Scappaticci was the head of the IRAs internal security division known as the “Nutting Squad”, the department within the IRA which interrogated suspected informers, many of whom were no such thing, until they confessed often to a crime they had not committed. The interrogations were, according to accounts, brutal and even the innocent eventually confessed after days of unbridled torture by “Stakeknife” and his gang.
Scappaticci could be described as a modern-day Mathew Hopkins, the man who roamed Eastern England back in the days of the English Civil War looking for witches. He was known as the “Witch Finder General” and he interrogated innocent women on the slightest hunch or the word of a bent informer until they confessed to being a Witch. They were then invariably burnt at the stake! Scappaticci was in the same league, if the stories are true, as was Hopkins who, like “Stakeknife” just disappeared when the heat got too hot. It must be added at this point that Freddie Scappaticci has, or had, always denied these allegations and they could, just could, be a ruse set up by the British, as also could his death!
On Wednesday 12th April the Irish Mirror reported “IRA Spy Stakeknife Dead and Buried” on page 17. Ordinarily this would have been front page news but became a minor detail by comparison with the visit of Joe “pretend to be Irish” Biden. This title I have given the President is not his fault but the result of mass hysteria on the news about the President's Irish roots. He also has English origins, something he mentioned while in Belfast, but little was made of this by the media. The Irish Mirror told us “The IRA spy who was known as Stakeknife died several days ago and was buried last week” so anytime between 1st April and the 7th April sounds about right for his timely death. If this was the case, why the delay? Why wait until a time when few people, hypnotised by Joe Bidens visit, would take a blind bit of notice, why wait until now to announce the death of such a high-profile figure? If he died “several days ago” why not tell us “several days ago”? The paper then went on:
On Wednesday 12th April the Irish Mirror reported “IRA Spy Stakeknife Dead and Buried” on page 17. Ordinarily this would have been front page news but became a minor detail by comparison with the visit of Joe “pretend to be Irish” Biden. This title I have given the President is not his fault but the result of mass hysteria on the news about the President's Irish roots. He also has English origins, something he mentioned while in Belfast, but little was made of this by the media. The Irish Mirror told us “The IRA spy who was known as Stakeknife died several days ago and was buried last week” so anytime between 1st April and the 7th April sounds about right for his timely death. If this was the case, why the delay? Why wait until a time when few people, hypnotised by Joe Bidens visit, would take a blind bit of notice, why wait until now to announce the death of such a high-profile figure? If he died “several days ago” why not tell us “several days ago”? The paper then went on:
The West Belfast man would have been in his 70s and had left Northern Ireland in 2003. This is when he was first accused of being the highest-ranking British spy in the Provisional IRA.
It would be thought that such a headline and high-profile person as Scappaticci would have been named and aged precisely, not being in his 70s, which covers ten years of his life. How old was he exactly and where if anywhere was he buried? If such a lot is, or was, known about the man’s activities working for the British FRU (Force Research Unit) a top secret British undercover unit answerable to nobody, not even the Home Secretary, which was disbanded after the “Stevens Inquiries” into allegations of collusion between loyalist paramilitary groups and the security forces, including the FRU, why not his precise age, and exact time of death?
The reality in fact was the FRU was not disbanded just renamed the “Joint Support Group” and continued as usual. These allegations have been confirmed by some former members of the unit, not least Martin Ingram, real name Ian Hurst, who went public about the FRUs activities and they are more than capable of arranging a phantom death, a death which may have never occurred. The disbandment and rebranding of the FRU could be likened to the closure of the Windscale Nuclear Power Station after the nuclear accident in 1957. After a further string of accidents, it was renamed Sellafield in 1981. The truth was it was not closed at all just renamed Sellafield in much the same way the FRU had been renamed the “Joint Support Group”!
If “Stakeknife” has been dead for several days, as the Irish Mirror reported then why have we waited so long to be told? After all, back in the early 21st century when news of this man’s involvement hit our screens and news-papers it was headline stuff. Why has his supposed death being relegated to a passing comment? Has anybody seen a body or remains to confirm this mysterious passing? Or could it be that Scappaticci is not dead at all and all this is just a pretence by the British? If, and I stress if, that is the case it raises the question, why? If he is not dead but alive and kicking in some unknown destination what reason could the British side have for this deception? Could there still be a kind of mini cold war going on between the British Army and the IRA despite the signing of the so-called Good Friday Agreement back in 1998? Could the British still have agents to protect inside the Provisional movement? Could the continued official existence of “Stakeknife” have posed some kind of threat to British operations? If this is the case why not just kill Scappaticci out of hand? Is this what may have happened to that other high ranking British Agent, Denis Donaldson? He went public about his involvement working for the British side, retired to Donegal and was found dead. No person(s) have been caught for his murder, which is what it was, and all suspicions were conveniently pointed in the direction of “dissident republicans”! The British SAS are just as culpable in the Donaldson death, he knew too much!!
