This language is not a million miles away from the that used by Hitler to justify his expansionist policies eastwards starting with Poland in 1939. The Nazis wanted ‘living space’ for the German people and used military force to get it in the east. Poland, claimed Hitler, was “a threat to Germany’s security” which sounds eerily similar to Trump's language over Greenland. Greenland, as part of Denmark albeit with much autonomy, is part of the European Union and also a member of the military alliance, NATO. The alliance rules state that ‘an attack on any of its member states is an attack on every state’ and its common defence policy, article five, would be used if a member state were to be attacked. Would this rule apply to the USA if this new loony President invaded Greenland? Would the European Union stand for such an incursion? If no, what would they do about it? If Trump were to invade and occupy Greenland it would be tantamount to what Russia’s Vladimir Putin has attempted to do in the Ukraine, invading a sovereign nation state.
When Trump says Greenland is vital to “US security” what he really means is he wants the abundance of natural resources including oil which lies beneath the ever-decreasing icecaps in the area! Such an incursion would amount to a declaration of war on the EU and NATO. The problem here is the USA are the largest contributor to NATO and, in effect, the alliance is severely weakened without the US. In fact NATO without the USA would be virtually non-existent as a major military force and Trump knows this.
The President elect, then indicated that he wants to make his northern neighbour, Canada, the “fifty first state” of the United States. This would mean again threatening the large independent sovereign nation state with military force. The problem here is, Canada is part of the so-called British Commonwealth and therefore the head of state is the British Monarch, Charles III. This then would amount to a declaration of war by the USA on Britain and it must be remembered the British Army take an oath of allegiance to the monarch and to defend all British territories. Would this apply if the US invaded Canada? Or would they find some daft excuse why, in the interests of what the British call the ‘special relationship’, to let Trump have Canada? Of course Trump could be just sabre rattling but when Putin did the same, the West and the EU in particular likened his invasion of Ukraine to the actions of Hitler. Will the EU and Britain liken the sabre rattling, for the moment, of Donald Trump to those of Adolf Hitler?
Trump is bringing into his new government a man largely responsible along with a few dozen others for the acceleration of climatic changes and planetary vandalism. Elon Musk, the man who wants to send more and more rockets through our fragile atmosphere into space, even talking of commercialising space travel for the super-rich - amassing huge profits in the process - is poised for a top position in the Trump administration. Musk, said to be ‘the world’s richest man’ is, like Trump, a multinational business man and billionaire. Because of his wealth he thinks he can dictate to sovereign elected governments what they will and will not do. Musk bought the social media platform, Twitter, rebranding it X, and thinks because they have a base in Ireland, he can dictate to the 26-county government what they will and will not legislate on. For example, the billionaire is threatening a law suit preventing Ireland's law against hate speech. This would curtail offensive and racist and hate language used by the far right under the guise of ‘free speech’ and Musk doesn’t agree so he wants to stop the elected government of the 26 counties from doing their job as legislators. The question for the electorate here is; who governs, the elected government or billionaires from foreign parts like Elon Musk? The Hate Speech Laws curtail the kind of language X and other social media platforms can use in this part of Ireland. Musk is claiming this is an attack on free speech which, of course, it is not it is merely curtailing the far right's ability to spread racial hatred. Then again, Elon Musk is a supporter of many far-right organisations like the English Defence League and its leader, presently in prison, Tommy Robinson – real name Stephen Yaxley Lennon – for contempt of court which he refuses to purge himself of. Elon Musk is supporter of Robinson and believes he should be freed.
Elon Musk is also interfering in British domestic policies going as far as to demand Prime Minister, Keir Starmer and Jess Philips, the Under-Secretary of State for Safeguarding and Violence Against Women and Girls, be put in prison and Tommy Robinson released! Jess Philips, supported by the British Government and Prime Minister, rejected a call from Oldham Council to hold a public inquiry into cases of historic child abuse by grooming. Instead she favours a locally run inquiry which, in her view, would hold greater legitimacy. This stance taken by Jess Philips Elon Musk does not agree with, though what the fuck it has to do with him is beyond me, and he is making a big issue over the matter claiming both Starmer, the British Prime Minister, and Philips should be put in jail and Tommy Robinson released! Grooming is a terrible crime and should be punished but Elon Musk appears more concerned with the Asian ethnic and racial background of the perpetrators than the actual crime itself. This is to create racial disharmony, using grooming as a smokescreen of concern to spread this race hate among the British population. He never mentions online grooming, equally as bad, which, according to Lisa Nandy, British Secretary of State for Culture, is mainly “white representation”.
