Cartoon by Brian Mór
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Solution to the Whole Parade Problem

Cartoon by Brian Mór
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  1. Brill Brian as usual, great to see bro doggie back, the other bros look the part, mind you Brian I,ve always been partial to the Kinks playing Lola! and whats the craic about Paddys last letter to Mary?

  2. Best solution yet Brian!
    The Orangemen came down onto the Springfield on Saturday via the gate at Workman Ave.

    The shinner's heavy mob were all standing there to protest against them.

    The same shinners, who no doubt had gave them the go ahead via Spike Murray.

    Where else would you get it?

  3. Another great piece Brian. Great artistic talent blended with sharp humour

  4. Marty, found out who the big redhead was with Adams in the 'Genisis Lodge' It was Barbara Streisand in a ginger wig.

    She said she always fancied him!
    found him attractive and charming!

    Think they are going to do a duet together.

    Probably, if you are pushing the seventy mark, Big G could look quite presentable in the right light!

  5. Have ya seen the neb on Striesand concorde would have been proud of that one and then the eyes,one going for a message,the other coming back with the change, yip I kinda think thats the type the bearded one attracts

  6. Marty, not true, apparently he is an international hearthrob. Babs is not the only one who has set her cap at Big G.

    I think Margaret Richie always has a kinda of yearning when she looks at him.
    Probably yearning that he would fall of the edge of a cliff, but touching all the same.

    Do you think him and Streisand will re-release 'Memories'?
    Not a good choice for Gerry considering he has such trouble with his?

  7. Why are we still be asked to put up with this Orange crap all year round?

    Even, Liberal muticulturalists have likened them to the Klu Klux Klan.

    Millions and millions of pounds of tax payers money spent on this vile charade.

    Ban them!

  8. Nuala, thought Streisand sounded so foolish.

  9. The only solution is to outlaw the sectarian bigots for both god and Ulster’s sake!
    Maybe start a Green Order to celebrate PSFs success bringing peace and stability since 1997?
    Great cartoon Brain though disappointed as the dog should be taking the piss.
    Had to add that as I don’t want to seem biased as I laughed at the dog peeing on the PSF cartoon.
