Джон Патрик Have you ever heard of a State where you are not permitted to use your own language in any official situation? 

Where the only common language of the country is not even accepted as a minority language? Where your religion is banned? Your churches and monasteries confiscated while priests and monks are persecuted? Your culture is outlawed? Where opposition parties have been closed down and their members killed, gaoled or exiled? Where there is one single medium of news and it broadcasts propaganda morning, noon and night? 

How about a State where a Jewish President would outlaw the Orthodox Christmas? Where a previous President would boast that your children would cower in basements while being bombed by a government that resulted from a bloody CIA coup d’etat. Where the legitimate president was ousted and replaced by men hand-picked by Victoria Nuland. A state where those who remained loyal to their democratically elected President and who protested were put in buildings and burned alive or attacked with tanks and fighter jets for nigh on a decade, resulting in the deaths of 15,000 plus men, women and children, before the SMO. Welcome to the Ukraine. 

The Ukraine is a fake state, (similar to ‘Northern Ireland’). Like the Six-County statelet, the Ukraine was a political construct that bore no relation to reality. It was hatched by Bolsheviks who sacrificed areas of other countries in order to foster a policy of divide and rule. It was thrown together from parts of Poland, Hungary, Romania, Russia and a small rump of ethnic Ukrainians. East of the Dnieper compares well to west of the Bann. The people east of the Dnieper. have never been Ukrainian, do not share the Ukrainian language but are Russians in ethnicity, language, religion and culture.

Then along came the comic Zelensky. He stood on a platform of bringing an end to the war. He portrayed himself as a peacemaker who would implement the Minsk agreements and forge a peace deal with the persecuted Russian people east of the Dnieper. We can only speculate why Zelensky switched sides soon after being elected. Instead of peace he urged to intensify the war against people whom they regarded as Ukrainians. One likely factor is that the war-mongers in the USA promised him the world as they had long been trying to provoke hostilities with Russia. They promised him that with their arms and sanctions that Russia would be defeated and the Ukraine would triumph. It has been a dream carefully fostered since the fall of the Soviet Union that they should drive a wedge between the Ukraine and Russia. 

Another factor was the Nazis. Look at any news report from five or six years ago and it was agreed by all that the Ukraine had a serious Nazi problem. It had never gone away, you know! The ghost of Stepan Bandera is venerated by the bulk of the little rump of real Ukrainians. These Nazi elements were very outspoken to Zelensky. ‘If you make peace with Russia we will hang you.’ The easier course was to back down, forget peace, forge an alliance with the Nazis, integrate them and fete them even in foreign countries. It is probable that both of these factors explain Zelensky’s volte-face. 

In any case that is what happened. Popularly elected to bring peace he elected for war. In the period prior to the SMO he escalated the bombardment of the Donbas and, together with his sponsors, created the biggest army in Europe and prepared a final onslaught on the beleaguered Russian inhabitants. We could also mention the constant expansion of the US empire, viz; NATO. These deliberate expansions again and again were designed to surround Russia with the eventual aim of its destruction and dismemberment, as had happened after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Never mind that Russia had been given constant assurances that NATO would not move one inch to the east. 

Finally, (albeit eight years too late), President Putin decided to recognize the independence of the Donbas and, upon their request, he came to save the Russian people of southern and eastern areas of the Ukraine and to denazify those committing genocide. They have since elected to become part of the Russian Federation. Thank God for that. It is time to bring peace to those who have suffered a decade under the Ukraine’s Nazi leaders, cynically being used by those US leaders who boast that it is the best deal ever. They are committed to prolonging hostilities to the last drop of Ukrainian blood. Those bastards are war criminals.

Джон Патрик lives in Moscow. 

My Thoughts On the Special Military Operation

Джон Патрик Have you ever heard of a State where you are not permitted to use your own language in any official situation? 

Where the only common language of the country is not even accepted as a minority language? Where your religion is banned? Your churches and monasteries confiscated while priests and monks are persecuted? Your culture is outlawed? Where opposition parties have been closed down and their members killed, gaoled or exiled? Where there is one single medium of news and it broadcasts propaganda morning, noon and night? 

