Harry Hutchinson ✉ The Labour Party former and present leader have plunged themselves into the divided issue of Irish Unity or Union with the UK. Corbyn advocating unity, Starmer the Union. 

Both fail to understand the purpose of why the constitutional question in Ireland is deliberately maintained, nor have they any approach to resolve it realistically.

Since Partition the constitutional question has dominated the political agenda both in the North and
South. In the South Fianna Fail and Fianna Gael have used the constitutional position of what they refer to as the ‘6 counties’, in order to dominate the political scene in Ireland. This is at the expense of class based politics. The use of the constitution is continued by Sinn Fein, who may form the next government in the South, on the aspiration of Irish Unity. 

Every election in the North has dominated and divided the electorate, favouring the dominance of the Nationalist and Unionist parties. 

All these parties are pro Capitalist and are essential to protecting and promoting private enterprise in
the interests of the Corporations. The essence for these parties and not without success, is to maintain
the Constitutional issue over the social and economic crisis facing people, North and South.

Irrespective of any attempts to resolve the Constitutional question under Capitalism, be it towards Irish
Unity or continue the Union with the UK, the issue will remain unresolved. It is in the interests of these Capitalist Nationalist and Unionist Parties for it to remain so and in addition the same interests of the UK and Irish Governments. The purpose is to maintain division and continue to control people in the North and South.

The Labour Party should not stand ‘neutral’ on the Constitutional question, nor so called solutions to
resolve it, like border polls. The Party should explain to people that such a poll will not lead to a solution to the Constitutional question; indeed it could ignite civil conflict, by reactionary Loyalist and Republican paramilitaries.

It is the corrupt system of Capitalism that people North and South need to unite and challenge. Any
approach to resolving the Constitutional question must be based on the people with a Socialist agenda,
where wealth is publicly owned and democratically controlled by the people.

⏩Harry Hutchinson is a member of the Labour Party Northern Ireland.

Corbyn and Starmer Creating Illusions

Harry Hutchinson ✉ The Labour Party former and present leader have plunged themselves into the divided issue of Irish Unity or Union with the UK. Corbyn advocating unity, Starmer the Union. 

Both fail to understand the purpose of why the constitutional question in Ireland is deliberately maintained, nor have they any approach to resolve it realistically.

Since Partition the constitutional question has dominated the political agenda both in the North and
South. In the South Fianna Fail and Fianna Gael have used the constitutional position of what they refer to as the ‘6 counties’, in order to dominate the political scene in Ireland. This is at the expense of class based politics. The use of the constitution is continued by Sinn Fein, who may form the next government in the South, on the aspiration of Irish Unity. 

Every election in the North has dominated and divided the electorate, favouring the dominance of the Nationalist and Unionist parties. 

All these parties are pro Capitalist and are essential to protecting and promoting private enterprise in
the interests of the Corporations. The essence for these parties and not without success, is to maintain
the Constitutional issue over the social and economic crisis facing people, North and South.

Irrespective of any attempts to resolve the Constitutional question under Capitalism, be it towards Irish
Unity or continue the Union with the UK, the issue will remain unresolved. It is in the interests of these Capitalist Nationalist and Unionist Parties for it to remain so and in addition the same interests of the UK and Irish Governments. The purpose is to maintain division and continue to control people in the North and South.

The Labour Party should not stand ‘neutral’ on the Constitutional question, nor so called solutions to
resolve it, like border polls. The Party should explain to people that such a poll will not lead to a solution to the Constitutional question; indeed it could ignite civil conflict, by reactionary Loyalist and Republican paramilitaries.

It is the corrupt system of Capitalism that people North and South need to unite and challenge. Any
approach to resolving the Constitutional question must be based on the people with a Socialist agenda,
where wealth is publicly owned and democratically controlled by the people.

⏩Harry Hutchinson is a member of the Labour Party Northern Ireland.


