Eileen KehoeHaving observed and studied the whole Irish system at length, this particular article highlights some observations to date, in particular with relation to the Donegal homes scandal which is ongoing and prevalent. 

This is symptomatic of the protected and unaccountable network within the Irish system. A system and culture deeply embedded and habitual, yet again setting out to fail and de-stabilise the people of Ireland.

The people are constantly being lied to and denied what is rightfully theirs - to receive rightful and proper recompense from the Irish Government and to be safe and sound in their homes. The authorities simply do not care for their plight, nor to do the right thing and pay up . . . fully!! They actively look for ways out of it, to avoid paying out. They are busy wasting time and hard-earned taxpayer money, covering their tracks and inventing ways, means and lies to avoid satisfying the people, causing no end of chaos, stress and hardship. 

They do not actively support the people, they deliberately set out to actively go against the people. They are devoid of empathy, mercy or any real or good intention to remedy a harmful situation and deliver justice. Do they even like people? 

Where there is no integrity and no rightful action, the government and authorities hold no real credibility nor - one would think and hope - any real respect from the people, unless they too are pretenders and enablers. 

Meanwhile, the affected homeowners continue to worry and suffer, whilst their advocates, MAG, masquerade in Brussels. Nothing substantial going on there either. Just all show, smiles and distraction . . . to give the impression they are being proactive and doing something when, in fact, their trip makes not one iota of difference to the present mess in Donegal. In actual fact, the dangerous situation with homes is further prolonged. Nothing doing. No urgency it seems. No change there then. 

There is space for constant shams and cover-ups to protect and save face in government and authorities, to cover up its countless messes and lies and for it to escape accountability again and again. A whopping great big space is enabled for those who are in positions of power to deliberately and proactively decide not to help the people. They could help, but it is decided conclusively they would rather not. 

Parties are all pretending and fitting in, this makes them all complicit in the duplicity and the big lie. If they are not truthful and not acting with due diligence and good and proper intent towards the people, if they are not being of service, then they are dishonorable and corrupt. They are certainly not fit for purpose. They are, in fact, useless. They are defunct. 

We are all in danger with what we have running our country. It is illogical and all a nonsense having them in power over us. They have proven track records of not being fit to serve. And, yet, they are voted in and paid by us to do so. The establishment is long-since rotten and broken. It is well time overdue for change, time to rumble all the hierarchy, their supporters, trouble-makers and all the problems, time to start having zero tolerance for the toxicity and corruption in positions of power generally suffocating, overriding and blocking our system. 

The corruption is deeply embedded and would take generations to clear out. The people were and are being duped and oppressed. As such, we owe it to past, present and future generations of Ireland to de-register our votes to abolish the 1937 Constitution. For once, the people would be genuinely looked to for their approval of government and authorities, and not just for their vote. This would be a hugely significant and rightful step forward for the reinstatement of our rights to democracy, truth and freedom, and our rights to have a just and fair government and system for the people.

🖼 Eileen Kehoe is something of an independent researcher these days. She has written several observations and critiques on the ever-failing Irish establishment and its so called 'elite', having experience of working within the corporate banking system in Dublin for several years. 

Rotten And Broken

Eileen KehoeHaving observed and studied the whole Irish system at length, this particular article highlights some observations to date, in particular with relation to the Donegal homes scandal which is ongoing and prevalent. 

This is symptomatic of the protected and unaccountable network within the Irish system. A system and culture deeply embedded and habitual, yet again setting out to fail and de-stabilise the people of Ireland.

The people are constantly being lied to and denied what is rightfully theirs - to receive rightful and proper recompense from the Irish Government and to be safe and sound in their homes. The authorities simply do not care for their plight, nor to do the right thing and pay up . . . fully!! They actively look for ways out of it, to avoid paying out. They are busy wasting time and hard-earned taxpayer money, covering their tracks and inventing ways, means and lies to avoid satisfying the people, causing no end of chaos, stress and hardship. 

They do not actively support the people, they deliberately set out to actively go against the people. They are devoid of empathy, mercy or any real or good intention to remedy a harmful situation and deliver justice. Do they even like people? 