How about a State where a Jewish President would outlaw the Orthodox Christmas? Where a previous President would boast that your children would cower in basements while being bombed by a government that resulted from a bloody CIA coup d’etat. Where the legitimate president was ousted and replaced by men hand-picked by Victoria Nuland. A state where those who remained loyal to their democratically elected President and who protested were put in buildings and burned alive or attacked with tanks and fighter jets for nigh on a decade, resulting in the deaths of 15,000 plus men, women and children, before the SMO. Welcome to the Ukraine. 

The Ukraine is a fake state, (similar to ‘Northern Ireland’). Like the Six-County statelet, the Ukraine was a political construct that bore no relation to reality. It was hatched by Bolsheviks who sacrificed areas of other countries in order to foster a policy of divide and rule. It was thrown together from parts of Poland, Hungary, Romania, Russia and a small rump of ethnic Ukrainians. East of the Dnieper compares well to west of the Bann. The people east of the Dnieper. have never been Ukrainian, do not share the Ukrainian language but are Russians in ethnicity, language, religion and culture.

Then along came the comic Zelensky. He stood on a platform of bringing an end to the war. He portrayed himself as a peacemaker who would implement the Minsk agreements and forge a peace deal with the persecuted Russian people east of the Dnieper. We can only speculate why Zelensky switched sides soon after being elected. Instead of peace he urged to intensify the war against people whom they regarded as Ukrainians. One likely factor is that the war-mongers in the USA promised him the world as they had long been trying to provoke hostilities with Russia. They promised him that with their arms and sanctions that Russia would be defeated and the Ukraine would triumph. It has been a dream carefully fostered since the fall of the Soviet Union that they should drive a wedge between the Ukraine and Russia. 

Another factor was the Nazis. Look at any news report from five or six years ago and it was agreed by all that the Ukraine had a serious Nazi problem. It had never gone away, you know! The ghost of Stepan Bandera is venerated by the bulk of the little rump of real Ukrainians. These Nazi elements were very outspoken to Zelensky. ‘If you make peace with Russia we will hang you.’ The easier course was to back down, forget peace, forge an alliance with the Nazis, integrate them and fete them even in foreign countries. It is probable that both of these factors explain Zelensky’s volte-face. 

In any case that is what happened. Popularly elected to bring peace he elected for war. In the period prior to the SMO he escalated the bombardment of the Donbas and, together with his sponsors, created the biggest army in Europe and prepared a final onslaught on the beleaguered Russian inhabitants. We could also mention the constant expansion of the US empire, viz; NATO. These deliberate expansions again and again were designed to surround Russia with the eventual aim of its destruction and dismemberment, as had happened after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Never mind that Russia had been given constant assurances that NATO would not move one inch to the east. 

Finally, (albeit eight years too late), President Putin decided to recognize the independence of the Donbas and, upon their request, he came to save the Russian people of southern and eastern areas of the Ukraine and to denazify those committing genocide. They have since elected to become part of the Russian Federation. Thank God for that. It is time to bring peace to those who have suffered a decade under the Ukraine’s Nazi leaders, cynically being used by those US leaders who boast that it is the best deal ever. They are committed to prolonging hostilities to the last drop of Ukrainian blood. Those bastards are war criminals.

Джон Патрик lives in Moscow. 


  1. Replies
    1. You, my unfortunate friend are a Cretin.
      "Epimenides the Cretan says, 'that all the Cretans are liars,' but Epimenides is himself a Cretan; therefore he is himself a liar.

  2. If the article continued and balanced the anti democratic nature of rule in Russia it would be stronger. It's analysis as it is is largely correct in my opinion from what I've read and listened to.

  3. Spot on article. I recall a BBC documentary just before Russia was due to host the World Cup whereby a journalist was taken into a Ukraine forest to witness hundreds of men training in a neo nazi militia that the BBC claimed was known and tolerated by the Ukraine govt. The gist of the documentary was to suggest the World Cup could get very violent as the this militia was stating it was going to Moscow to riot as football hooligans. Be that as it may the SMO has over and above defanged the bullies of the 'free world' and exposed them for the cowards they really are I.e no problem going to war against small ill equipped countries but baulk when they might meet a more potent opponent. So rather than take them on and lose the rate of troops that they like dishing out they revert to sabotage,terrorism and plausible deniability. As they say in Glasgow 'get it up yea!'

  4. Джон Патрик and Micko
    And dont forget the dangerous Ukrainian children that the Russian NAZIs 'rescued' from their parents and are re-educating (brainwashing) to be good Russians.

