A religious man is suing a religious school after he was fired over COVID vaccines. He claimed a religious right not to get vaccinated while the school insists they had a religious right to demand employees get the shot. The legal chaos is entirely the result of a Supreme Court that has allowed faith-based arguments to trump common sense at just about every turn.
In April of 2021, when COVID vaccines were finally available to everyone, Boston College required employees to get them. After all, as a Catholic school, it was simply following Church orders. The Vatican had released a statement telling people they had a “duty to protect one’s own health” as well as a “duty to preserve the common good” against the “grave danger” of the virus.
Employees who wanted an exemption to the vaccine requirements were asked to provide proof of their claims—like a doctor’s note saying they needed a health exemption or a religious leader’s note saying there was a faith-based reason to not get the vaccine.
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