Caoimhin O’Muraile ☭ The British establishment and governing classes with their representatives in ‘Pandoras Box’ or Parliament (my description) have a history of appeasing far right regimes around the globe.

Back in 1919 after the First World War with the defeated ‘central powers’ led by Imperial Germany a treaty was signed at the Palace of Versailles just outside Paris. This became known as the ‘Treaty of Versailles’ or the ‘Paris Peace Conference’ and it was particularly harsh on the defeated Germans almost blaming them exclusively for the carnage of WWI. The French in particular were hard on the Germans demanding huge war reparations. 

Even the US President, Woodrow Wilson, commented on the harshness insisted on by the French. Their attitude may well have had much to do with the harsh terms and reparations the Prussians insisted the French pay after France’s defeat in the Franco/Prussian War, 19th July 1870 – 28th January 1871, when the North German state inflicted huge reparations on the French along with forcing them to give up much territory. For the French it was perhaps payback time! The treaty of 1919 forced the Germans to destroy their submarine fleet, restrict their army to 100,000 men, have no Airforce or heavy artillery on the ground. These terms were humiliating to say the least and to crown it all, the Kaiser was forced to resign or abdicate. It was a bitter pill for the defeated German people to swallow and one which would come back to haunt the victorious allies two decades later.

In 1929 an economic collapse hit the capitalist world, the ‘Wall Street Crash’ and it affected Germany more than perhaps any other capitalist country. To the far-right it was music to their ears as they had been waiting for an opportunity to spout their hatred of minorities, namely the Jews in the case of Adolf Hitlers NSDAP or Nazis. Hitler had made a move earlier in 1923 in Munich in what is known as the ‘Munich Beer Hall Putsch’ which failed and cost Hitler a short term in prison. Now he and his Nazis were back campaigning on the streets fighting in brawls with the communists, which the Nazis won, and entering elections. 

In 1933 Hitlers party became the largest in the Reichstag and he wanted to be Chancellor and on 20th January 1933 President Hindenburg, despite his reservations, made him just that. Hitler then set about dismantling the hated ‘Treaty of Versailles’, introducing conscription into the army. This would make the army exceed considerably the 100,000 number stipulated in 1919. This was a clear breach of the ‘Treaty’ which the British and French could and should have acted on. They didn’t and the question is why not? Ostensibly the reason was neither of them wanted another war and neither did their respective populations but this was bollocks, an excuse. The real reason was they saw in Hitler and the Nazis a bulwark against Soviet Russia and their brand of ‘communism’. British and French businesses were trading well with the Nazi state despite their mistreatment of the Jewish population. When a tidy profit can be made then fuck the Jews or any other discriminated ethnic minority group! In 1936 Hitler chanced his arm again, this time marching into the demilitarised zone known as the ‘Rhineland’. Once again, the British and French failed to act and Hitler, understandably, began to think he could do what the hell he liked and fuck the ‘Treaty of Versailles’. And as for the allies they could go and fuck themselves!

The Nazis were now constructing, not very clandestinely, a new modern Airforce, the Luftwaffe (Air Arms) which would become, for a time, the most powerful in the world. Another breach of 1919 and another act of appeasement by those who were supposed to uphold the Versailles treaty. In 1938 the ‘Munich Crisis’ over Czechoslovakia came about. Hitler demanded the border lands of Czechoslovakia, known as the Sudetenland, be given to Germany vowing then if these were granted, he would have “no further territorial demands in Europe.” Germany had already annexed Austria into their ‘greater German Reich’ and this was done with no bloodshed and the agreement, eventually, of fascist Italian leader Benito Mussolini. Now they had carved up Czechoslovakia with British and French approval, and Czech PM Edvard Benes was not even consulted on this dismantling of his country!! 

British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, went to Munich for a ‘little chat’ with Hitler and made a second visit not long after with French Premier, Edouard Daladier. Chamberlain came back to a delirious crowd waving a ‘piece of paper’ around declaring “peace in our time”. Hitler must have been laughing his balls off!! While all this political upheaval was going on British business was still dealing with German companies and the Nazi state itself. During WWII they would continue to clandestinely trade via third countries with the Third Reich. ‘Business is bigger than war’ was the motto of many in the British business community. Once again it was worth it to the British and French leaders to avoid war and have a staunchly anti-Soviet friend.