    And to think both of you have access to uncensored information most Russian's are not allowed access to. Shame on you both.

  5. Christy Walsh
    Since the start of the SMO almost 5 million Ukrainians have re-located to Russia, including 700,000 children, the vast majority with their parents. It seems to me to be eminently sensible to try to remove as many vulnerable children as possible out of harm's way. Maybe if Zelensky stopped showering them with western-supplied cluster bombs it wouldn't be necessary.
    I am somewhat bemused that you think that you have 'uncensored information' given that all Russian news outlets are banned in the West. They even wanted to Sanction Tucker Carlson. It is news to me that Russians are not allowed to access whatever they choose. Do they not have computers or smartphones in Russia?

  6. Джон Патрик

    Both you and MickO advocate for the genocide of the Ukrainians -you both refuse to recognize the Ukrainians as a people, you both support the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the your hero Putin against Ukraine and its people. Your crap is representative of the nonsense spewed by Putin's media -fact check: Ukrainians relocated into Russia under threat that they would be bombed into oblivion if they did not --by Russian NAZIs -which you identify as and MickO identifies as a western useful idiot.

    1. 'Both you and MickO advocate for the genocide of the Ukrainians -you both refuse to recognize the Ukrainians as a people'.........I did no such thing. Do keep up......or wise up.......or both.

    2. MickO

      You think Джон Патрик is "Spot on" -that's pretty definitive -- you think he/she is right (or spot on) to deny the legitimacy of Ukraine and its people. It also expresses your agreement with his/her support for Russia's Imperial unprovoked war of aggression against a peaceful neighbour and his genocidal views -or maybe 'familicide' he switched to calling Ukrainians his brothers -which is pretty evident Ukrainians do not see Russians as brothers.

  7. Christy Walsh

    I note that you have not contradicted anything within my post. Calling it 'crap' and slinging puerile argumenta ad hominem doesn't help your case.

    As for genocide of the Ukrainians; if you knew anything about what is going on you would know that this is a civil war between brothers. It was planned by the USA for many years. It was the most avoidable conflict of all time. The USA connived to bring this situation about for its own purposes. They could stop it tomorrow if they wanted to do so.
    If Russia had any interest in genocide they would be doing what the Israelis are doing in Gaza. This is what has led to the Operation being prolonged. It should have been over within a month but Boris Johson, at the behest of Biden, told Zelensky that they would not allow him to sign a deal but would guarantee him victory.
    The Ukrainians are not a people. They are half a dozen different peoples. I should have thought that someone from Ireland might be able to understand that. Go back to the penal days and tell me, would you see those who were stealing your religion, culture, language and identity to be one people with the Irish Nation? The difference in the Ukraine is that they are way more divided than Ireland was and is.
    Does that mean that I wish them harm? Of course not. Every death there is a tragedy. Thankfully the Russians are not going in like the Israelis. This is why it is a Military Operation and not a war. They are being ultra careful in order not to harm the civilian population.
    Your ridiculous assertion that 5 million Ukrainians were brought into Russia so as not to be bombed by Russians is laughable. Imagine a country bringing in so many enemies. They are in Russia by choice because they are Russians and prefer to be out of the immediate danger.
    Your talk about Russian Nazis shows how ill-informed you are. The Azov Battalion, for example, is almost exclusively filled with followers of Stepan Bandera who has even been declared a Hero of Ukraine by a Ukrainian President. Any follower of Bandera is, by definition a Nazi. The fact that one of the many groups that make up the fake state of the Ukraine worship Bandera, the Nazi, is one of the reasons why it is essential that this group is isolated and their poisonous Nazi ideology is destroyed.
    In order for this to happen the best thing would be for each of the national parts to reunite to their own countries that they were stolen from. The little rump that would then be left could retain the name of the Ukraine if it wished. Had they not sought to destroy the Russian people, outlaw their language etc and treat them as second class citizens things would have been very different.
    I don't expect you to say anything other than 'codswallop, crap' or some other such puerile asinine remark but then you don't really seem to have much to say short of insults.

