Christy Walsh ✍ When I was told that Saoradh had sent solidarity greeting to Hamas for their crimes against humanity I had to check it out.

Sure enough they Salute Hamas and its "Operation Al-Aqsa Storm" of genocide to kill as many Jews as they could. I was disgusted. Today, 12th October, Saoradh has not self-reflected and withdrew its support for Hamas. There is no justification to support Islamism and its crimes against humanity. And no self-respecting Republican would ever support Islamism’s acts of depravity and pure evil. It appears Dissidents are becoming more radicalised in their thinking that genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity are legitimate means. This radicalisation has never been part of Republican psychic.

I recalled that after the 9/11 atrocities I could not believe there were Republicans/dissidents gleeful about those attacks. They thought so little of the Irish communities in the US that have stood in solidarity with Republicans throughout the Conflict. When I explained that Islamism hates the world and if you are not Muslim, or the type of Muslim they like, then they would as easily kill you unless maybe you converted. One dissident responded “Haven’t we oppressed and tortured Muslims, we deserve it.” I reminded him of Irish history, we had been the oppressed and never the oppressor. The defence was but we are part of the West, we deserve it. Scary thinking. Years later I encountered someone else who defended ISIS’ right to carry out genocide and acts of sheer barbarity and cruelty. Dissident radicalised thinking is a matter of concern.

So Saoradh have praised Hamas, loved their war crimes and crimes against humanity. Another frequent contributor to The Pensive Quill once wrote how when dissidents secure a United Ireland – they would then sort out the Unionists and other enemies. I called him out for it – I assume I am ‘other enemy’ because I didn’t agree with him. These people don’t actually get that war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity should never be carried out by anyone, even by those you like. I realize that if Saoradh and violent dissidents had the manpower and weaponry they might do the same if they aren’t repulsed by it. It comes down to opportunity and they don’t have it. The IRA would never even have thought of doing these things – killing babies and gang raping civilians, abducting little children and other sick and horrific acts of cruelty. Saoradh and the Left’s sympathies for Islamism is deranged and detached from decency and human dignity.

I am concerned about both Israeli and Palestinian civilians. Hamas attacks have always been designed, not for the insignificant damage they inflict, but the disproportionate response they draw from the Israelis. Their latest attacks are consistent with that strategy. They have effectively wrapped a suicide belt around the Gaza Strip in expectation of the Israelis blitzing it and that would draw other Muslims to attack Jews. In essence they are sacrificing Gaza in hope the Jews would be wiped off the face of the planet – they stated as much – to end the occupier’s existence on earth - or something like that. That is pure desire for genocide not freedom fighting. 

The Palestinian leadership in the West Bank have said they don’t want any part of Hamas crimes against humanity. It’s a shame Saoradh hadn’t got the same decency and compassion. I would not want to live in Saoradh’s radicalised idea of a United Ireland. It besmirches the ideals and aspirations of generations of Irish Republicanism.

Christy Walsh was stitched up by the British Ministry of Defence in a no jury trial and spent many years in prison as a result.

Saoradh Salute To Crimes Against Humanity

Christy Walsh ✍ When I was told that Saoradh had sent solidarity greeting to Hamas for their crimes against humanity I had to check it out.

Sure enough they Salute Hamas and its "Operation Al-Aqsa Storm" of genocide to kill as many Jews as they could. I was disgusted. Today, 12th October, Saoradh has not self-reflected and withdrew its support for Hamas. There is no justification to support Islamism and its crimes against humanity. And no self-respecting Republican would ever support Islamism’s acts of depravity and pure evil. It appears Dissidents are becoming more radicalised in their thinking that genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity are legitimate means. This radicalisation has never been part of Republican psychic.

I recalled that after the 9/11 atrocities I could not believe there were Republicans/dissidents gleeful about those attacks. They thought so little of the Irish communities in the US that have stood in solidarity with Republicans throughout the Conflict. When I explained that Islamism hates the world and if you are not Muslim, or the type of Muslim they like, then they would as easily kill you unless maybe you converted. One dissident responded “Haven’t we oppressed and tortured Muslims, we deserve it.” I reminded him of Irish history, we had been the oppressed and never the oppressor. The defence was but we are part of the West, we deserve it. Scary thinking. Years later I encountered someone else who defended ISIS’ right to carry out genocide and acts of sheer barbarity and cruelty. Dissident radicalised thinking is a matter of concern.

