Michilìn Mhic Fheargaìl    So a funny memory for me about none other than the good old Belfast bap.

A right few years back while studying in QUB I lived in Ardoyne part time, as in a few days a week, to save commuting. A great welcoming community I have to say and I loved meeting new people regularly in the bakery/coffee shop which was then situated a few doors down from where Spar is now.
I’m not sure if it is still there but then it was buzzing and seemed to be a great hub for the community.

Anyways to set the scene: one day I was lined up to be served and there was a delivery man with a very strong accent from Ballymena or thereabouts in front of me, and he asked the lady who was serving had she "any baps";  that he just wanted "two big floury soft Belfast baps", making a squeezing gesture with clenched fists” 

She replied “I still have big Belfast baps” in her strong Belfast accent.This may not sound too strange, but to me - a wee Tyrone girl with a weird sense of humour - I looked at the beautiful lady serving who had served me many a time. She was so full of life and character and mighty crack, but it was quite obvious that she was very well endowed on the cleavage area especially compared to me  (the world is unevenly divided). 

With that’ said my eyes started to well up and I burst out laughing hysterically she looked at me and instantly knowing what I was thinking she starting laughing. We both couldn't stop laughing. We laughed that much, your man standing scratching his head wondering what we where laughing at. And he said “can I have the baps?” Then the rest of the wee shop laughed at us laughing, not even knowing the joke. 

I’ll never buy Belfast bap again without thinking about this just priceless. 

Michilìn Mhic Fheargaìl hails from Co Tyrone

Belfast Baps

Michilìn Mhic Fheargaìl    So a funny memory for me about none other than the good old Belfast bap.

A right few years back while studying in QUB I lived in Ardoyne part time, as in a few days a week, to save commuting. A great welcoming community I have to say and I loved meeting new people regularly in the bakery/coffee shop which was then situated a few doors down from where Spar is now.
I’m not sure if it is still there but then it was buzzing and seemed to be a great hub for the community.

Anyways to set the scene: one day I was lined up to be served and there was a delivery man with a very strong accent from Ballymena or thereabouts in front of me, and he asked the lady who was serving had she "any baps";  that he just wanted "two big floury soft Belfast baps", making a squeezing gesture with clenched fists” 

She replied “I still have big Belfast baps” in her strong Belfast accent.This may not sound too strange, but to me - a wee Tyrone girl with a weird sense of humour - I looked at the beautiful lady serving who had served me many a time. She was so full of life and character and mighty crack, but it was quite obvious that she was very well endowed on the cleavage area especially compared to me  (the world is unevenly divided). 

With that’ said my eyes started to well up and I burst out laughing hysterically she looked at me and instantly knowing what I was thinking she starting laughing. We both couldn't stop laughing. We laughed that much, your man standing scratching his head wondering what we where laughing at. And he said “can I have the baps?” Then the rest of the wee shop laughed at us laughing, not even knowing the joke. 

I’ll never buy Belfast bap again without thinking about this just priceless. 

Michilìn Mhic Fheargaìl hails from Co Tyrone

1 comment:

  1. Loved this story - the bap looks scrumptious. Brought back so many memories of growing up and the Long Kesh cages.