When the Second World War was over, resulting in an allied victory due in no small part to the victories of the Soviet Red Army who had suddenly become allies with the British and French small ultra-right groups began springing up in Britian. In 1962, just seventeen years after the Nazi defeat, Colin Jordan and John Tyndal launched the openly Nazi ‘British National Socialist Movement’. This group preached anti-Semitism, anti-immigration policies and spouted pro Hitler propaganda while wearing Nazi style uniforms complete with swastika armbands. The establishment allowed this to go on, many high-ranking British establishment figures being members of this cabal. A total insult to the many brave anti-fascists who gave their lives not so much for King and Country, but to fight Nazism during the war. This is the contempt the Establishment, many of whom wear poppies at ‘Remembrance Sunday’ parades, think of those who died fighting this kind of scum. Since then, fascist groups like the National Front (NF) and British National Party (BNP) have made their presence felt on the streets of Britain. These organisations have support from some in the business classes who see them as an insurance against the far-left in Britain, just as German business saw Hitler as an insurance policy against the communists in defence of their profits and German capitalism. A picture of appeasement and accommodation can be seen dating right back to Hitler abroad and overtly Nazi groups at home on British soil.

In 1979 Margaret Thatcher and her conservatives were elected to government in Britain. Thatcher held privately many fascist views and among her personal friends numbered Augusto Pinochet. Pinochet was the far-right man in Chile who organised the overthrow of the elected left-wing government of Salvador Allende in 1973. He was a fascist in all but name and one of Thatcher’s friends. For the record Thatcher refused to accept she was no longer Prime Minister when she was ousted as the leader of the conservatives in 1990, in much the same way as Donald Trump refused to acknowledge defeat to Joe Biden in the 2020 US presidential election. Fortunately, the British Conservative and Unionist Party were/are not fascist: far-right on occasions yes, fascist no. It was her own party which stopped Thatcher going all the way with her ideologies. She would, in all probability, have outlawed trade unions and strikes if she could have got away with it. When she was booted out of office in 1990 it was the moderates within the party who carried out the execution.

In 2016 the British held a referendum on whether to leave the European Union. The charge to leave and encouraging a leave the EU vote was a man named Nigel Farage. His party, the right-wing United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP,) was the most prominent of the leave camp. England voted to leave the EU, but Scotland and the Six counties voted remain. Their votes did not count, such is the make-up of the UK, just as they do not count for much if England wants something. This man, Farage, holds many fascist views and is reportedly on record as once singing a Nazi song; “gas em all, gas em all” (Irish Daily Mirror Friday 17th November P. 16) referring to Hitlers gassing of Jewish people. This vile man, who likes to promote himself as the funny man, everybody’s friend who likes a pint in his local, once “marched through a Sussex village singing Hitler Youth songs” (Ibid). While he attended the prestigious Dulwich College in South London, teachers there reportedly “tried to stop the headteacher making Farage a prefect, writing a letter in June 1981 to warn he had professed racist and fascist views” (ibid).

Now, this dangerous self-perceived funny man Farage who reportedly once boasted his initials were the “same as the National Front, NF, at the height of Britain’s far-right movement” (ibid) is taking part in a programme called: ‘I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here’. Farage’s involvement in this ridiculous programme will involve him, and others, trying to survive in jungle conditions, a correct venue at least for this less than funny fascist. The dangerous thing about Nigel Farage is, as the referendum proved, people listen to his fascist style arguments and vote accordingly even when he is lying as was the case in the referendum over £365 million saved for the NHS which turned out to be a lie put out by him and future Conservative leader, Boris Johnson. 

Is this not how Nazi Germany started? A ridiculous looking little man with a moustache who many thought to be deranged. They were right there, sweeping to power on being ridiculous and spreading lies! Farage has played the funny man, the I’m everybody’s friend card which hides a hate filled interior blaming immigration for all Britain’s woes! Farage left the Conservatives in 1992 two years after Thatcher was booted out.  No doubt he, Pinochet, and she shared many views. He disagreed with new party leader, John Major’s policies on Europe. Farage also reportedly said “the basic principle of Enoch Powell's Rivers of Blood speech was correct, and he has aligned himself with right-wing figures from overseas like Donald Trump” (ibid).