So Saoradh have praised Hamas, loved their war crimes and crimes against humanity. Another frequent contributor to The Pensive Quill once wrote how when dissidents secure a United Ireland – they would then sort out the Unionists and other enemies. I called him out for it – I assume I am ‘other enemy’ because I didn’t agree with him. These people don’t actually get that war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity should never be carried out by anyone, even by those you like. I realize that if Saoradh and violent dissidents had the manpower and weaponry they might do the same if they aren’t repulsed by it. It comes down to opportunity and they don’t have it. The IRA would never even have thought of doing these things – killing babies and gang raping civilians, abducting little children and other sick and horrific acts of cruelty. Saoradh and the Left’s sympathies for Islamism is deranged and detached from decency and human dignity.

I am concerned about both Israeli and Palestinian civilians. Hamas attacks have always been designed, not for the insignificant damage they inflict, but the disproportionate response they draw from the Israelis. Their latest attacks are consistent with that strategy. They have effectively wrapped a suicide belt around the Gaza Strip in expectation of the Israelis blitzing it and that would draw other Muslims to attack Jews. In essence they are sacrificing Gaza in hope the Jews would be wiped off the face of the planet – they stated as much – to end the occupier’s existence on earth - or something like that. That is pure desire for genocide not freedom fighting. 

The Palestinian leadership in the West Bank have said they don’t want any part of Hamas crimes against humanity. It’s a shame Saoradh hadn’t got the same decency and compassion. I would not want to live in Saoradh’s radicalised idea of a United Ireland. It besmirches the ideals and aspirations of generations of Irish Republicanism.

Christy Walsh was stitched up by the British Ministry of Defence in a no jury trial and spent many years in prison as a result.


  1. The far left lost whatever moral compass it had on 9/11 and ever since they have gone so far down the toilet of anti-Westernism as to cause a system blockage and pervasive stench in the wider progressive/left ecosphere. As for Saoradh, they kill journalists, don't they?

    1. Barry, seriously - Saoradh kill journalists?
      They killed one in an inexcusable act but if killing journalists really bothered you how many Palestinian journalists were murdered by Apartheid Israel this week?
      In a war that has been described by Press Gazette as 'the deadliest for journalists since the Russian invasion of Ukraine' nine Palestinian journalists have been killed by the Israelis and one Israeli journalist killed by Hamas.
      And you have the chutzpah elsewhere to call for balance.

  2. Strong piece Christy.
    That anybody salutes war crimes as distinct from the right to militarily resist is chilling.
    The context of persistent and pervasive Israeli barbarism does not justify the murderous failure by Hamas to ensure that every effort is taken to avoid targeting civilians. Massacring civilians is an Israeli-like war crime.
    While the argument has been made that most of those killed by Hamas were terrorists in the IDF, this does nothing to mitigate the atrocity perpetrated on civilians by Hamas.

    1. If Dissidents are not repulsed by Islamist tactics then it is only a matter of time they might start to replicate them,

    2. Dissidents have not gone so far as they can't pull back --but normalizing Islamist attacks is conditioning its support base that crimes against humanity are ok.

    3. Spouting rhetoric in support of Hamas and emulating them are two vastly different entities. If if they could get over their massive incompetence armed dissidents in my view are unlikely to go for genocidal attacks. Their Masserene attack was pretty much within the boundaries of the template devised by the Provisional IRA.

  3. AM
    Massacring civilians is an Islamist trademark. I saw somewhere that around 190 IDF were killed. If we consider that the attack on the concert was planned to kill and capture hostages so IDF were not the target. Attacks on Kabbutz were simarly exclusively targeting civilians --and you don't abduct or kill babies and toddlers in mistake or alternative for IDF. It was driven by desire for the genocide of Jews. The Israelis are predictable and as I say above, Hamas support and funding comes from Israeli overreaction. This time I think Hamas may see the complete destruction of Gaza as necessary pawn to draw Muslims in from all over the world to attack Jews. This was more that the average suicide attack but a mass suicide of Gaza.