  8. Джон Патрик

    So its a civil war now? -Russians and Ukrainians are no more brothers than the English and Irish are. I have responded to your falsehoods -singling out words like 'crap' do not dispel facts of Russian NAZIs genocidal unprovoked war of aggression against a peaceful Nation. And actually Russia is doing worse on Ukraine than Israelis are doing on Gaza --the horrific attacks on Gaza are all the more horrific because of their intensity in a short time on a narrow strip of land. Russian NAZI war crimes are spread out over a larger geographical area and time, but the loss of Ukrainian civilian lives is far greater than Palestinian lives.

    But here's your contradictory argument -Ukrainians are a non-people that don't exist // they are our brothers --either way we are going to wipe them out --in a technical sense if you call them your brothers then massacring them is not a genocide -but lets see how that defence goes at the Hague.

    You've not actually said anything that is factually true or verifiable so there isn't much anyone can say in response but to highlight the nature and basis of the war --as an unprovoked war of aggression on a peaceful neighbour --denying the existence of Ukraine and its people merely confirms the genocidal intent behind the aggression. Slava Ukraini!

  9. 'as an unprovoked war of aggression on a peaceful neighbour'
    Ah, so you work for the BBC.
    'Russians and Ukrainians are no more brothers than the English and Irish are.'
    What a display of ignorance. They are the same people, only some, ie the Ukrainians west of the Dnieper began to adopt Hitler's views of being the pure Slavic race, denigrating their brother Russians for having Asiatic influences that diluted their pure blood.
    'Slava Ukraini!'
    This, like a Masonic handshake is what gives you away. The Nazi cry of the Banderites as they massacred Jews, Poles, Hungarians and Russians. The Banderite's Heil Hitler.
    You either don't know that or you really are a Nazi.
    I note in closing, that you have not rebuffed one single thing in my original post.

  10. Was the massacre at Bucha an example of Russia taking care to avoid civilian casualties? Was the siege of Mariupol with it's 20,000 dead? The removal of children to Russia? The round the clock shelling of apartment blocks?

  11. I actually feel sorry for you as you live in a country where to call this special military operation what it is, a war of aggression can lead to 15 years in the Gulag.

    1. Barry Gilheany

      The Bucha 'massacre' was fake. It was concocted in order to give Zelensky cover to pull out of the agreement that was on the point of being adopted.
      War is a bloody business which is why it should never have been provoked and should not be prolonged by the West. The illegal government had no moral right to send Nazi battalions to occupy a Russian city. Many of the civilian deaths, (much lower than your inflated figure), were those killed by the Azov Nazis who held them as hostages or shot those attempting to flee. Had Russia not sought to eliminate any civilian casualties they would have taken the city in three days, not three months.
      As for removing children to safety, would you rather leave them in mortal danger of being blown to pieces by western donated cluster bombs.
      Only apartment blocks that had been transformed into military headquarters have been targeted. The Russian army does not target civilians. The civilians in Mariupol are Russians.
      All in all I think you have listened to too much delirious western propaganda. It is regrettable that the British, and the Anglo Saxon world in general are so keen to prolong a war and will not even tolerate the notion of peace.
      I have no problem calling it a war and do not fear any repercussions. It is a 'war' in one sense. In fact Специальная военная операция literally translated means Special War Operation. Neither side has declared war on the other, so technically it isn't a war. Should it become a real war then it will be over quickly as the gloves will come off.
      Meanwhile I concur with and take solace from the head of Russia's Orthodox Church, in his recent letter to the President.
      Patriarch Kirill said: "We glorify today the feat of soldiers who are heroically fighting on the borders of Russia, defending its sovereignty and independence."
      May God grant them victory over NATO.

    2. Barry Gilheany
      "I actually feel sorry for you as you live in a country where to call this special military operation what it is, a war of aggression can lead to 15 years in the Gulag."

      The 'war' started in 2014. The Special Military Operation is taking place in order to stop the 'war'.

  12. While listing atrocities we must not forget those carried out by Banderite Nazi Ukrainians.

    The continuous shelling of market places, and civilian areas in the Donbass since 2014 and which increased in intensity in late 2021 and early 2022. It has been ongoing for ten years.

    The Ukrainian harvesting of organs in citizens of Mariupol killed by the Azov Nazis.

    The burning of scores of trade unionists in Odessa.

    The eating of a Russian baby in the form of a cake by revelers in Kiev.

    The horrific murders of Darina Dugina, a young philosopher and Vladlen Tatarsky, a young blogger and others outside of any war zone.