Elon Musk is also interfering in British domestic policies going as far as to demand Prime Minister, Keir Starmer and Jess Philips, the Under-Secretary of State for Safeguarding and Violence Against Women and Girls, be put in prison and Tommy Robinson released! Jess Philips, supported by the British Government and Prime Minister, rejected a call from Oldham Council to hold a public inquiry into cases of historic child abuse by grooming. Instead she favours a locally run inquiry which, in her view, would hold greater legitimacy. This stance taken by Jess Philips Elon Musk does not agree with, though what the fuck it has to do with him is beyond me, and he is making a big issue over the matter claiming both Starmer, the British Prime Minister, and Philips should be put in jail and Tommy Robinson released! Grooming is a terrible crime and should be punished but Elon Musk appears more concerned with the Asian ethnic and racial background of the perpetrators than the actual crime itself. This is to create racial disharmony, using grooming as a smokescreen of concern to spread this race hate among the British population. He never mentions online grooming, equally as bad, which, according to Lisa Nandy, British Secretary of State for Culture, is mainly “white representation”.
Obviously, this approach would not suit the longer term aims of the incoming US President and his henchmen. Elon Musk would not be saying these things without the say so of Donald Trump, his boss, and Keir Starrner still thinks Britain has a ‘special relationship’ with the United States? I don’t believe such a ‘relationship’ ever really existed certainly after the Second World War, but various British Governments, with the exception of Harold Wilson's Labour Government of the sixties, kid themselves this ‘special relationship’ exists. Well, if it once did then Donald Trump is apparently not interested!
The President Elect has in the past shown solid support for the ‘Britain First’ party. A neo-fascist party which holds extreme anti-Muslim views and has close links with six county loyalist organisations. Trump has often tweeted his support for the party and its leader, Paul Golding. Trump's new right-hand man, Elon Musk, has and does via his social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, expressed support for the German Hitlerite neo-Nazi party, Alternative For Deutschland (AFD) and is continuing to support them via X in the forthcoming German elections. This party are unashamedly Nazi and have often voiced admiration for the Third Reich and, in particular, the Waffen SS. They claim the SS were “not war criminals” and have spoken openly of Germany’s ‘Second Empire, the Second Reich, before World War One.
These are the two men, among others, who will hold the reins of power in the White House. Donald Trump has his own private army, the ‘Proud Boys’ who tried to reverse the 2020 election and the swearing in of elected President, Joe Biden. This gang are not dissimilar to Hitler's Brown Shirts, the SA, in the early days of the Nazi Party. Perhaps the major difference is Trump's gang do not wear a standard uniform, yet.
The President Elect has in the past shown solid support for the ‘Britain First’ party. A neo-fascist party which holds extreme anti-Muslim views and has close links with six county loyalist organisations. Trump has often tweeted his support for the party and its leader, Paul Golding. Trump's new right-hand man, Elon Musk, has and does via his social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, expressed support for the German Hitlerite neo-Nazi party, Alternative For Deutschland (AFD) and is continuing to support them via X in the forthcoming German elections. This party are unashamedly Nazi and have often voiced admiration for the Third Reich and, in particular, the Waffen SS. They claim the SS were “not war criminals” and have spoken openly of Germany’s ‘Second Empire, the Second Reich, before World War One.
These are the two men, among others, who will hold the reins of power in the White House. Donald Trump has his own private army, the ‘Proud Boys’ who tried to reverse the 2020 election and the swearing in of elected President, Joe Biden. This gang are not dissimilar to Hitler's Brown Shirts, the SA, in the early days of the Nazi Party. Perhaps the major difference is Trump's gang do not wear a standard uniform, yet.
Will Donald Trump invade the British Commonwealth territory of Canada? Or is he just sabre rattling? What of Greenland? This is a much more likely possibility as he has already indicated the use of “military force” to take the Danish territory which has autonomy. Should this happen, what will the response of the EU be? Will NATO implement article five which states ‘that if an armed attack occurs against one of the member states, it should be considered an attack against all members, and other members shall assist the attacked member with armed forces if necessary’. Denmark and, therefore Greenland is a NATO member but so are the USA. In fact without the USA NATO is severely weakened so if Trump invades Greenland where does that leave NATO? Again, Trump may be sabre rattling, time will tell, but somehow, I don’t think so and will the EU show the same condemnation and indignation towards Trump for invading Greenland as they do Putin for invading Ukraine? Will they arm Denmark to the teeth to defend herself as they do Ukraine?
I agree with every word you have written, Caoimhin!