Right Wing Watch ðŸ‘€ Jesse Leon Rogers Brags That Christian Nationalists 'Will Determine Who Gets Into Public Office.'

Kyle Mantyla

Right-wing pastor Jesse Leon Rodgers is the founder and chairman of the Christian nationalist organization City Elders, which seeks to "establish divine order in spiritual and civil governance" by bringing local pastors together with elected officials and religious-right activists. 

Rodgers himself is a hardcore theonomist who believes that far-right Christians such as himself are to be responsible for "installing people in civil government."

During a recent City Elders event, Rogers bragged that while his organization already has significant influence over determining who runs for office in his home state of Oklahoma, as it expands its efforts, it will be able to "determine who gets in public office."

"Increase, multiply, subdue; that's the divine pattern," Rogers said. 

Increase has to do with expanded spheres of influence and control. I use that word editorially, I use it intentionally, but control is not in the sense of you have to dominate people; we have to dominate the devil. We have to control and be in control of the powers of Hell and darkness. That's the reason for expanded spheres of influence.

Continue reading @ Right Wing Watch.

Christian Nationalists Determine Who Gets Public Office

Right Wing Watch ðŸ‘€ Jesse Leon Rogers Brags That Christian Nationalists 'Will Determine Who Gets Into Public Office.'

Kyle Mantyla

Right-wing pastor Jesse Leon Rodgers is the founder and chairman of the Christian nationalist organization City Elders, which seeks to "establish divine order in spiritual and civil governance" by bringing local pastors together with elected officials and religious-right activists. 

Rodgers himself is a hardcore theonomist who believes that far-right Christians such as himself are to be responsible for "installing people in civil government."

During a recent City Elders event, Rogers bragged that while his organization already has significant influence over determining who runs for office in his home state of Oklahoma, as it expands its efforts, it will be able to "determine who gets in public office."

"Increase, multiply, subdue; that's the divine pattern," Rogers said. 

Increase has to do with expanded spheres of influence and control. I use that word editorially, I use it intentionally, but control is not in the sense of you have to dominate people; we have to dominate the devil. We have to control and be in control of the powers of Hell and darkness. That's the reason for expanded spheres of influence.

Continue reading @ Right Wing Watch.

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