Spiked - Recommended by Michael Praetorius. 

Tom Slater

Woke identitarians have become apologists for violence against women.

Just when you thought the gender ideologues couldn’t sink any lower, they have gone and outdone themselves. Shocking events in London over the weekend have exposed just how demented, and how morally lost, the trans movement and its outriders have become.

At the ‘London Trans+ Pride’ march on Saturday, Sarah Jane Baker – a violent male ex-con who identifies as a transwoman – took to the stage and advocated for punching so-called trans-exclusionary radical feminists (TERFs), a slur for gender-critical women, in the face:

‘I was going to come here and be really fluffy, be really nice and be really lovely and queer and gay and laugh’, he told the crowd from the platform. ‘But if you see a TERF, punch them in the fucking face.’

Here was a man – who served 30 years in prison for kidnapping and attempted murder – suggesting that women who disagree with him, who want to advocate for their rights, who don’t want violent males like him in their changing rooms, should be assaulted. And the crowd responded not with stunned silence, or a collective intake of breath, but with whoops and cheers.

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‘Punch a TERF’ - The Violent Misogyny Of The Trans Movement

Spiked - Recommended by Michael Praetorius. 

Tom Slater

Woke identitarians have become apologists for violence against women.

Just when you thought the gender ideologues couldn’t sink any lower, they have gone and outdone themselves. Shocking events in London over the weekend have exposed just how demented, and how morally lost, the trans movement and its outriders have become.

At the ‘London Trans+ Pride’ march on Saturday, Sarah Jane Baker – a violent male ex-con who identifies as a transwoman – took to the stage and advocated for punching so-called trans-exclusionary radical feminists (TERFs), a slur for gender-critical women, in the face:

‘I was going to come here and be really fluffy, be really nice and be really lovely and queer and gay and laugh’, he told the crowd from the platform. ‘But if you see a TERF, punch them in the fucking face.’

Here was a man – who served 30 years in prison for kidnapping and attempted murder – suggesting that women who disagree with him, who want to advocate for their rights, who don’t want violent males like him in their changing rooms, should be assaulted. And the crowd responded not with stunned silence, or a collective intake of breath, but with whoops and cheers.

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  1. Or put the trans people on the island with the vegans and they can breed themselves out of existence ......

  2. Your Final Solution then, Frankie.

  3. To put the record straight, I abhor the actions of trans advocate extremists and defend the rights of women to exclusive access to women only spaces. But to tar all trans people (a beleaguered minority group) with the same brush as these extremists as, Frankie repeatedly does, is an an act of hate speech .

    1. Barry, what the thug at the rally was advocating if reports are right is going to be interpreted as a trans variant of fascism. It wants to suppress the science surrounding the matter or expressions of endorsement for the science. A democratic culture cannot have science suppressed either in the interest of a genuinely held belief or obscurantism.
      Frankie was being witty rather than hateful - he could have suggested putting gays on the island too and nobody would have batted an eyelid, seeing it for what it is.
      The blog being a free inquiry one is always going to value the pencil over the eraser. It views with concern the banner proclaiming opposition to hate speech, seeing in it more often than not a hate for speech.
      Trans people are being targeted and are very vulnerable. They need the full protection of the law and society. That can be achieved without supressing discussion about Trans rights. The Trans should have the same rights to live their lives as the rest of us but they cannot have the right to suppress what we think. And as you point out the Trans Community per se is not pushing this - just the fascistic element.

  4. There has already been a report of one attack in Aberdeen:


  5. Barry/Christopher....

    Barry------I have lot's of solutions for the worlds problems and none of them are final or set in stone. Can you tell me what 'hate speech' I am guilty of..

    Christopher----Just me, if I seen a man wearing a dress and heels beating up a woman , ;I'd jump in and beat the man up....