When Farage made his less than funny remark about sharing his initials with a fascist organisation it could be argued he was still a teenager and it was just adolescent fun. Not very funny, granted, but nevertheless that case could be put. If Farage had not gone on to politically advance his views, perhaps ‘teenage fun’ may have been the end of it. It could also be argued that fascism is imbued within the ranks of the bourgeoisie, which is where Nigel Farage hails from. And this is typical of the contempt that strata of society treat the rest of us with - could this be the case? 

Away from the racist aspects of his policies other points include the privatisation of the National Health Service (NHS), reducing the BBC to a news channel only, forcing them to have advertisements to cover their costs, banning workers taking strike action by law, reducing if not outlawing trade unions to tea and biscuit clubs, and many other profiteering far-right policies.

The question must be asked, how far away from fascism and, even more frightening, Nazism, are the British establishment? If Hitler had won WWII how many adjustments would the higher echelons of British society, including the Royal Family, have had to make? Today they still tolerate fascists, even making them out to be OK guys, while calling former labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, an anti-Semite because he dared to condemn Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. If the Nazis had won the Second World War I don’t think the British establishment and industrialists would have been that much bothered - after all profits come first over and above all other considerations! Don’t they? 

Today Britain appeases fascism and fascist ideologies at home and makes friends and alliances with far-right leaders abroad. Presently the British Government so far have refused to demand a ceasefire be called by the far-right Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu in Gaza. British politicians, both in government and opposition, have backed the murderous actions of Netanyahu without question. In fairness many Labour MPs have defied party leader, Kier Starmer, and called for a ceasefire, some going as far as to resign from Labour. Britain, certainly at Establishment and government levels are continuing their appeasement of fascism, just as they always have. Perhaps they wish to keep this ideology in their arse pockets as an insurance against any popular upsurge in socialist policies and organisations particularly outside Parliament?
Caoimhin O’Muraile is Independent Socialist Republican and Marxist.

British Appeasement And Accommodation With Fascism and Nazism – Past And Present

Caoimhin O’Muraile ☭ The British establishment and governing classes with their representatives in ‘Pandoras Box’ or Parliament (my description) have a history of appeasing far right regimes around the globe.

Back in 1919 after the First World War with the defeated ‘central powers’ led by Imperial Germany a treaty was signed at the Palace of Versailles just outside Paris. This became known as the ‘Treaty of Versailles’ or the ‘Paris Peace Conference’ and it was particularly harsh on the defeated Germans almost blaming them exclusively for the carnage of WWI. The French in particular were hard on the Germans demanding huge war reparations. 

Even the US President, Woodrow Wilson, commented on the harshness insisted on by the French. Their attitude may well have had much to do with the harsh terms and reparations the Prussians insisted the French pay after France’s defeat in the Franco/Prussian War, 19th July 1870 – 28th January 1871, when the North German state inflicted huge reparations on the French along with forcing them to give up much territory. For the French it was perhaps payback time! The treaty of 1919 forced the Germans to destroy their submarine fleet, restrict their army to 100,000 men, have no Airforce or heavy artillery on the ground. These terms were humiliating to say the least and to crown it all, the Kaiser was forced to resign or abdicate. It was a bitter pill for the defeated German people to swallow and one which would come back to haunt the victorious allies two decades later.

In 1929 an economic collapse hit the capitalist world, the ‘Wall Street Crash’ and it affected Germany more than perhaps any other capitalist country. To the far-right it was music to their ears as they had been waiting for an opportunity to spout their hatred of minorities, namely the Jews in the case of Adolf Hitlers NSDAP or Nazis. Hitler had made a move earlier in 1923 in Munich in what is known as the ‘Munich Beer Hall Putsch’ which failed and cost Hitler a short term in prison. Now he and his Nazis were back campaigning on the streets fighting in brawls with the communists, which the Nazis won, and entering elections. 