    Tucker Carlson, Jimmy Dore, Roger Waters and thousands of others, including children have been put on a Ukrainian Kill List. When they are killed, as for example Darina Dugina, they cover the picture with the word ‘eliminated’.

    The torture, murder or mutilation of many Russian soldiers. Such as the summary execution of prisoners of war at Mala Rohan.

    Ukrainian soldiers who surrendered targeted and killed by the Ukrainian Army.

    Ethnic Russian civilians being tied to posts and left to die for the crime of being Russian.

    I could extend this list into hundreds, or even thousands of items. This is all being hidden from you because they have blocked all media that might enable you to see that this is not a black and white situation of Putin a monster and Zelensky a knight in shining armour. It certainly did not begin in 2022. Anyone who seriously believes that this is about an ‘unprovoked act of aggression' that started in 2022 is a fool, a moron an ignoramus and a simpleton.

    Do yourselves a favour. Get a VPN and log into the news that is being hidden from you.

    1. I thought you would say that the Bucha massacre was faked. The standard trope of conspiracist world wide, be it Nazi Holocaust deniers, Syrian chemical weapon atrocity deniers or 'the Bosnian Muslims bombed their own market places. We see you, brainwashed Putinist.

  13. Джон Патрик

    Division of the Kingdom of Kievan Rus (9th-12th Centuries) was the predecessor to to what would become the Eastern Slavic nations of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. ---Zip forward to contemporary times- In international agreement between 4 equal nations, Ukraine agreed to give up its nuclear arsenal in exchange for the protection from the other 3 (US, UK and Russia). 30 years later and Russia violated the international agreement and has invaded the sovereign territory of a peaceful neighbor in an unprovoked war of aggression.

    The sooner the Americans get their Russian proxies in MAGA under control the sooner the Ukrainians can kick Russian ass and send more Russian zombies back to Moscow.

    1. I always suspected you weren't playing with a full deck.

    2. Christy Walsh
      "The sooner the Americans get their Russian proxies in MAGA under control the sooner the Ukrainians can kick Russian ass and send more Russian zombies back to Moscow."

      Scoundrels like you demean what it is to be human. I thank God that I do not wish any harm to Ukrainians. I could not live with myself if I harboured your insane Anglo-Saxon Russophobia to the degree where you have so demonised a people, through bullshit western propaganda and censored news, that you have sunk into such a level of inhumanity.
      Somebody mentioned 'moral compass'. For your own sake I hope you manage to find relief for your delusional hatred of another people that has brought you so low.
      Прощай, ублюдок

    3. MickO Ouch! Lashing out in desperation are we?? Its all well and good being a lefty -until your heros expose themselves as authoritarian war criminals involved in a genocide and who also kill their political opponents and investigative journalists -- undermines your whole political identity.... I get why that must hurt to make you lash out.

    4. Джон Патрик

      Just as your recognition of Ukrainians is wrong -so too is your recognition of the Irish --we are not anglo-saxon. And please spare me your belated and completely phony concern for the lives of Ukrainians -you support the war of genocide against them you moron. --one thing pedaling Russian propaganda for Russian war crimes but don't contradict yourself by trying to portray yourself as a decent person --my only question is if you believe in Russia's war so much have you no balls to go to the front line?

  14. Джон Патрик

    You have no problem with Russian genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity against the Ukrainians --that's the point with just about everything you write to justify Russia Imperial unprovoked war of aggression against a peaceful neighbour -you pump Russian NAZI lies as justification for the atrocities committed in Ukraine. Look in the mirror

    I would prefer to see Russian zombies return home alive but if the only way to stop their war crimes and crimes against humanity is to send them back to Moscow in body bags then so be it.

    1. 'And please spare me your belated and completely phony concern for the lives of Ukrainians'

      This just confirms that you have not understood one word I have written. The fact that I consider the Ukrainians brothers with Russians means that I have no wish for a single Ukrainian to be killed. A brother does not kill a brother, even one poisoned with western lies. This SMO should never have been required. It was made inevitable but the expansion of NATO and the construction of an anti-Russia, together with the overthrow of the legitimate government and attempted genocide of the Russian people of the Donbas.
      The tragedy of the Ukraine is compounded by the Nazi ideology of those who see themselves as the only true Slavs who have been groomed by the USA in its effort to retain its global hegemony. To this it had to weaken Europe and dismember Russia. It has successfully weakened Europe but was unable to conquer Russia.
      This is all just the outplaying of Zbigniew Brzezinski’s book “The Grand Chessboard”, written 25 years ago. His assumptions and strategies for maintaining US global hegemony have been hugely influential in US foreign policy.

