Atheist Republic Britain’s state-owned rail company found itself in hot water after one of its stations in London displayed an Islamic message on one of its signs as part of its Ramadan celebrations. 

The message called for “sinners” to repent.

Passengers posted photos of the message on social media. The sign at King’s Cross Station in London showed a hadith: "Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: All the sons of Adam are sinners, but the best of the sinners are those who repent often.”

Although the reactions to the sign were mixed, the religious saying caught passengers by surprise. It even triggered warnings that Network Rail, the United Kingdom’s public railway stations company, risked “generating resentment” with the Ramadan message.

The Islamic message was displayed on March 19th, the ninth day of Ramadan. Alongside the “hadith of the day,” the sign also showed “fajr” and “maghrib,” which are the sunrise and sunset times for prayer in Islam.

In response to the criticisms it received, Network Rail said the company was marking the Islamic month of Ramadan, which started last March 10th and would end on April 9th for 2024.

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Great Britistan? Anger As Train Board Hijacked To Preach Islam

Atheist Republic Britain’s state-owned rail company found itself in hot water after one of its stations in London displayed an Islamic message on one of its signs as part of its Ramadan celebrations. 

The message called for “sinners” to repent.

Passengers posted photos of the message on social media. The sign at King’s Cross Station in London showed a hadith: "Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: All the sons of Adam are sinners, but the best of the sinners are those who repent often.”

Although the reactions to the sign were mixed, the religious saying caught passengers by surprise. It even triggered warnings that Network Rail, the United Kingdom’s public railway stations company, risked “generating resentment” with the Ramadan message.

The Islamic message was displayed on March 19th, the ninth day of Ramadan. Alongside the “hadith of the day,” the sign also showed “fajr” and “maghrib,” which are the sunrise and sunset times for prayer in Islam.

In response to the criticisms it received, Network Rail said the company was marking the Islamic month of Ramadan, which started last March 10th and would end on April 9th for 2024.

Continue reading @ Atheist Republic.

1 comment:

  1. I am, presumably, a "son of Adam" (sic) but I am not a sinner. I resent and find it offensive to be told I am a sinner by anonymous people who do not know me. It is not a compliment to be called a "sinner," it is an insult or put down. It is implicitly insulting and at least latently threatening, and no 'advertisement' or 'public message' should be allowed that is offensive in that way.
