A Digest of News ✊from Ukrainian Sources ⚔ 24 June 2023.

Plus: further manipulation of children in occupied areas

News from the territories occupied by Russia

‘My husband and daughter wanted to get to Brovary on foot’ (Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group June 23rd)

Russia’s first Ukrainian political prisoner: ‘Russians know no limits in their use of torture’ (Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group June 23rd)

Children forced to write letters to Russian invaders in occupied cities in Zaporizhzhia Oblast (Ukrainska Pravda June 21st)

"Resembles ruins": Mariupol City Council posts photos of central library destroyed by Russians (Ukrainska Pravda June 20th)

"They will kill me." What is known about the death of the enemy of the war, whom the security forces tortured in Rostov-on-Don (Mediazone, June 15th)

News from Ukraine – general

How locals are leading the recovery in Ukraine’s flooded region (Open Democracy, June 22nd)

In the shelter, my daughter cared for her toy (Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group June 21st)

Ruined Northern Saltivka from the ground and the air (Tribunal for Putin June 21st)

Ukrainian Jewish leaders demolish Putin’s lies about Zelensky and 'denazification' (Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group June 19th)

War-related news from Russia

Crimean Tatar prisoner of conscience and victim of FSB torture urgently hospitalized in Russia (Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group June 23rd)

Russian court finds defending Ukraine was ‘terrorist activity’, passes 16-year sentence on former Ukrainian soldier (Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group June 21st)

Four Crimeans sentenced in FSB remake of Russia's first Ukrainian show trial against Oleh Sentsov (Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group June 21st)

Ukrainian partisan captured and savagely tortured in Donbas put ‘on trial’ in Russia (Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group June 20th)

Russia passes record 20-year sentence in revenge for Crimean Solidarity human rights defence (Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group June 19th)

Putin lies about invasion, children abductions to visiting delegation of African leaders (Kyiv Independent, June 17th)

Wartime Repressions Report (OVD, May 2023)

Analysis and comment

Highlights from the 18th Annual Fragile States Index Launch (Centre for Civil Liberties June 21st)

With Russian nukes in Belarus, Lukashenka’s balancing act is over (Open Democracy, June 21st)

Human Rights as a Tool for Social Change – Oleksandra Romantsova lecture for Swedish Institute Academy for Young Professionals (Centre for Civil Liberties June 19th)

Will the Kakhovka Dam destruction make ecocide an international crime? (Open Democracy, June 19th)

ZMINA advocates earliest possible ratification of Rome Statute by Ukraine at conference in Czech Republic (Zmina June 17th)

Ukraine's Renewables Potential is the Key to Future Energy Security (Razom We Stand June 16th)

Research of human rights abuses

Impunity Kills: Lessons from Syria and Ukraine – Panel Discussion Highlights Urgent Need for Accountability (Centre for Civil Liberties June 22nd)

UN Special Rapporteur accuses Russia of practicing torture in Ukraine (Zmina June 15th)

πŸ”΄This bulletin is put together by labour movement activists in solidarity with Ukrainian resistance. More information at https://ukraine-solidarity.org/

We are also on twitter. Our aim is to circulate information in English that to the best of our knowledge is reliable. If you have something you think we should include, please send it to 2022ukrainesolidarity@gmail.com.

The bulletin is also stored on line here.

To receive the bulletin regularly, send your email to 2022ukrainesolidarity@gmail.com. To stop it, please reply with the word “STOP” in the subject field.

News From Ukraine πŸ’£ Bulletin 52

A Digest of News ✊from Ukrainian Sources ⚔ 24 June 2023.

Plus: further manipulation of children in occupied areas

News from the territories occupied by Russia

‘My husband and daughter wanted to get to Brovary on foot’ (Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group June 23rd)

Russia’s first Ukrainian political prisoner: ‘Russians know no limits in their use of torture’ (Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group June 23rd)

Children forced to write letters to Russian invaders in occupied cities in Zaporizhzhia Oblast (Ukrainska Pravda June 21st)

"Resembles ruins": Mariupol City Council posts photos of central library destroyed by Russians (Ukrainska Pravda June 20th)

"They will kill me." What is known about the death of the enemy of the war, whom the security forces tortured in Rostov-on-Don (Mediazone, June 15th)

News from Ukraine – general

How locals are leading the recovery in Ukraine’s flooded region (Open Democracy, June 22nd)

In the shelter, my daughter cared for her toy (Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group June 21st)

Ruined Northern Saltivka from the ground and the air (Tribunal for Putin June 21st)

Ukrainian Jewish leaders demolish Putin’s lies about Zelensky and 'denazification' (Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group June 19th)

War-related news from Russia

Crimean Tatar prisoner of conscience and victim of FSB torture urgently hospitalized in Russia (Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group June 23rd)

Russian court finds defending Ukraine was ‘terrorist activity’, passes 16-year sentence on former Ukrainian soldier (Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group June 21st)

Four Crimeans sentenced in FSB remake of Russia's first Ukrainian show trial against Oleh Sentsov (Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group June 21st)

Ukrainian partisan captured and savagely tortured in Donbas put ‘on trial’ in Russia (Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group June 20th)

Russia passes record 20-year sentence in revenge for Crimean Solidarity human rights defence (Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group June 19th)

Putin lies about invasion, children abductions to visiting delegation of African leaders (Kyiv Independent, June 17th)

Wartime Repressions Report (OVD, May 2023)

Analysis and comment

Highlights from the 18th Annual Fragile States Index Launch (Centre for Civil Liberties June 21st)

With Russian nukes in Belarus, Lukashenka’s balancing act is over (Open Democracy, June 21st)

Human Rights as a Tool for Social Change – Oleksandra Romantsova lecture for Swedish Institute Academy for Young Professionals (Centre for Civil Liberties June 19th)

Will the Kakhovka Dam destruction make ecocide an international crime? (Open Democracy, June 19th)

ZMINA advocates earliest possible ratification of Rome Statute by Ukraine at conference in Czech Republic (Zmina June 17th)

Ukraine's Renewables Potential is the Key to Future Energy Security (Razom We Stand June 16th)

Research of human rights abuses

Impunity Kills: Lessons from Syria and Ukraine – Panel Discussion Highlights Urgent Need for Accountability (Centre for Civil Liberties June 22nd)

UN Special Rapporteur accuses Russia of practicing torture in Ukraine (Zmina June 15th)

πŸ”΄This bulletin is put together by labour movement activists in solidarity with Ukrainian resistance. More information at https://ukraine-solidarity.org/

We are also on twitter. Our aim is to circulate information in English that to the best of our knowledge is reliable. If you have something you think we should include, please send it to 2022ukrainesolidarity@gmail.com.

The bulletin is also stored on line here.

To receive the bulletin regularly, send your email to 2022ukrainesolidarity@gmail.com. To stop it, please reply with the word “STOP” in the subject field.

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