle looking for food,when they came to a waterfall and taking a shower is a beautiful 18 year old woman.the son says to his dad"shall we take her home and eat her ?"the dad replies "no son we,ll take her home and eat your f##kin mother"..a mate just called me in tears,his wife has left him,taken his prized Bob Marley collection and the satellite dish! poor f##ker no woman no sky!!!...and for LARRY...YABOYYA..Lecturer reminds his students about exam tomorrow."apart from a death in the family or a nuclear attack I,m not taking any excuses for not taking the exam" smartass at the back shouts up "what if I,m suffering from complete sexual exhaustion?",class erupts into laughter,when it quietens down he looks at him and says "well you,ll just have to use your other hand"...a little girl walks into her parents bedroom......HOLY F##K..she screams to her mother ..and YOU want ME to see a doctor about sucking my thumb"!..whats the difference between a muslim wife and a scouse wife?....A scouse wife gets stoned before she commits adultery...
I saw a sign that made me piss myself today......TOILET CLOSED...I went for my routine checkup today and everything seemed fine untill he stuck his index finger up my you think I should change dentists? five year old son painted the psf logo on his action man I told him "you,ve ruined it now,it,ll never work again"!!I met this girl and took her home to meet my parents my dad whispered to me"where the hell did you meet her?,she,s crossed eyed ,bow legged.bald,and shes got no teeth," I said "there,s no need to whisper dad shes deaf"...
Police stopped a black man in a brand new BMW,they found he owned the car,that he had insurance,it was taxed,and he had a driving licence,they also found he had a job and everything was legal and above they charged him with wasting police time....
A farmer gets a phone call from his son,"I,ve run over a pig and its stuck under the tractor,its still alive" ..."shoot it " says the farmer "and then bury him"....about 20 mins later he gets another phone call...."Done that,now what should I do with his f##kin speed camera and bike ?"...Poleglass guy on the antiques roadshow with a very rare vase.Hugh Scully asks"how did you aquire the vase?" "it was handed down to me" Hugh Scully "where from?"Poleglass guy replies "from an upstairs window"....two bananas are sitting by a river when a jobie drifts by and shouts "come on in the water,s lovely",one banana says to the other one "do you believe that shite?"
Prince Charles takes up jogging,each day he would jog past a hooker.she would call out to him "£150" he would call back "no £5".this went on for quite some time,one day Camilla decided to go jogging with Charles.he was nervous as they passed the hooker ,she called out "see what £5 gets you ,you tight f##ker".
No woman will ever be truley satisfied on Valentines day because no man has a chocolate willy wrapped in money that ejaculates diamonds...A nursery teacher says to her class "I want a sentence with the word definitely in it. little Gemma says"the sky is definitely blue"the teacher replies "sorry Gemma,but the sky can also be grey or red."litte Matty said"trees are definitely green""sorry again"says the teacher"but in the Autumn the trees are brown" then Billy from the back of the class stands up and asks "does farts have lumps in them?" the teacher looks horrified at Billy and says" of course not" Billy says "then I,ve definitely shit meself"....I called the Samaritans once....said I felt like throwing myself in front of a train and needed help.....they told me to stay on the line....
Why cant Stevie Wonder see his mates ?.....cos he,s married!..I play in a band called The Zimmer Frames ...we are a support band....There,s a meeting tonight in the community centre about the local paedophile and what the people plan to do about him,I must be the only one not invited.little Tommy on the farm runs into the house..."Mummy the bulls fucking the cow" "no Tommy you must be polite and say the bulls suprising the cow"....later Tommy runs inside again..."Mummy the bulls suprising all the cows" "no Tommy the bull cant suprise all the cows" ..."yes he can he,s f##king the horse"!!!!I went to the docs this morning complaing about strange voices coming from my pants ..the docsaid "just ignore them they,re talking bollocks"...In the pub last night with the mrs..I said "I love you" she said "is that you or the beer talking ?" I replied "its me talking to the beer"...I was kicked out of the geography class yesterday,we were asked "whats unique about the vatican city ?" apparently the country with the highest number of paedophiles per square km wasnt the correct answer..I called the samaritans once said I felt like throwing myself in front of a train and needed help...they told me to stay on the line...
I just found out that my grandadis half Irish,half Chinese....he,s called Pat Noodle.....A farmer and his brand new bride were riding home from church in a wagon pulled by a team of horses,when the older horse stumbled the farmer said "thats once"a little futher along the poor old horse stumbled again.the farmer said "thats twice" after a little while the horse stumbled again ,the farmer didnt say anything,but reached under the seat pulled out a shotgun and shot the horse,his new bride raised all kinds of hell telling him "that was an awful thing to do"the farmer said "thats once"!!!
