Donegal Daily ✒ The Justice 4 Donegal Defective Concrete Home and Properties group is holding a public meeting to discuss a judicial review of what the group has labelled flawed ‘mica’ testing standard IS465.

Formed in October 2023, the group currently comprises 16 home and property owners affected by defective concrete blocks and products.

They were frustrated at the suffering being inflicted by the two “unworkable Government grant schemes.”

A spokesperson for Justice 4 Donegal Defective Concrete Home and Properties said: 

It is just over 10 years since the first campaign was established to seek compensation for what was and is still happening to our homes and properties.
Two campaigns later, and we are no further forward in getting the justice which we deserve and to which we are entitled. We have been hindered and failed by local and national politicians.
The thousands of campaigners across Donegal who marched in Dublin at two protests in 2021, have to be commended for their bravery. However, we feel the political road is now well and truly dead.
We have come together to seek another way in our search for real justice for the victims of what was fraudulently labelled the Donegal Mica Freeze/Thaw scandal by those in power . . . 

Continue reading @ Donegal Daily.

‘Justice 4 Donegal – Defective Concrete Home And Properties’ To Host Public Meeting

Donegal Daily ✒ The Justice 4 Donegal Defective Concrete Home and Properties group is holding a public meeting to discuss a judicial review of what the group has labelled flawed ‘mica’ testing standard IS465.

Formed in October 2023, the group currently comprises 16 home and property owners affected by defective concrete blocks and products.

They were frustrated at the suffering being inflicted by the two “unworkable Government grant schemes.”

A spokesperson for Justice 4 Donegal Defective Concrete Home and Properties said: 

It is just over 10 years since the first campaign was established to seek compensation for what was and is still happening to our homes and properties.
Two campaigns later, and we are no further forward in getting the justice which we deserve and to which we are entitled. We have been hindered and failed by local and national politicians.
The thousands of campaigners across Donegal who marched in Dublin at two protests in 2021, have to be commended for their bravery. However, we feel the political road is now well and truly dead.
We have come together to seek another way in our search for real justice for the victims of what was fraudulently labelled the Donegal Mica Freeze/Thaw scandal by those in power . . . 

Continue reading @ Donegal Daily.

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