Spiked Online 🔨 Our sabre-rattling elites need to take a deep breath. Written by Tim Black. Recommended by Christopher Owens. 

Get ready. Assorted generals, politicians and officials think World War 3 is almost here. NATO higher-ups have been engaging in pumped-up war talk for a good while now. Britain’s military and political establishment has been particularly excitable, too.

A fortnight ago, Grant Shapps, currently temping as the UK defence secretary, announced that war is coming. He told an audience at Lancaster House that we are moving ‘from a post-war to pre-war world’. Army chief General Sir Patrick Sanders continued this theme during a speech at a military conference last week. First, he characterised the British people as a ‘pre-war generation’. Then he urged us to lay ‘the foundations for “national mobilisation”’. He even hinted at the possibility of conscription.

One of Sanders’ predecessors, General Sir Richard Dannatt, joined in with a Times column. He likened Britain in the 2020s to Britain in the 1930s. Then, as now, we are a nation unprepared for the coming cataclysm, he said.

This war-is-coming rhetoric has been so over-the-top that both No10 and the Ministry of Defence have since had to publicly distance themselves from the comments of their own military top brass.

Continue reading @ Spiked Online.

Are You Ready For World War 3?

Spiked Online 🔨 Our sabre-rattling elites need to take a deep breath. Written by Tim Black. Recommended by Christopher Owens. 

Get ready. Assorted generals, politicians and officials think World War 3 is almost here. NATO higher-ups have been engaging in pumped-up war talk for a good while now. Britain’s military and political establishment has been particularly excitable, too.

A fortnight ago, Grant Shapps, currently temping as the UK defence secretary, announced that war is coming. He told an audience at Lancaster House that we are moving ‘from a post-war to pre-war world’. Army chief General Sir Patrick Sanders continued this theme during a speech at a military conference last week. First, he characterised the British people as a ‘pre-war generation’. Then he urged us to lay ‘the foundations for “national mobilisation”’. He even hinted at the possibility of conscription.

One of Sanders’ predecessors, General Sir Richard Dannatt, joined in with a Times column. He likened Britain in the 2020s to Britain in the 1930s. Then, as now, we are a nation unprepared for the coming cataclysm, he said.

This war-is-coming rhetoric has been so over-the-top that both No10 and the Ministry of Defence have since had to publicly distance themselves from the comments of their own military top brass.

Continue reading @ Spiked Online.

1 comment:

  1. Of course they are going to say war is coming, it's their reason for being. Any war with Russia will be nuclear so what's the point in mobilizing a conscription army? Better to avoid war...up to a point...and when that point is reached that's what nuclear deterrent is for. The West is already weary of the Ukraine Vlad can have them. The Middle East is a clusterf**k but it will be over soon when Gaza is no more, and the Israelis can settle that deal with the Saudis. The Iranians are facing mass revolt by their own people sick of living under the jackboot of theologists and others will follow suit.
