Ciaran McCleanwith a letter recently published in the Ulster Herald.

A recent report from Stormont showed DUP MLA Thomas Buchanan initially denied sharing private and confidential information relating to a Dalradian gold story when investigated by The Standards Commissioner.

The Standards and Privileges Committee at Stormont found Mr Buchanan had indeed breached MLAs Code of Conduct rules and punished him accordingly. 

His wasn't the first example of politicians advocating for the same company. Whilst they might not wish to admit it, some years ago Sinn Fein signalled, via The Financial Times, that Greencastle in the heart of the Sperrins was a sacrificial zone where investors could get a handsome return betting on industrialising the area. They have yet to account for doing so. The less said about the SDLP and Ulster Unionists the better such is the integrity free reputation their local reps enjoy on anything goldmine related. 

Ironically, the long awaited public inquiry into goldmining scheduled for September 2024 has been suspended, disappointing those in a hurry to cash in on the area of outstanding beauty. Departments obliged to progress the delayed proposal along with political parties will by now understand that the law will dictate the process going forward, not their political horse trading or civil servants peddling untruths as they did in the Strule Arts centre and which caused the public inquiry suspension. 

Unethical Investors salivating at the prospect of a mining boom in this part of Ireland should also know a hard truth by now too - try to profit on that which sustains a rural community like Greencastle and you'll need more than the assistance of politicians with the same values as yourselves.

Ciaran McClean campaigns against the rape of the Sperrins.

Unethical Investors Salivating

Ciaran McCleanwith a letter recently published in the Ulster Herald.

A recent report from Stormont showed DUP MLA Thomas Buchanan initially denied sharing private and confidential information relating to a Dalradian gold story when investigated by The Standards Commissioner.

The Standards and Privileges Committee at Stormont found Mr Buchanan had indeed breached MLAs Code of Conduct rules and punished him accordingly. 

His wasn't the first example of politicians advocating for the same company. Whilst they might not wish to admit it, some years ago Sinn Fein signalled, via The Financial Times, that Greencastle in the heart of the Sperrins was a sacrificial zone where investors could get a handsome return betting on industrialising the area. They have yet to account for doing so. The less said about the SDLP and Ulster Unionists the better such is the integrity free reputation their local reps enjoy on anything goldmine related. 

Ironically, the long awaited public inquiry into goldmining scheduled for September 2024 has been suspended, disappointing those in a hurry to cash in on the area of outstanding beauty. Departments obliged to progress the delayed proposal along with political parties will by now understand that the law will dictate the process going forward, not their political horse trading or civil servants peddling untruths as they did in the Strule Arts centre and which caused the public inquiry suspension. 

Unethical Investors salivating at the prospect of a mining boom in this part of Ireland should also know a hard truth by now too - try to profit on that which sustains a rural community like Greencastle and you'll need more than the assistance of politicians with the same values as yourselves.

Ciaran McClean campaigns against the rape of the Sperrins.

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