  1. How? Ranting at Capitalism is like ranting at the sky and just as effective.

    "The Labour Party should not stand ‘neutral’ on the Constitutional question, nor so called solutions to
    resolve it, like border polls. The Party should explain to people that such a poll will not lead to a solution to the Constitutional question; indeed it could ignite civil conflict, by reactionary Loyalist and Republican paramilitaries."

    And your alternative would be....?

    1. Steve

      I think the alternative is "based on the people with a Socialist agenda" --I dont like FG or FF but they are democratically elected - is it still a democracy if we dont let our opponents vote? Sounds very Trumpian/MAGA authroitarianism to me.

    2. Christy,

      I don't count the US as a democracy but I'll entertain your thoughts. What gets me this type of monologue always starts off the same; a proclamation of injustice followed by a harking back to political synopsis from a 100 years+ ago with the underlying 'socialist bordering on Marxism' theme occasionally popping up with soundbites and little else to offer. I'm just sick of the same old shit. The past has shown how little it works so why proffer it as a solution? (Not you, the OP).

  2. We cannot and must not continue fearing a "backlash" particularly from loyalist/fascist paramilitaries if the vote does not go their way. Moreover, a push for an all island vote, result binding, on Irish unity should be what we should all be pushing for. Ending partition will give class unity a better chance and the overthrow of capitalism, though still a slim chance, a better chance.

    When James Connolly, Jim Larkin, Richard O'Carroll and William O'Brien formed the Irish Labour Party in 1912 it was Connolly who said; "we can fight the capitalist parties on their own ground". Remember it was Sinn Fein who said before the 1918 general election; "labour must wait" and the labour question and class power is still not on SFs agenda and never has been. Perhaps the Irish Labour Party should then get back to "fighting the capitalist parties on their own ground". Such a fight will be more affective in a unified country, "national liberation and socialism" to use the IRSP slogan.

    Caoimhin O'Muraile

  3. The National question cannot be resolved under Capitalism. Its illusionary and a profound risk, as experienced in Ireland with the Civil war a century ago and also the era of the troubles. The approch must be on the bases of a concenses and as much working class unity in all of Ireland; that struggles towards workers control from Corporations and Capitalist politicians. The people of Ireland can only be united on the bases of a socialist society. The struggle for socialism must be our objective, that can unite people, North and South, that will channange the divisive forces that separate us.

  4. Caoimhin. Firstly, this idea a vote for Irish Unity will open the way to unity. It is almost certain to have the opposite effect. A bacrklash from loyalists/ fascists, financed by the British Corporate elite would drive the workers struggle back. During partition the UVF was driven by the Tory bourgeois leader Bonner Law. Why? The fear of Irish people united. We must remember this period was a revolutionary period, where after the 1917 revolution, which overthrew Capitalism in Russia, destabilised world Capitalism.
    The idea of dealing with the National question then struggle for socialism, is known as the stages theory, and is advocated by the Communist Party of Ireland. The CPI have split on this question. The stages theory was completely rejected by Lenin, who said all forms of Nationalism must be opposed. Lenin realised the Irish problem can only be resolved by the working class under a Socialist transition.
    It is in the interests of not just loyalists but also the Capitalist Republican parties, not to resolve the National question. Political domination of these Capitalist parties North and South was based on maintaining the National question as the main political issue. This continues. Why? Capitalism. The predominant issue that divides the working class in Ireland and internationally. The central task of Sinn Fein is to advance Capitalism, not Irish Unity. More clearly the DUP. Their task was to advance Capitalism, by backing brexit; a border down the Irish sea. The Union with the UK secondary. Now they battle to maintain their integrity as a Unionist Party. These are Capitalist parties, first and foremost. They have been successful is maintaining working class division on this central issue. Workers struggle on a Socialist agenda can unite working class people in Ireland. Central to that struggle is the issue of approaching the National question in Ireland on the bases of unity of the people.

  5. As much as I admire Lenin, Harry, I will quote James Connolly; "the cause of labour, is the cause of Ireland. The cause of Ireland is the cause of labour".

    The same philosophy can be applied to any country, or land.

    Caoimhin O'Muraile
