A Morning Thought @ 2073



  1. If the average age for a man's life is 76 yrs and a woman's is 81...Does that mean if men transition, do they get the extra 5 years...

  2. Question to all Vegans---closet or other...

    Do any of you ever think or consider the rodents killed when the organic farmer plows his field with his combine harvester to make sure your lettuce sandwich is sustainable? What about the loss of habitat of ground-nesting birds? What about the thousands of insects and small reptiles that naturally pollinate plants and vegetation that get killed off when they are sprayed with pesticides?

    Or are you all led by the woke agenda and it is only the 'Larry the lambs and Peppa pigs' lives that matter...

  3. What is your problem with vegans, Frankie?

  4. Barry,

    I don't understand vegans or their arguments. Why don't you enlighten me on TPQ about the merits of being vegan?

  5. I am not a vegan myself but veganism and vegetarianism are founded on the ethical principles of avoiding animal suffering and reducing the carbon footprint created by methane emissions from cattle in particular.

  6. Barry.....

    I am not a vegan myself but veganism and vegetarianism are founded on the ethical principles of avoiding animal suffering

    How do they avoid killing off the insects that have pollinated the vegetation on this rock for millions of years? How do they avoid killing the ground rodents, ground-nesting birds ...reptiles? Or the bugs that live underneath the soil? Seems to me that for every vegan sandwich, there is a lot of life that has died or lost its nest, or foxhole to make it.

    and reducing the carbon footprint created by methane emissions from cattle in particular.

    So it's cow farts that are the problem....Barry can I have the phone number of your rasta, you must be smoking good weed if you believe that.
