Cartoon by Brian Mór
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Halloween Wishes

Cartoon by Brian Mór
Click to enlarge


  1. One of the joys of his drawings is even though I consider myself quite knowledgeable on the north, 95% of the time I have not the slightest clue what these cartoons mean-this one included. But they're entertaining to look at nonetheless.

  2. Every one a gem Brian, Norman Wisdom in heaven meets St Peter who asks him "name?" Norman replies "its me Norman" "well what do you do?"Peter asks "I make people laugh by stumbling around making mistakes,and I was well paid for it" Peter shouts "Hey God are we expecting any Liverpool players in today?"!!

  3. Mackers, I would hold fire on the '2 wins' until we ask Marty has he heard any good butterfly jokes recently?

  4. Marty is unusually slow with his response! Is that a bat or a butterfly at the top of the cartoon?
    Apparently butterflies are now found in the strangest of places!
    Marty best placed to answer that one.

  5. Lol Nuala ya wee minx,Those who are scratching their heads wondering what the hell yer on about ,well if it makes ya happy yip I have a butterfly on me bum.

  6. Ryan

    That is the great thing about art it leaves the individual to decide and translate.
    Actually this would fit the longer and stronger article with the dynamic metamorphosis.
    The many faces of PSF with their own distorted version of peace for all with the exception of those republicans who do not agree with them ironically they sound more cartoonish waging their private war against republicanism.
    St. Paul had a similar transformation on the road to Damascus St. Gerry had a wee problem as he took the road to America or the long way round on the road to an united Ireland.

  7. Tain Bo

    ‘ironically they sound more cartoonish waging their private war against republicanism.’

    An instructive way to put it

  8. “That’s all folks”
    Is the standard line when questions go unanswered.