      What you really fail to understand is that Russia is not at war with the Ukraine. It is at war with NATO. The fact that you westerners cynically use Ukrainians as cannon fodder while waving your Ukrainian flags and spouting Nazi slogans fills me with utter contempt for you.

  15. "Just as your recognition of Ukrainians is wrong -so too is your recognition of the Irish --we are not anglo-saxon."

    You maintain that a Hungarian in a fake state is Ukrainian, a Pole in that state is Ukrainian, a Rumanian a Ukrainian, a Russian a Ukrainian. I am merely applying your logic. If you are from the Six Counties, by your login you are one with the race that predominates, you are a Brit. If you are a Free Stater you still think like a Brit. You sound like a Brit, spout BBC propaganda, speak English and think like a little Englander. That is why I consider you an Anglo-Saxon if only through conquest. My apologies for the few real Irish men left, a truly dying breed.

  16. Must be bloody cold in Russia..


    Well, except for the oligarch cronies of Vladdy.

    1. Steve R

      Thousands! Out of 160 Million!
      I am sitting in my cozy flat with all the windows open because it is so warm inside.
      When I go back to the cAuld Sod I sit in the house with an overcoat on during the winter.

      'Says a lot about a military when you rely on the North Korean Despot to supply arms and ammunition. Ho hum.'

      Yet the combined NATO forces of the West are on the retreat. Russians with shovels are destroying NATO.
      Such a terrible Russian military, yet if you don't give them hundreds of billions of pounds they are going to take Poland, the Baltic States, next stop Bundoran, then on to take over America.

    2. NATO on the retreat? Sweden has just joined and the commitment to increase defense spending has been increased by to almost 2% of GDP of member countries. Good luck using misfiring DPRK rockets and dodgy ammo, those shovels you speak of will be used to bury Russian dead. We do not need Russia, you've invented nothing since before the USSR was relevant, and we are sourcing hydrocarbons from other sources. Enjoy your third world circle jerk with the Brazilians, Indians and Chinese.

  17. Says a lot about a military when you rely on the North Korean Despot to supply arms and ammunition. Ho hum.

  18. "my only question is if you believe in Russia's war so much have you no balls to go to the front line?"

    If I thought they would accept me I would gladly go tomorrow.
    You are boring me now. You never addressed one word of the original post. Being unable to contradict anything within led you down a sad path. Open your mind. I challenge you to watch a YouTube video of John Mearsheimer, Jonathan Sachs, Garland Nixon, Judge Napolitano, Daniel Davis (Deep Dive), Redacted, Colonel Douglas Macgregor, Scott Ritterr and countless others. Some of these people support the Ukraine, some are neutral, some lean towards Russia. For God's sake open your mind and stop repeating bullshit Anglo-Saxon BBC mantras. Act like an Irishman. Become informed, learn the history. Try to imagine that there is an estranged couple. Is it likely that one side is so correct that you do not need to hear from the other? That is childish, stupid and dishonest.

    1. Scott Ritter is a twice convicted sex offender. That the Russian propaganda apparatus in the West needs to rely on such fringe figures says it all really.

  19. Barry Gilheany
    "I thought you would say that the Bucha massacre was faked. The standard trope of conspiracist world wide, be it Nazi Holocaust deniers, Syrian chemical weapon atrocity deniers or 'the Bosnian Muslims bombed their own market places. We see you, brainwashed Putinist."

    Who blew up the Nord Stream Pipelines?

    'Open your mind. I challenge you to watch a YouTube video of John Mearsheimer, JEFFREY Sachs, Garland Nixon, Judge Napolitano, Daniel Davis (Deep Dive), Redacted, Colonel Douglas Macgregor, Scott Ritterr and countless others.'
    Jeffrey Sachs is very knowledgeable about the background and was an adviser to at least one Ukrainian President as well as to Gorbachev.
    For a lighter, leftist coverage, you could listen to Jimmy Dore. People of every spectrum can see through the bullshit that blinds the Anglo-Saxon world and their conquests who think like them.