Proof that men are betterfriends than women! wife didnt cone home one night,next morning she told her husband she slept at a friends house,husband calls her 10 best friends and none of them know anything about it,one night the husband didnt come home ,next morning he says he slept over at a friends house wife calls his 10 best friends 8 confirm he slept over and 2 said he was still there..
Former IRA volunteer and ex-prisoner, spent 18 years in Long Kesh, 4 years on the blanket and no-wash/no work protests which led to the hunger strikes of the 80s. Completed PhD at Queens upon release from prison. Left the Republican Movement at the endorsement of the Good Friday Agreement, and went on to become a journalist. Co-founder of The Blanket, an online magazine that critically analyzed the Irish peace process. Lead researcher for the Belfast Project, an oral history of the Troubles.
Nasty Brian. How am I supposed to sleep with this image in my head?
ReplyDeleteReminds me of the worst excesses of Robert Crumb.
Poor wee Louth, a county more sinned against than sinned.
Brian totally true as usual.its a dark message! and I really hope the poeple of louth tell him where to stick his pleas for their votes.
ReplyDeleteGerry is a-head of the rest
ReplyDeleteIn order to lose weight I,m trying out a new diet, its called Gerry,s Itwasntme,s psf decomission the flab diet,rather than eating food,I,m being fed lies!
ReplyDeleteI thought this was so funny and apt. Its is embarrassing to listen to him on economics. All the long standing opponents of republicanism are having a ball laughing.
ReplyDeleteThat is outstanding! Best yet in my opinion.
I'm wondering if this could backfire badly on The Master, you'd think after the shamozzle he made in the leaders debate last time out he'd have at least done his homework on basic economics, his critics in the free state media knew it was Achilles and they got him easy. Has his big head let him get carried away with the idea he'd cruise in.
Still belief he'll win easy but it's plain for everyone to see what many of us have known for a long time - he talks out of his arse...
hope the people of louth vote with their heads and not their hearts. be great to see him fail, then see what happens SF.
ReplyDeletehe's better outa belfast tho, i was at clonard and them bells are awful. i left Fionnuala a wee note, quazimodo at the cathedral showed me her house.
Larry I think I have found the reason why the troubles really started. Paisley may have been a contributer but I think the real reason why the loyalists went nuts in the Clonard area in 69 was the result of years of mental torture with those f##kin bells, anybody waking up on a weekend morning with those things going BOOM BANG in yer head and if one had been on the falling down water the night before oh boy how awful is that , I experienced a few moments of them on Sat morning and its no wonder our Nuala has a foul temper on her its enough to drive a person nuts,its no wonder poor Albert is eating anything and everything out of date ,the poor man is probably trying to end it all,them bells they caused the loyalists to go bannas in 69 nothing to do with the civil rights protest.
ReplyDeleteit is a deeply disturbing thought to go to bed with. You would wake up in a cold sweat thinking he as at your neck.
can't fault your sense of humour. Beginning to wonder how they ever let you into SF. They don't have a sense of humour there.
I think you called it right. Best yet. A friend told me today he has to laugh every time he thinks of it
ANTHONY BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!! Liverpool have just made a £20 million bid for Andy Murray!!! Daglish said he never any one hit the net so many times in 90 mins
ReplyDeleteBob doh Brains met a black girl at the club and after a few dances she asked him if he would like to take her home Bob said "DOH yer f##kin joking I,m not driving to Africa at this time of night doh!..Monies tight said the bloke to his wife,"if you would walk to work we could get rid of the second car" .."if you were better in bed " she replied "we could get rid of the gardener"! Bob doh Brains went for a job in a chemical factory.the manager asked "have you ever worked with chemicals before?" "yes" replied Bob the manager then asked him "do you know what nitrate is?" Bob answers "doh well I hope its going to be time and a half"A man buys a lie detector robot which slaps people who tell a lie,he decides to test it at dinner, Dad "son where were you today?" Son "at school" the robot slaps the son Son "ok ok I lied I went to the cinema" Dad "what did you watch?" Son"toy story 3" the robot slaps the son again.Son "ok I watched a day with a porn star" Dad "when I was your age I didnt even know what a porn star was" the robot slaps the dad Mum "ha ha well after all he is your son" the robot slaps the mum!played hungry hippos for real last night,..rolled Malteasers across the floor at Weight Watchers....
ReplyDeleteYank:FBI Agent....Brit:MI5 Agent....Russian:KGB Agent....Paki: Newsagent!
