Gaels Against Genocide In GazaThousands of Gaels from the Irish language sector, cultural groups and Gaelic Athletic Clubs, from across the island of Ireland descended on Belfast today (Saturday, February 10, 2024) to call for an end to Israeli genocide in the Gaza Strip.

Gaels Against Genocide
In Gaza

Gaels Against Genocide called for a day of action from those involved in Gaelic sports, arts and culture and that call was heard loud and clear during a march and rally at Belfast City Hall.

Irish Sport for Palestine accompanied a delegation of Dublin Gaelic footballers, including one of the world’s most eminent transplant surgeons and three time all-Ireland winner Dr Dave Hickey from Raheny, who later addressed the enormous crowd.

Arrayed at the front of the march were children’s Gaelic jerseys from a range of clubs, carrying the names of children murdered in Gaza since October 7, produced by grassroots solidarity organization Mothers Against Genocide.

Representatives from GAA clubs across Antrim also participated, joined by clubs from all six counties in the north and many from 26 counties south of the border.

Gazan Saeb Shaath spoke from the platform, with a heartbreaking address, relaying the shattering news that Israel has already murdered 42 of his family members since October.

As a painful hush descended over those gathered, Saeb outlined his horror at the injuries sustained by his late father as illegal white phosphorus was used against Gaza’s civilian population.

Antrim Camogie all-star Jane Adams, from the Gaels Le Cheile group, gave a rousing speech calling for an end to the suffering of the Palestinian people, showing all the passion and intensity she was known for when she brought All-Ireland glory to her club, O’Donnovan Rossa.

Ciarán MacGhiolla Bhéin, representing An Dream Dearg, the Irish Language Rights campaign organization, outlined the Gaelic concept of ‘Ná h-abar é – dean é’ (don’t talk about it, do it!) and commended the multitude of activists who continue to draw attention to genocide in Gaza.

Coláiste Feirste student Pádraig DeBruin highlighted the role of young people in educating their peers on the horrors of the Israeli occupation and reflected on the irony that many of those murdered in the air assault on Gaza were butchered while sheltering in schools.

Micheál O’Dochairtaigh, a club man from Padraig Sarseil GAA in west Belfast, representing Gaels Against Genocide in Gaza commended the actions of fellow Gaels attending today’s march and rally.

He said:

What we saw today was a powerful cry from the Gaelic community across language, sport, music, art and culture in Ireland calling for the Irish government in particular to hold Israel to account for its action in Gaza in recent months.
Political cover for the actions of the Netanyahu government must stop as should normal relations between Ireland and a country which now stands accused of Genocide in The Hague.
We hope this grassroots activity is just the beginning and we ask all those who travelled today across Ireland to return to their parishes, clubs and communities and organize your own events to ensure this work is extended across Ireland.
Palestinians heard our voices today and together we can become an international loudhailer against the despicable actions of the genocidal, apartheid Israeli government in Tel Aviv.

Powerful Cry From The Gaelic Community Against Genocide

Gaels Against Genocide In GazaThousands of Gaels from the Irish language sector, cultural groups and Gaelic Athletic Clubs, from across the island of Ireland descended on Belfast today (Saturday, February 10, 2024) to call for an end to Israeli genocide in the Gaza Strip.

Gaels Against Genocide
In Gaza

Gaels Against Genocide called for a day of action from those involved in Gaelic sports, arts and culture and that call was heard loud and clear during a march and rally at Belfast City Hall.

Irish Sport for Palestine accompanied a delegation of Dublin Gaelic footballers, including one of the world’s most eminent transplant surgeons and three time all-Ireland winner Dr Dave Hickey from Raheny, who later addressed the enormous crowd.

Arrayed at the front of the march were children’s Gaelic jerseys from a range of clubs, carrying the names of children murdered in Gaza since October 7, produced by grassroots solidarity organization Mothers Against Genocide.

Representatives from GAA clubs across Antrim also participated, joined by clubs from all six counties in the north and many from 26 counties south of the border.

Gazan Saeb Shaath spoke from the platform, with a heartbreaking address, relaying the shattering news that Israel has already murdered 42 of his family members since October.

As a painful hush descended over those gathered, Saeb outlined his horror at the injuries sustained by his late father as illegal white phosphorus was used against Gaza’s civilian population.

Antrim Camogie all-star Jane Adams, from the Gaels Le Cheile group, gave a rousing speech calling for an end to the suffering of the Palestinian people, showing all the passion and intensity she was known for when she brought All-Ireland glory to her club, O’Donnovan Rossa.

Ciarán MacGhiolla Bhéin, representing An Dream Dearg, the Irish Language Rights campaign organization, outlined the Gaelic concept of ‘Ná h-abar é – dean é’ (don’t talk about it, do it!) and commended the multitude of activists who continue to draw attention to genocide in Gaza.

Coláiste Feirste student Pádraig DeBruin highlighted the role of young people in educating their peers on the horrors of the Israeli occupation and reflected on the irony that many of those murdered in the air assault on Gaza were butchered while sheltering in schools.

Micheál O’Dochairtaigh, a club man from Padraig Sarseil GAA in west Belfast, representing Gaels Against Genocide in Gaza commended the actions of fellow Gaels attending today’s march and rally.

He said:

What we saw today was a powerful cry from the Gaelic community across language, sport, music, art and culture in Ireland calling for the Irish government in particular to hold Israel to account for its action in Gaza in recent months.
Political cover for the actions of the Netanyahu government must stop as should normal relations between Ireland and a country which now stands accused of Genocide in The Hague.
We hope this grassroots activity is just the beginning and we ask all those who travelled today across Ireland to return to their parishes, clubs and communities and organize your own events to ensure this work is extended across Ireland.
Palestinians heard our voices today and together we can become an international loudhailer against the despicable actions of the genocidal, apartheid Israeli government in Tel Aviv.

1 comment:

  1. Well done the Gaels Against Genocide. A powerful display.