    I bet you wore two masks and are multi-vaccinated, Christy Walsh.

  21. A couple of thoughts on this thread.
    Some are very quick to use the Nazi word. To them it is just a word of abuse to sling at an enemy. In this sense it has no real meaning other than a provocative insult. That said, there are real Nazis in this world and they were instrumental in overthrowing the legitimate, Russian friendly, government in 2014. They do not even deny that they are Nazis but rather boast of it.
    Uninformed or shallow thinkers will continue to deny that there were provocations that inevitably led to the necessity of a SMO.
    For anyone who has an open mind and seeks to understand some of the provocations, there is an excellent discussion on Break Through News published on Youtube to mark the SMO's second anniversary. It is a Marxist analysis. I should be inclined to approach these matters in a different way. But this goes to show that honest people of any political sway can understand that this was a U.S. planned and inspired war, using Banderite Nazis to overthrow a government and bring about another forever war. This is why they will not allow it to stop.
    Look it up on Youtube.

  22. Steve R
    "NATO on the retreat? Sweden has just joined and the commitment to increase defense spending has been increased by to almost 2% of GDP of member countries. Good luck using misfiring DPRK rockets and dodgy ammo, those shovels you speak of will be used to bury Russian dead."
    It is so touching, if unexpected, to see such reverence for NATO here.
    This ends in one of two ways. The unconditional surrender of the Banderite Kiev regime or nuclear war.
    A nuclear armed country cannot be defeated.
    Ergo, Russia wins and NATO dissolves in humiliation or we all go up together. More and more people are beginning to see that backing a Nazi regime to hold on to US world dominance is not really in their interests.
    After NATO's proxy war is defeated the bloc will implode.
    Good riddance and may it rest in pieces.

    1. "A nuclear armed country cannot be defeated."

      Russia isn't the only nuclear power in Europe and any launch against Ukraine with such weapons will be viewed as a launch against NATO given the amount of damage it would do to Bloc countries.

      "Ergo, Russia wins and NATO dissolves in humiliation or we all go up together. "

      Russia has been in the war against the Ukrainian people for 3 years, it is clear where the humiliation lays. Throwing prisoners and mass conscription of the lowest of Russian society to fight while the cronies of Putin's families avoid such horror tells us a lot. Russia is being sucked in to a long war, one that will ultimately cause it's collapse through financial drain.

      NATO is expanding rather than imploding, as no European country wants anything to do with Bully Boy Vladdy's thirst for complete autocratic subjugation of his enemies. Maybe it is you who should stop drinking the KoolAid and reminiscing of a lost glorious USSR which also collapsed because it became financially unviable.

  23. Christy Walsh comments

    Джон Патрик

    I have done nothing but answer your thoughts on the war... your thoughts are wrong: peppering them with falsehoods, exaggerations and irrelevancies does not change the fundamental fact you are still wrong. You support Russia's Imperialist unprovoked war of aggression/genocide against a peaceful sovereign neighbour. You are so deluded that you can't even call it a war --nearly 400,000 Russian zombies have had 'Special' deaths -as meat to a mincer. Any sense of brotherhood you have is not shared by the Ukrainians : you sound like an obsessive stranger stalking a girl/woman who doesn't feel the same way about you, that in the end you feel you have to kill her. It's a fucked up train of thought... --that's my answer to your thoughts.

    I don't watch or listen to the BBC so you are wrong again. As a follower of this site you ought to be aware that there are regular updates on the war which provide links to a range of different sources. FYI, most countries around the world think Russia's unprovoked war is a war crime. You have access to all this information but you regurgitate whatever misinformation/propaganda Putin wants.... I take it the exchange is you live with heat in your apartment while your fellow Moscovians freeze.

    Russia / Not Russia

    1. Christy Walsh

      Part 1
      “I have done nothing but answer your thoughts on the war...”

      Yet you have not isolated or contradicted a single one of them, let alone them all.

      “You support Russia's Imperialist unprovoked war of aggression/genocide against a peaceful sovereign neighbour.”

      A phrase taken almost verbatim from every BBC, CNN and other Western propaganda source, used like a mantra to delude their populaces. Every day repeated thousands of times. Not an original thought and thus a give-away sign of a deluded shallow, non-pensive person.

