Enough Of The Meaningless Emotional Bleating. Instigate a judicial review on the legality of the fraudulent protocol i.s. 465 and have it replaced by existing European regulations/legislation.
Why doesn't Sinn Fein or Deputy Pringle take a Judicial Review, in the public interest, challenging the legality of the fraudulent protocol I.S. 465. Have it replaced by the existing European Regulations which will take into account Reactive Iron Sulphide Minerals e.g. Pyrrhotite. Thereby giving all affected home owners their proper remediation option i.e. Demolition.
Allowing the fraudulent Protocol I.S. 465 "Mica Only" to be used as the yardstick for determining your remediation option is beyond belief and makes fools of the affected home owners. Whoever controls the Protocol controls the scheme. Every Application assessed to date has been done on the basis of a fraudulent protocol that measures Mica only when it has been scientifically proven that Reactive Iron Sulphide Minerals and other Deleterious Materials are the real cause of the defective blocks problem.
Donegal Co Cl and the Housing Agency will continue to assess all existing and incoming applications based on Mica only during the so called Protocol review period ignoring completely the real scientific cause which should be based on the percentage amount of RISM in your blocks and foundations. By the end of the year this will have amounted to several thousands. DCC and the Housing Agency are being allowed to make complete fools of all affected homeowners. It has also transpired that DCC are ignoring engineers' demolition recommendations and applying a cheap downgrade option in their place in complete contravention of the engineers' lawful recommendation.
It is beyond belief whats happening. People are being treated as complete fools while politicians play the grandstanding card. A suspect protocol that is under review should never be allowed to continue to be used to determine your remediation option. What happens if it is found to be unethical and not fit for purpose? Will all those applications where it was wrongly used be re-visited and amended? Not a chance in hell. Its time to leave the meaningless bleating to one side and actually do something that's actually meaningful.
⏩ Enda Craig is a Donegal resident and community activist.
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