In 1933 Hitlers party became the largest in the Reichstag and he wanted to be Chancellor and on 20th January 1933 President Hindenburg, despite his reservations, made him just that. Hitler then set about dismantling the hated ‘Treaty of Versailles’, introducing conscription into the army. This would make the army exceed considerably the 100,000 number stipulated in 1919. This was a clear breach of the ‘Treaty’ which the British and French could and should have acted on. They didn’t and the question is why not? Ostensibly the reason was neither of them wanted another war and neither did their respective populations but this was bollocks, an excuse. The real reason was they saw in Hitler and the Nazis a bulwark against Soviet Russia and their brand of ‘communism’. British and French businesses were trading well with the Nazi state despite their mistreatment of the Jewish population. When a tidy profit can be made then fuck the Jews or any other discriminated ethnic minority group! In 1936 Hitler chanced his arm again, this time marching into the demilitarised zone known as the ‘Rhineland’. Once again, the British and French failed to act and Hitler, understandably, began to think he could do what the hell he liked and fuck the ‘Treaty of Versailles’. And as for the allies they could go and fuck themselves!

The Nazis were now constructing, not very clandestinely, a new modern Airforce, the Luftwaffe (Air Arms) which would become, for a time, the most powerful in the world. Another breach of 1919 and another act of appeasement by those who were supposed to uphold the Versailles treaty. In 1938 the ‘Munich Crisis’ over Czechoslovakia came about. Hitler demanded the border lands of Czechoslovakia, known as the Sudetenland, be given to Germany vowing then if these were granted, he would have “no further territorial demands in Europe.” Germany had already annexed Austria into their ‘greater German Reich’ and this was done with no bloodshed and the agreement, eventually, of fascist Italian leader Benito Mussolini. Now they had carved up Czechoslovakia with British and French approval, and Czech PM Edvard Benes was not even consulted on this dismantling of his country!! 

British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, went to Munich for a ‘little chat’ with Hitler and made a second visit not long after with French Premier, Edouard Daladier. Chamberlain came back to a delirious crowd waving a ‘piece of paper’ around declaring “peace in our time”. Hitler must have been laughing his balls off!! While all this political upheaval was going on British business was still dealing with German companies and the Nazi state itself. During WWII they would continue to clandestinely trade via third countries with the Third Reich. ‘Business is bigger than war’ was the motto of many in the British business community. Once again it was worth it to the British and French leaders to avoid war and have a staunchly anti-Soviet friend.

When the Second World War was over, resulting in an allied victory due in no small part to the victories of the Soviet Red Army who had suddenly become allies with the British and French small ultra-right groups began springing up in Britian. In 1962, just seventeen years after the Nazi defeat, Colin Jordan and John Tyndal launched the openly Nazi ‘British National Socialist Movement’. This group preached anti-Semitism, anti-immigration policies and spouted pro Hitler propaganda while wearing Nazi style uniforms complete with swastika armbands. The establishment allowed this to go on, many high-ranking British establishment figures being members of this cabal. A total insult to the many brave anti-fascists who gave their lives not so much for King and Country, but to fight Nazism during the war. This is the contempt the Establishment, many of whom wear poppies at ‘Remembrance Sunday’ parades, think of those who died fighting this kind of scum. Since then, fascist groups like the National Front (NF) and British National Party (BNP) have made their presence felt on the streets of Britain. These organisations have support from some in the business classes who see them as an insurance against the far-left in Britain, just as German business saw Hitler as an insurance policy against the communists in defence of their profits and German capitalism. A picture of appeasement and accommodation can be seen dating right back to Hitler abroad and overtly Nazi groups at home on British soil.

In 1979 Margaret Thatcher and her conservatives were elected to government in Britain. Thatcher held privately many fascist views and among her personal friends numbered Augusto Pinochet. Pinochet was the far-right man in Chile who organised the overthrow of the elected left-wing government of Salvador Allende in 1973. He was a fascist in all but name and one of Thatcher’s friends. For the record Thatcher refused to accept she was no longer Prime Minister when she was ousted as the leader of the conservatives in 1990, in much the same way as Donald Trump refused to acknowledge defeat to Joe Biden in the 2020 US presidential election. Fortunately, the British Conservative and Unionist Party were/are not fascist: far-right on occasions yes, fascist no. It was her own party which stopped Thatcher going all the way with her ideologies. She would, in all probability, have outlawed trade unions and strikes if she could have got away with it. When she was booted out of office in 1990 it was the moderates within the party who carried out the execution.

