Only Sky ➳ If churches and church leaders had an effective answer for the increasing dysfunctionality of American culture, they’d never have entered decline in the first place.
Lately, The Atlantic is pushing hard on a particular narrative of American Christianity. It’s the same narrative we see in countless other places. It spins a story of Real True Christianity being subverted somehow—but poised to return in glorious triumph if only Real True Christians start living out their faith in the correct ways. One of their recent stories spins that narrative. Alas and alack, its author misses some extremely important truths—about both American Christianity itself and American culture.

At least it’s a somewhat-different bit of advice than what Christians normally get about how to revive their increasingly-irrelevant religion’s membership numbers and credibility levels.
First, let’s look at the writer of today’s OP about reviving Christianity

Today’s original post (OP) comes to us from Jake Meador. He’s a Christian, but not just any Christian. He’s the editor-in-chief of an extremist, right-wing, hardline, culture-warring, Calvinist evangelical site called Mere Orthodoxy. This site’s contributors are on a mission to make their flavor of Christianity the winner in America—and to ensure that flavor’s temporal dominance over Americans’ lives as well.

Continue reading @ Only Sky.

The Atlantic Accidentally Reveals Christianity’s Growing Irrelevance

Only Sky ➳ If churches and church leaders had an effective answer for the increasing dysfunctionality of American culture, they’d never have entered decline in the first place.
Lately, The Atlantic is pushing hard on a particular narrative of American Christianity. It’s the same narrative we see in countless other places. It spins a story of Real True Christianity being subverted somehow—but poised to return in glorious triumph if only Real True Christians start living out their faith in the correct ways. One of their recent stories spins that narrative. Alas and alack, its author misses some extremely important truths—about both American Christianity itself and American culture.

At least it’s a somewhat-different bit of advice than what Christians normally get about how to revive their increasingly-irrelevant religion’s membership numbers and credibility levels.
First, let’s look at the writer of today’s OP about reviving Christianity

Today’s original post (OP) comes to us from Jake Meador. He’s a Christian, but not just any Christian. He’s the editor-in-chief of an extremist, right-wing, hardline, culture-warring, Calvinist evangelical site called Mere Orthodoxy. This site’s contributors are on a mission to make their flavor of Christianity the winner in America—and to ensure that flavor’s temporal dominance over Americans’ lives as well.

Continue reading @ Only Sky.

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