ReplyDeleteTeacher asks little Johnny to name the 3 kings who have brought peace and happiness to peoples lives? Johnny replies"drinking, smoking and f##king".....Did you see that the lineswoman was apparently upset before the game-when she found out the ref and the other linesmam were wearing the same outfit.....They say sex is the best form of exercise. now correct me if I,m wrong,but 2 mins and 15 secs once every 3 months aint going to shift a f##kin beer belly?....AFTER YEARS OF INVESTIGATIONS INTO 9/11 the Americans found out it wasnt muslim terrorists who attacked the Twin Towers,it was 2 Irish builders fitting a door on the 44th floor.the door wouldnt fit so Mick told Paddy to fetch a plane and take a bit of the top
ReplyDeleteI went to a fancy dress party last night dressed as a loaf of bread,the birds were all over me!..A little boyasks his dad"whats between mums legs"? his father answers"paradise son" the son asks "whats between your legs" his father replies "the key to paradise son" the son says "A piece of advice dad,change the lock ,that f##ker next door has a spare key"..My wife said my manhood reminded her of her favourite supermarket, I said "why,because its well stocked and capable of supplying you with your every need?" "no" she replied "because its Lidl".....
ReplyDeleteA muslim was caught shaggin a sheep in Wales,when questioned he said it was islamb and he could do what the f##k he liked ...its hard being a decorator in this politically correct world,I can no longer say "black paint" I have to say "please paint that wall Leroy"...A hippy sits next to a nun on a bus and asks her if he can have sex with her,she says "no I.m married to god"and gets of the bus disgusted,the bus driver says"she prays every Tue night at midnight in the graveyard,why dont you dress up in a hooded robe,go to the graveyard tell her you are god and demand sex?"the hippy tries this and to his suprise the nun says" yes but only if we have anal sex as I want to keep my virginity" they have passionate bum sex and when they are done the hippy throws of his robe and cries"ha ha I,m the hippy"! the nun cries "ha ha I,m the bus driver"!,,,,,my wife bought an 8ft light switch....what a huge turn mate said he couldnt think of another word for stitch,"I said is that so"....I was playing scrabble in the road and someone stole some I went to the local tout and asked "whats the word on the street",,,,seen a with 3 lions on his chest...I love that safari park...the Egyptment goverment have come up with a plan to try and stop the riots in Cairo,get in a car,honk the horn and chill out...their calling it Toot-n-kalm-doon....
ReplyDeleteThe wife just rang to say that I need to get down to the hospital right away,the mother in law was on her way out and didnt have long to live, I told her that Rangers and Celtic were playing in the cup final "I dont care" she said "you can tape it and watch it later" you should have seen her face when I turned up with a camcorder and tripod.!
ReplyDeletewhat do you get if you cross a woman with pmt and a sat nav? ....a crazy mental bitch that WILL find you..
ReplyDeleteAn Englishman,a Scotsman,a Welshman, an Irishman, a Latvian, a Turk an Aussie, a Yank, a Jap an Egyptian,a Mexican, a Greek, a Spainard, a Russian, an Estonian, a German, an Italian,a Pole, a Lithuanian, a Swede, a Chezk, and a Swiss went into a nightclub.the bouncer said"sorry lads I cant let you in without a Thai"!WARNING!!! If you get a text message about getting swine flu from tinned pork Delete it ...its SPAM....All the organs of the body were having a meeting to decide who was the one in charge,"I should be the one in charge said the brain,because I run all the bodies systems,so without me nothing would happen" "I should be in charge said the rectum,because I,m responsible for waste removal",all the other body parts laughed at the rectum and insulted him,so in a huff he shut down tight.within a few days the brian had a terrible headache,the stomach was bloated and the blood was toxic,they all decided that the rectum should be the boss. ...Moral of the story...Even though all the others do all the work....the arsehole is usually in charge.!..I was sent a kilo of pottery clay annonymously in the post.I have no idea what to make of it!!
ReplyDeleteMy girlfriends convincedshe,s being stalked.........well she,s not actually my girlfriend comes home to find his mate shaggin his wife so he stabs him to death.wife says "if you carry on like that,you wont have any mates left soon"...Paddy is sunbathing on a beach in Spain,out of manners and to prevent sunburn,he keeps a hat over his privates,..a woman walks past sniggering she says"if you were a gentleman you,d lift your hat....Paddy replied"if you wernt so ugly it would lift itself"
ReplyDeleteA cannibal father and son were walking through the jungle looking for food,when they came to a waterfall and taking a shower is a beautiful 18 year old woman.the son says to his dad"shall we take her home and eat her ?"the dad replies "no son we,ll take her home and eat your f##kin mother"..a mate just called me in tears,his wife has left him,taken his prized Bob Marley collection and the satellite dish! poor f##ker no woman no sky!!!...and for LARRY...YABOYYA..Lecturer reminds his students about exam tomorrow."apart from a death in the family or a nuclear attack I,m not taking any excuses for not taking the exam" smartass at the back shouts up "what if I,m suffering from complete sexual exhaustion?",class erupts into laughter,when it quietens down he looks at him and says "well you,ll just have to use your other hand"...a little girl walks into her parents bedroom......HOLY F##K..she screams to her mother ..and YOU want ME to see a doctor about sucking my thumb"!..whats the difference between a muslim wife and a scouse wife?....A scouse wife gets stoned before she commits adultery...