In 2016 the British held a referendum on whether to leave the European Union. The charge to leave and encouraging a leave the EU vote was a man named Nigel Farage. His party, the right-wing United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP,) was the most prominent of the leave camp. England voted to leave the EU, but Scotland and the Six counties voted remain. Their votes did not count, such is the make-up of the UK, just as they do not count for much if England wants something. This man, Farage, holds many fascist views and is reportedly on record as once singing a Nazi song; “gas em all, gas em all” (Irish Daily Mirror Friday 17th November P. 16) referring to Hitlers gassing of Jewish people. This vile man, who likes to promote himself as the funny man, everybody’s friend who likes a pint in his local, once “marched through a Sussex village singing Hitler Youth songs” (Ibid). While he attended the prestigious Dulwich College in South London, teachers there reportedly “tried to stop the headteacher making Farage a prefect, writing a letter in June 1981 to warn he had professed racist and fascist views” (ibid).

Now, this dangerous self-perceived funny man Farage who reportedly once boasted his initials were the “same as the National Front, NF, at the height of Britain’s far-right movement” (ibid) is taking part in a programme called: ‘I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here’. Farage’s involvement in this ridiculous programme will involve him, and others, trying to survive in jungle conditions, a correct venue at least for this less than funny fascist. The dangerous thing about Nigel Farage is, as the referendum proved, people listen to his fascist style arguments and vote accordingly even when he is lying as was the case in the referendum over £365 million saved for the NHS which turned out to be a lie put out by him and future Conservative leader, Boris Johnson. 

Is this not how Nazi Germany started? A ridiculous looking little man with a moustache who many thought to be deranged. They were right there, sweeping to power on being ridiculous and spreading lies! Farage has played the funny man, the I’m everybody’s friend card which hides a hate filled interior blaming immigration for all Britain’s woes! Farage left the Conservatives in 1992 two years after Thatcher was booted out.  No doubt he, Pinochet, and she shared many views. He disagreed with new party leader, John Major’s policies on Europe. Farage also reportedly said “the basic principle of Enoch Powell's Rivers of Blood speech was correct, and he has aligned himself with right-wing figures from overseas like Donald Trump” (ibid).

When Farage made his less than funny remark about sharing his initials with a fascist organisation it could be argued he was still a teenager and it was just adolescent fun. Not very funny, granted, but nevertheless that case could be put. If Farage had not gone on to politically advance his views, perhaps ‘teenage fun’ may have been the end of it. It could also be argued that fascism is imbued within the ranks of the bourgeoisie, which is where Nigel Farage hails from. And this is typical of the contempt that strata of society treat the rest of us with - could this be the case? 

Away from the racist aspects of his policies other points include the privatisation of the National Health Service (NHS), reducing the BBC to a news channel only, forcing them to have advertisements to cover their costs, banning workers taking strike action by law, reducing if not outlawing trade unions to tea and biscuit clubs, and many other profiteering far-right policies.

The question must be asked, how far away from fascism and, even more frightening, Nazism, are the British establishment? If Hitler had won WWII how many adjustments would the higher echelons of British society, including the Royal Family, have had to make? Today they still tolerate fascists, even making them out to be OK guys, while calling former labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, an anti-Semite because he dared to condemn Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. If the Nazis had won the Second World War I don’t think the British establishment and industrialists would have been that much bothered - after all profits come first over and above all other considerations! Don’t they? 

Today Britain appeases fascism and fascist ideologies at home and makes friends and alliances with far-right leaders abroad. Presently the British Government so far have refused to demand a ceasefire be called by the far-right Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu in Gaza. British politicians, both in government and opposition, have backed the murderous actions of Netanyahu without question. In fairness many Labour MPs have defied party leader, Kier Starmer, and called for a ceasefire, some going as far as to resign from Labour. Britain, certainly at Establishment and government levels are continuing their appeasement of fascism, just as they always have. Perhaps they wish to keep this ideology in their arse pockets as an insurance against any popular upsurge in socialist policies and organisations particularly outside Parliament?
Caoimhin O’Muraile is Independent Socialist Republican and Marxist.

1 comment:

  1. The Ruling Class in Britain is the most entrenched,extreme and primed regime today.It is a matrix of networks that has been refined for Centuries.Mountbatten and Prince Philip attended SS Funerals in Darmstadt in 1937 and all the Royal Families in Europe supported the Nazis and the relationship was mutual.