Where there is no integrity and no rightful action, the government and authorities hold no real credibility nor - one would think and hope - any real respect from the people, unless they too are pretenders and enablers. 

Meanwhile, the affected homeowners continue to worry and suffer, whilst their advocates, MAG, masquerade in Brussels. Nothing substantial going on there either. Just all show, smiles and distraction . . . to give the impression they are being proactive and doing something when, in fact, their trip makes not one iota of difference to the present mess in Donegal. In actual fact, the dangerous situation with homes is further prolonged. Nothing doing. No urgency it seems. No change there then. 

There is space for constant shams and cover-ups to protect and save face in government and authorities, to cover up its countless messes and lies and for it to escape accountability again and again. A whopping great big space is enabled for those who are in positions of power to deliberately and proactively decide not to help the people. They could help, but it is decided conclusively they would rather not. 

Parties are all pretending and fitting in, this makes them all complicit in the duplicity and the big lie. If they are not truthful and not acting with due diligence and good and proper intent towards the people, if they are not being of service, then they are dishonorable and corrupt. They are certainly not fit for purpose. They are, in fact, useless. They are defunct. 

We are all in danger with what we have running our country. It is illogical and all a nonsense having them in power over us. They have proven track records of not being fit to serve. And, yet, they are voted in and paid by us to do so. The establishment is long-since rotten and broken. It is well time overdue for change, time to rumble all the hierarchy, their supporters, trouble-makers and all the problems, time to start having zero tolerance for the toxicity and corruption in positions of power generally suffocating, overriding and blocking our system. 

The corruption is deeply embedded and would take generations to clear out. The people were and are being duped and oppressed. As such, we owe it to past, present and future generations of Ireland to de-register our votes to abolish the 1937 Constitution. For once, the people would be genuinely looked to for their approval of government and authorities, and not just for their vote. This would be a hugely significant and rightful step forward for the reinstatement of our rights to democracy, truth and freedom, and our rights to have a just and fair government and system for the people.

🖼 Eileen Kehoe is something of an independent researcher these days. She has written several observations and critiques on the ever-failing Irish establishment and its so called 'elite', having experience of working within the corporate banking system in Dublin for several years. 


  1. Excellent analysis Eileen. Donegal has been deprived of resources for decades, but this current cabal in particular, in their treatment of the mica families, has made this glaringly obvious. Mica is a humanitarian crisis and the govt response is inhumane

  2. Sobering overview of a system masquerading as Democracy but in truth as controlling in so many ways as a dictatorship. All carried out in the nicest possible way of course and fine tuned to the nth degree.

  3. Thanks for that piece Eileen. It is most beneficial that people like you, Enda Craig and Catherine McGinty continue to highlight this.

  4. Enda Craig comments

    Third audio clip in this link.

    Prof. Paul Dunlop interview starts at 23 minutes..
    People Should Hold The Celebrations

    The conclusion arrived at in this interview that crumbling houses built after 1st of Jan 2004, when I.S. EN12620 came into force in the island of Ireland, are entitled to full redress because of the provisions in this EU standard need further exploration.

    This standard outlines the requirements for concrete aggregate and the maximum limits allowed for harmful sulpher oxidising materials such as Pyrite, Pyrrhotite etc which if included above certain limits in the manufacturing aggregate causes the product to disintegrate and crumble.

    In truth this is a discussion that will not matter to the 1400 plus homeowners that have applied for the remediation grant under the 90/10 scheme.

    Those homeowners have to abide by the provisions included in the legislation S.I. 25 of 2020 of the Defective Concrete Blocks Grant Scheme which is based on percentages of MICA only in Donegal and makes no mention whatsoever of I.S. EN 12620 or any. of its provisions.
    If you are accepted into the 90/10 then you are restricted by the provisions of I.S. 465 and any statements to the contrary are disingenuous.

    If you want to take a case claiming a breach of I.S. EN 12620 then you must do it outside and apart altogether of the 90/10 scheme.

    Giving the impression that this can be applied to existing 90/10 applicants of the Defective Concrete Blocks Scheme is mistaken and quite honestly alarming to say the least.
