Right Wing Watch 👀 'Universal Suffrage Is Not God's Design': Christian Nationalist Joel Webbon Wants To Drastically Limit Voting Rights.

Kyle Mantyla

Texas pastor Joel Webbon is a radical Christian nationalist who has been very clear about about his virulent misogyny by, among other things, calling for women to be publicly executed for making false claims of sexual assault and repeatedly declaring that he wants to see women banned from voting.

While Webbon does not think that women should have the right to vote, he explained during a recent podcast that he currently allow his own wife to vote so that she can "concede" her rights back to him by casting her vote in accordance "with the decision that I make for our family." Only by doing so can Webbon guarantee that he retains his "full authority as a citizen."

"If we ever got to the point where it was on the docket and it was something, ironically, that America was voting for—voting to take away the vote of women—me and my wife would both vote on principle, with conviction to take away her vote . . . 

Continue reading @ Right Wing Watch.

No Votes For Women

Right Wing Watch 👀 'Universal Suffrage Is Not God's Design': Christian Nationalist Joel Webbon Wants To Drastically Limit Voting Rights.

Kyle Mantyla

Texas pastor Joel Webbon is a radical Christian nationalist who has been very clear about about his virulent misogyny by, among other things, calling for women to be publicly executed for making false claims of sexual assault and repeatedly declaring that he wants to see women banned from voting.

While Webbon does not think that women should have the right to vote, he explained during a recent podcast that he currently allow his own wife to vote so that she can "concede" her rights back to him by casting her vote in accordance "with the decision that I make for our family." Only by doing so can Webbon guarantee that he retains his "full authority as a citizen."

"If we ever got to the point where it was on the docket and it was something, ironically, that America was voting for—voting to take away the vote of women—me and my wife would both vote on principle, with conviction to take away her vote . . . 

Continue reading @ Right Wing Watch.

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