ReplyDeleteI saw a sign that made me piss myself today......TOILET CLOSED...I went for my routine checkup today and everything seemed fine untill he stuck his index finger up my you think I should change dentists? five year old son painted the psf logo on his action man I told him "you,ve ruined it now,it,ll never work again"!!I met this girl and took her home to meet my parents my dad whispered to me"where the hell did you meet her?,she,s crossed eyed ,bow legged.bald,and shes got no teeth," I said "there,s no need to whisper dad shes deaf"...
ReplyDeletePolice stopped a black man in a brand new BMW,they found he owned the car,that he had insurance,it was taxed,and he had a driving licence,they also found he had a job and everything was legal and above they charged him with wasting police time....
ReplyDeleteA farmer gets a phone call from his son,"I,ve run over a pig and its stuck under the tractor,its still alive" ..."shoot it " says the farmer "and then bury him"....about 20 mins later he gets another phone call...."Done that,now what should I do with his f##kin speed camera and bike ?"...Poleglass guy on the antiques roadshow with a very rare vase.Hugh Scully asks"how did you aquire the vase?" "it was handed down to me" Hugh Scully "where from?"Poleglass guy replies "from an upstairs window"....two bananas are sitting by a river when a jobie drifts by and shouts "come on in the water,s lovely",one banana says to the other one "do you believe that shite?"
ReplyDeletePrince Charles takes up jogging,each day he would jog past a hooker.she would call out to him "£150" he would call back "no £5".this went on for quite some time,one day Camilla decided to go jogging with Charles.he was nervous as they passed the hooker ,she called out "see what £5 gets you ,you tight f##ker".
ReplyDeleteNo woman will ever be truley satisfied on Valentines day because no man has a chocolate willy wrapped in money that ejaculates diamonds...A nursery teacher says to her class "I want a sentence with the word definitely in it. little Gemma says"the sky is definitely blue"the teacher replies "sorry Gemma,but the sky can also be grey or red."litte Matty said"trees are definitely green""sorry again"says the teacher"but in the Autumn the trees are brown" then Billy from the back of the class stands up and asks "does farts have lumps in them?" the teacher looks horrified at Billy and says" of course not" Billy says "then I,ve definitely shit meself"....I called the Samaritans once....said I felt like throwing myself in front of a train and needed help.....they told me to stay on the line....
ReplyDeleteWhy cant Stevie Wonder see his mates ?.....cos he,s married!..I play in a band called The Zimmer Frames ...we are a support band....There,s a meeting tonight in the community centre about the local paedophile and what the people plan to do about him,I must be the only one not invited.little Tommy on the farm runs into the house..."Mummy the bulls fucking the cow" "no Tommy you must be polite and say the bulls suprising the cow"....later Tommy runs inside again..."Mummy the bulls suprising all the cows" "no Tommy the bull cant suprise all the cows" ..."yes he can he,s f##king the horse"!!!!I went to the docs this morning complaing about strange voices coming from my pants ..the docsaid "just ignore them they,re talking bollocks"...In the pub last night with the mrs..I said "I love you" she said "is that you or the beer talking ?" I replied "its me talking to the beer"...I was kicked out of the geography class yesterday,we were asked "whats unique about the vatican city ?" apparently the country with the highest number of paedophiles per square km wasnt the correct answer..I called the samaritans once said I felt like throwing myself in front of a train and needed help...they told me to stay on the line...
ReplyDeleteMuslim terrorists have been on the rampage in Bradford killing anyone who is English.........police believe the death toll could be as high as 5..
ReplyDeleteI just found out that my grandadis half Irish,half Chinese....he,s called Pat Noodle.....A farmer and his brand new bride were riding home from church in a wagon pulled by a team of horses,when the older horse stumbled the farmer said "thats once"a little futher along the poor old horse stumbled again.the farmer said "thats twice" after a little while the horse stumbled again ,the farmer didnt say anything,but reached under the seat pulled out a shotgun and shot the horse,his new bride raised all kinds of hell telling him "that was an awful thing to do"the farmer said "thats once"!!!
ReplyDeleteProof that men are betterfriends than women! wife didnt cone home one night,next morning she told her husband she slept at a friends house,husband calls her 10 best friends and none of them know anything about it,one night the husband didnt come home ,next morning he says he slept over at a friends house wife calls his 10 best friends 8 confirm he slept over and 2 said he was still there..