    Though my piece was directed at the radicalization of dissidents-- they might not be completely radicalized but they are heading in that direction when they come to see genocide and crimes against humanity as legitimate means to achieve goals. Not only the Omagh bomb but the Massereene attack wasn't just attacking Brits but to kill everyone and anyone in the vicinity. Even their attacks on the PSNI seems to be sectarian in so far as they are specifically targeting them on religious grounds -they are only targeting Catholics.

    1. Massacring civilians is a trademark of both Islamacists and Israel. But it seems to be more of a trademark of the Caliphate seeking Islamicists like Isis than it is of other Islamicists like Hamas or Hezbollah. The Hamas counter terrorism operation was arguably quite a different beast from the Bataclan attack.
      The Israeli paper Haaretz said that 3/4 of the fatalities were IDF. But I think that was an early report. Don't know if it has changed much since.
      But no matter how big or small the civilian fatalities, they were calculated and were war crimes.
      I don't buy the notion that no matter how vile it was that genocide was the motivation. The increasing Nazification of the Israeli state and its Lebensraum policy in the West Bank, the absolute barbarism of its policy in Gaza was sufficient motive enough for Hamas to carry out its attack not to mention underscoring where the real genocidal intent lies. Other than from Israeli propaganda outlets the Hamas genocide narrative has few takers and that includes those who abhor Hamas.
      I think you are on stronger ground when trying to assess why Hamas strategically might have carried out the attack.
      I just don't see the dissidents as genocidal - tub thumpers more than anything else. Nor do I think from memory that John Caldwell was a Catholic.

  4. AM

    What is coming out from the civilians attacked was the absence of the IDF --what IDF were nearby were overrun and killed. Regardless -you dont mistake a baby in a cot for IDF -that is intentional and deliberate. Islamist's don't have off-limits.

    I don't think Dissidents are genocidal either but when they support, rationalise and normalise genocide and crimes against humanity to their base -then it's not unforeseeable that someone might act on it.

    The majority, if not all, cops targeted were Catholics.

    1. Given that very few cops have been targeted by the Dissidents the data might not allow for a trend to be so easily established. The media have tended to highlight the religion of a cop with which to argue that there is a strategy. My own view is that these groups lack any strategic nous and target what is available. Local Catholic cops probably fall into that category. This tells us more about their limitations than their sectarianism. When the Provisional IRA targeted mostly Protestant cops and UDR/RIR they were accused of sectarianism. I am not sure that type of explanation enlightens us.
      Nor does the biggest threat to the preservation of life from armed dissidents come from embryonic genocidal tendencies but from their incompetence. Omagh is a stark reminder of this.

    2. No, there is no mistaking what was being targeted and killed by Hamas when the kibbutz and music festival were attacked. Babies were fair game for them. But only a minority of the killings took place there. The majority of their targets were terrorists in the IDF if the original data holds up.

  5. Constable Ronan Kerr was a Catholic. Constable Heffernan (Was it, County Derry GAA figure) who survived bomb attack with loss of both legs is one. Don't know religion of Stephen Carroll.

  6. I haven't seen any concrete breakdown of the death toll ... there is no doubting they had planned to attack the civilian targets they went for --other than overpowering the initial IDF positions around the border --I can only assume the IDF numbers went up in the followup attacks when the IDF arrived -otherwise they'd have continued attacking civilians... even the hostage taking was carefully planned... that video of the family --why did they kill the 18 year old daughter and take the rest of the family? I would fear Netanyahu might have written the hostages off as he would Palestinian civilians --he is out and out scumbag and always has been. I thought the unity government was to moderate their response but no sign of it.

    You might be right about the targeting of Catholic cops out of convenience or they might also have focused on them to discourage Nationalists from joining. But a trend was shaping up that the attacks and attempted attacks all tended to be on Catholic cops.

  7. Christy - you piece upset one of the Animal Farm men on Twitter!!
