Anthony McIntyre ☠  Passing through Ardee on a bus while travelling to Monaghan yesterday morning, the vehicle stopped across the road from Monastery National School.

It looked quiet and peaceful, in sharp contrast to events at Scoil Cholaiste Muire in Dublin the day previous. A five year old child remains in critical condition after being stabbed by a man wielding a knife. That she is still fighting for life rather than having lost it is most likely down to the determined action of a Brazilian national, Caio Benicio. Observing what was unfolding in front of his eyes he dismounted from his motorcycle and with some quick thinking and a deft delivery of a blow to the head of the assailant with his motor cycle helmet, he stopped the attack dead in its tracks.

I have two kids myself, so I had to do something. I did what anyone would do. People were there but they couldn’t step in because he was armed, but I knew I could use my helmet as a weapon.

The attacker. a man of foreign origins but a naturalised Irish citizen, who it now seems is suffering from a mental health issue, became the focus of manufactured anger. The far right wound thug life up and offered it rich pickings which it seized upon with relish, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.  Dublin experienced its own Kristallnacht as shop windows were smashed while looters made off with as much booty as they could plunder. The patriotism of pirates. 

The message driving the violence was that the assailant attacked a child because he was an immigrant:  and that is what immigrants do, and are allowed to do as a result of government immigration policy. Immediately after the attack WhatsApp messages were being passed around urging people to gather in the city centre and kill any immigrant they came across. It was chilling to listen to. Doubtless, had Caio Benicio, the immigrant whose intervention prevented further stabbings stayed around the scene of the attack, he would have been set upon.

The far right thugs claim patriotism but exhibit none of it. The most patriotic person on the streets of Dublin city centre on Thursday was Caio Benicio. He demonstrated a patriotism towards his fellow citizens and risked his life in doing so. He didn't stop to consider should he risk his own safety for a child who was most likely of a different nationality to himself. While this patriot acted to preserve life the hatriots were hell bent on threatening it.

The hatriots burn buses because they cannot tolerate a core value in this society: no immigrant will be put to the back of the bus.

Follow on Twitter @AnthonyMcIntyre.

Helmets Off To Caio

Anthony McIntyre ☠  Passing through Ardee on a bus while travelling to Monaghan yesterday morning, the vehicle stopped across the road from Monastery National School.

It looked quiet and peaceful, in sharp contrast to events at Scoil Cholaiste Muire in Dublin the day previous. A five year old child remains in critical condition after being stabbed by a man wielding a knife. That she is still fighting for life rather than having lost it is most likely down to the determined action of a Brazilian national, Caio Benicio. Observing what was unfolding in front of his eyes he dismounted from his motorcycle and with some quick thinking and a deft delivery of a blow to the head of the assailant with his motor cycle helmet, he stopped the attack dead in its tracks.

I have two kids myself, so I had to do something. I did what anyone would do. People were there but they couldn’t step in because he was armed, but I knew I could use my helmet as a weapon.

The attacker. a man of foreign origins but a naturalised Irish citizen, who it now seems is suffering from a mental health issue, became the focus of manufactured anger. The far right wound thug life up and offered it rich pickings which it seized upon with relish, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.  Dublin experienced its own Kristallnacht as shop windows were smashed while looters made off with as much booty as they could plunder. The patriotism of pirates. 

The message driving the violence was that the assailant attacked a child because he was an immigrant:  and that is what immigrants do, and are allowed to do as a result of government immigration policy. Immediately after the attack WhatsApp messages were being passed around urging people to gather in the city centre and kill any immigrant they came across. It was chilling to listen to. Doubtless, had Caio Benicio, the immigrant whose intervention prevented further stabbings stayed around the scene of the attack, he would have been set upon.

The far right thugs claim patriotism but exhibit none of it. The most patriotic person on the streets of Dublin city centre on Thursday was Caio Benicio. He demonstrated a patriotism towards his fellow citizens and risked his life in doing so. He didn't stop to consider should he risk his own safety for a child who was most likely of a different nationality to himself. While this patriot acted to preserve life the hatriots were hell bent on threatening it.

The hatriots burn buses because they cannot tolerate a core value in this society: no immigrant will be put to the back of the bus.

Follow on Twitter @AnthonyMcIntyre.


  1. Exploiting an attack on children for their own selfish bigoted ends. Their attempt at muddying the waters between Republican leaders and the far right is concerning. Misquoting James Connolly for example. Hatriots is the word for them. Even saw footage of some opportunists stealing charity boxes. One minute complaining about government taxes being misspent the next causing a huge unnecessary cost which the taxpayer will pay for.

    1. Probably more crime committed by them on Thursday than Immigrants commit in a year
