Donal O'Driscoll ⚽ writing on the morning Jürgen Klopp left Liverpool FC.

I'm not a crier. It's not a macho thing, I don't choose not to cry, it's just the way I am. However I'm at home now with tears in my eyes, there will probably be plenty today. I've been dreading today since the end of January.

Yes I became a Liverpool fan like a lot of Irish people do, because my older brother was. If we were both five years younger, I'd probably be a Manchester United fan *shudder*, but I fell in love with the city of Liverpool and its people the first time I set foot there. I'm rarely happier than when I'm in Liverpool. It's the city of Larkin, a proud people who will give you the world, but won't be fucked about. I'll never be a Scouser, I wouldn't claim to be, but I do feel a deep connection to that wonderful city, even more so than to the football club.

I wasn't born in Shankly's time, I wasn't even 3 months old when Paisley resigned. Klopp is my generation's Shankly. From the minute he came in there was a sense that 'this guy gets it'. Liverpool is not just another club, it's special. Even if you don't like them, you have to admit as an entity, LFC is special. I would have no problem saying the same thing about Manchester United, I don't like them, but they're also a special club.

Jürgen understood Liverpool's specialness and got the fans. It was love at first sight, for him and for us. There are loads of great managers out there, but only one Klopp, and he was all ours. The same way Shankly was. He wasn't just a manager, he was a symbol, a father figure, an activist. He knew managing LFC was a vocation, not a job, and he served his vocation impeccably.

I knew today was coming, but nothing can prepare you for it. I don't normally put so much importance on sport, but this is different. This is like a family member leaving. I'm devastated. I think it will take a lot of time for this to sink in.

I welcome Arne Slot and wish him well, but he needs to understand just what we have lost. No one can replace Jürgen. He's not just a manager, he's an icon.

I want to wake up and have this be a dream. The thought of no more pearly whites showing as he belly laughs at a press conference, no more fist pumps, no more 'brain fuck' . This is the closest I've ever felt from sport of understanding 'its better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.' On a selfish level, I don't want to face the prospect of LFC without Jürgen, but I know our club will go on. This though, is a massive void to fill. Thank you Jürgen, not just for everything you've done, but for everything you are.

As the saying goes 'He made the people happy.'

Donal O'Driscoll is a Liverpool supporter.

Thank You Jürgen

Donal O'Driscoll ⚽ writing on the morning Jürgen Klopp left Liverpool FC.

I'm not a crier. It's not a macho thing, I don't choose not to cry, it's just the way I am. However I'm at home now with tears in my eyes, there will probably be plenty today. I've been dreading today since the end of January.

Yes I became a Liverpool fan like a lot of Irish people do, because my older brother was. If we were both five years younger, I'd probably be a Manchester United fan *shudder*, but I fell in love with the city of Liverpool and its people the first time I set foot there. I'm rarely happier than when I'm in Liverpool. It's the city of Larkin, a proud people who will give you the world, but won't be fucked about. I'll never be a Scouser, I wouldn't claim to be, but I do feel a deep connection to that wonderful city, even more so than to the football club.

I wasn't born in Shankly's time, I wasn't even 3 months old when Paisley resigned. Klopp is my generation's Shankly. From the minute he came in there was a sense that 'this guy gets it'. Liverpool is not just another club, it's special. Even if you don't like them, you have to admit as an entity, LFC is special. I would have no problem saying the same thing about Manchester United, I don't like them, but they're also a special club.

Jürgen understood Liverpool's specialness and got the fans. It was love at first sight, for him and for us. There are loads of great managers out there, but only one Klopp, and he was all ours. The same way Shankly was. He wasn't just a manager, he was a symbol, a father figure, an activist. He knew managing LFC was a vocation, not a job, and he served his vocation impeccably.

I knew today was coming, but nothing can prepare you for it. I don't normally put so much importance on sport, but this is different. This is like a family member leaving. I'm devastated. I think it will take a lot of time for this to sink in.

I welcome Arne Slot and wish him well, but he needs to understand just what we have lost. No one can replace Jürgen. He's not just a manager, he's an icon.

I want to wake up and have this be a dream. The thought of no more pearly whites showing as he belly laughs at a press conference, no more fist pumps, no more 'brain fuck' . This is the closest I've ever felt from sport of understanding 'its better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.' On a selfish level, I don't want to face the prospect of LFC without Jürgen, but I know our club will go on. This though, is a massive void to fill. Thank you Jürgen, not just for everything you've done, but for everything you are.

As the saying goes 'He made the people happy.'

Donal O'Driscoll is a Liverpool supporter.


  1. Not naming the Main Stand or Anfield Rd end after J K is a massive faux pas on the part of the club . Had he been @ Barca or Real he would of won multiple big trophies & probably earned a lot more . The Reds last title & C L this side of # 2035 ? Top 4 & last 8 in the CL is the best we can hope for .

  2. If Atalanta finish fifth in Serie A , six Italian teams will qualify for next season's C L . Reds underestimated them last month .
    On The Good Listener podcast uploaded a talk 3 days ago about the East Tyrone I R A V the S A S .

    1. Was at the game last night and BL simply didn't turn up. Thought Alonso would have been more prepared given they way Atalanta humiliated Liverpool. Atalanta were impressive and Lookman lethal with his finishing.

  3. Got the Dart to the game last night , it was full of Scousers wearing Red shirts ! Lookman is from London & was @ Charlton & Neverton previous ! Tired Alonso & his boys has a Cup final V second division Kaiserslautern on Saturday . If Utd beat City it will put Reds defeats in the Europa & FA cup into perspective . No shame in losing to eventual winners .

    1. Getting ready to watch the FA Cup final - going for Utd in this one more out of sympathy with Ten Haag than anything else.

  4. Utd two up at half time. This has the makings of a good second half.

  5. Commiserations Peter - not at their best today but Utd went at it with the bit between their teeth

  6. Likewise commiserations, Peter but Man Utd deserved their victory. I don't feel the resentment that I used to feel and most Leeds fans still do at them winning trophies.

    1. Your time to sweat today Barry - looking forward to the Leeds-Saints clash. Hope Leeds win.

    2. I'll be supporting the mighty Leeds today. Good luck Barry

    3. Commiserations to you Barry. They were not on their game this afternoon. Another year in the Championship because of it.

  7. Thanks. You can't win them all. Congrats to Man U, I had a feeling they would turn up for this one. I had a great day watching it with my buddies, loads of beer and grub, then off to the pub.

  8. I hope Leeds lose and I was over the moon when Utd beat City...

    You can't win them all.

    But City can buy lots of titles....

  9. Thanks, Anthony. That was our reward for getting 90 points including our best running win since 1931. But good luck to the Saints and Ipswich in the Premiership. I sincerely hope they don't concede a century plus shedload of goals like Sheffield Utd or win just two home games like Burnley.

    1. I think that the play off should be between third from bottom in the Premiership and third from top in the Championship.

  10. Quiller's....I'm with The Million Dollar Quartet ----I'm a Rockabilly....Fcuk Leeds.

    1. Frankie, I shall not rise to that pathetic insult by replying "Fcuk Man Utd" as I stopped hating them after Ferguson left. Just grow up FFS .