      “You are so deluded that you can't even call it a war”

      Let me say again, as you obviously don’t read what I write. I am happy to call it a war. It is a war, it is a war, it is a war, it is a war, it is a war. See, I fear no consequences! Let me then clarify it is not a fully fledged War between nations, but rather a civil war that later developed into a special WAR/or MILITARY operation. This is a specific type of war that seeks to minimize any harm to the civilian population.

      “--nearly 400,000 Russian zombies have had 'Special' deaths -as meat to a mincer.

      According to Western propaganda. The true figure is not even one tenth of that who have given their lives as Russian patriots for their country. On the other hand Zelensky’s figures of 30,000 are in fact well in excess of 500, 000.

      ‘Any sense of brotherhood you have is not shared by the Ukrainians’

      Once again you seem to think that there is one homogenous Ukrainian people. Let me ask you, do you think that the people of the Six Counties form one people, that they all think alike, their allegiances all concur and they are united in one nation? What if the Free State had sent troops over the border in the 70s as a Special Republican Operation. Would you call it “an unprovoked war of aggression/genocide against a peaceful sovereign neighbour”? Or would you look to a context; maybe noting, 800 years of ill-treatment, with provocation after provocation, including the assaults of language and culture, culminating in a fake Statelet of ‘Northern Ireland’ that was designed not for all of its inhabitants but was rather an Orange State? Yet you cannot see that this is mirrored in the fake Bolshevik created State of the Ukraine!

      “I don't watch or listen to the BBC so you are wrong again.”

      Yet every word you utter reads like one of their reports, word for word. But given that half a dozen people control all of the media in the West I guess you could be listening to RTE or practically any other outlet and get the same propaganda.

    2. Christy Walsh

      Part 2
      “As a follower of this site you ought to be aware that there are regular updates on the war which provide links to a range of different sources.”

      Yes, I am fully aware of that and I should like to invite the Pensive Quill to seek out and give equal prominence to a source on the other side. As I said before, think of an estranged married couple. It would be insane to only listen to one side. You need to listen to both. The list you mention is a propaganda list, designed to elicit sympathy and money for war. It is not to be taken as an account of reality. No judgments can be made on anything if you silence one side

      “FYI, most countries around the world think Russia's unprovoked war is a war crime.”

      You mean the Anglo-Saxon world and their vassal states of The EU!

      “You have access to all this information but you regurgitate whatever misinformation/propaganda Putin wants....”

      No, I listen to western sources and Russian sources and come to my own judgements. What I notice in reading Russian sources is, that unlike the West, the Russian sources always allude to what is being said in the West too, while western sources totally block out what is being said in Russia.

      “I take it the exchange is you live with heat in your apartment while your fellow Moscovians freeze.”

      Everyone is warm here. I have not felt cold when inside for one day. I am in an old Soviet flat, cheap and basic but very warm. Life is great here, for those, like me who can’t afford to live in Ireland.

      I have one more question for you. Let me say first, that most of my friends and colleagues here have links with the Ukraine, many of whom have sought refuge here from ten years of an attempted genocide. They all identify as Russians. Millions of others are still in the Donbass and in the Crimea. They have all voted to be part of the Russian Federation. Should your wish come true, what do you think should or will happen to these millions of people? Their language, religion, culture are all to some degree outlawed. What is their fate? To Hell or Siberia? How will you prevent their final genocide? Fortunately your wish will never come true as, should NATO not back down, Russian law states that at the stage a nuclear strike will occur. We probably won’t be too worried about anything after that. Be careful

    3. Christy Walsh

      Part 2 continued.

      ....Be careful what you wish for!

  24. Bleakley
    "Scott Ritter is a twice convicted sex offender. That the Russian propaganda apparatus in the West needs to rely on such fringe figures says it all really."
    Why not ignore him then and listen to some of the others, Jeffrey Sachs and Jonathan Mearsheimer for example?
    They are both very knowledgeable on the subject, of irreproachable morals, as far as I am aware. Neither of them are pro-Putin.

  25. Another CORRECTION! :)
    Why not ignore him then and listen to some of the others, Jeffrey Sachs and JOHN Mearsheimer for example?
    They are both very knowledgeable on the subject, of irreproachable morals, as far as I am aware. Neither of them are pro-Putin.

  26. UNPROVOKED? Think again!
