A Morning Thought @ 1979


1 comment:

  1. Brandon......

    Leaving aside the politics, I find people eating bacon around me nauseating. And eggs. But I'm a vegetarian tea-totaller, and some find that annoying.

    Brandon my honest take on tea-totalling vegetarians/vegans....I think there should be more of them around because it means more vices for me to indulge in...We are all here for three score and 10---with medical science we can add another 15 yrs on...I want to go down rocking. I am the first to admit I have a very unhealthy lifestyle....But I know too many people who lived healthy lives and they didn't see 50. Hopefully when I leave this rock people who know me will raise a glass, have a toke and say...."Frankie didn't do things by halves"...