Almost two weeks have now passed since the media first briefly mentioned the passing of Freddie Scappaticci and nothing more has been heard of him, or his body. Now that Biden-mania has died down, and the reality hits home that half the population are not related to the US President, there have been plenty of slots in the news and newspapers to tell us a little more about the British number one agent inside the IRAs demise. Yet, not a murmur! When it first hit the airwaves and media back in the early years of the new century it was earthshattering news. Every bulletin had something to say about the “British Agent” who was the IRA's top torturer, possibly even putting other lesser agents of the Crown through the grinder! Yet all we have had in the news is where Gerry Hutch is going to next which, frankly, is about as interesting as what colour boxer Shorts Prince Harry wears. Why has nothing been said about “Stakeknife”? could it be he may not be dead after all and it is another British ruse? If so, why? Why would the British make up such a tale? Could it be that despite the Good Friday Agreement they, the British, are still conducting a “dirty war” in the six-counties? Has a body of Freddie been seen by any independent witnesses? Do bodies not usually have to be identified? Has anybody done this? Of course, I may have missed something so if anybody reading this has heard any news which clarifies this enigma it would be interesting to hear. Maybe he is dead, equally maybe he is alive and well on Mars!!
So, is “Stakeknife” dead? If he is when is the funeral, oh, sorry, he has already had a burial according to the Irish Mirror. Surely, he has family and as he denied the allegations to his dying day, if indeed that is what he met, then surely, they would be standing by him? Or, on the other hand have his denials fell on deaf ears, including his family, and, this being the case, have the British secretly disposed of him? Perhaps he could be, if he is dead, be at some unknown bog in the twenty-six counties like so many other of the “disappeared” many sent there by this man himself, as that must surely now be what Scappaticci could be, one of the “disappeared!!” Have the British disposed of their inconvenient waste in much the same way as the IRA did theirs. This being the case, if indeed it is the case, it makes all the hype over the “disappeared” look a little hypocritical, but it is very early days. Perhaps when the Biden hype has died down a more in-depth account of what has happened to Fred Scappaticcii my surface.
If “Stakeknife” has been dead for several days, as the Irish Mirror reported then why have we waited so long to be told? After all, back in the early 21st century when news of this man’s involvement hit our screens and news-papers it was headline stuff. Why has his supposed death being relegated to a passing comment? Has anybody seen a body or remains to confirm this mysterious passing? Or could it be that Scappaticci is not dead at all and all this is just a pretence by the British? If, and I stress if, that is the case it raises the question, why? If he is not dead but alive and kicking in some unknown destination what reason could the British side have for this deception? Could there still be a kind of mini cold war going on between the British Army and the IRA despite the signing of the so-called Good Friday Agreement back in 1998? Could the British still have agents to protect inside the Provisional movement? Could the continued official existence of “Stakeknife” have posed some kind of threat to British operations? If this is the case why not just kill Scappaticci out of hand? Is this what may have happened to that other high ranking British Agent, Denis Donaldson? He went public about his involvement working for the British side, retired to Donegal and was found dead. No person(s) have been caught for his murder, which is what it was, and all suspicions were conveniently pointed in the direction of “dissident republicans”! The British SAS are just as culpable in the Donaldson death, he knew too much!!
Almost two weeks have now passed since the media first briefly mentioned the passing of Freddie Scappaticci and nothing more has been heard of him, or his body. Now that Biden-mania has died down, and the reality hits home that half the population are not related to the US President, there have been plenty of slots in the news and newspapers to tell us a little more about the British number one agent inside the IRAs demise. Yet, not a murmur! When it first hit the airwaves and media back in the early years of the new century it was earthshattering news. Every bulletin had something to say about the “British Agent” who was the IRA's top torturer, possibly even putting other lesser agents of the Crown through the grinder! Yet all we have had in the news is where Gerry Hutch is going to next which, frankly, is about as interesting as what colour boxer Shorts Prince Harry wears. Why has nothing been said about “Stakeknife”? could it be he may not be dead after all and it is another British ruse? If so, why? Why would the British make up such a tale? Could it be that despite the Good Friday Agreement they, the British, are still conducting a “dirty war” in the six-counties? Has a body of Freddie been seen by any independent witnesses? Do bodies not usually have to be identified? Has anybody done this? Of course, I may have missed something so if anybody reading this has heard any news which clarifies this enigma it would be interesting to hear. Maybe he is dead, equally maybe he is alive and well on Mars!!
So, is “Stakeknife” dead? If he is when is the funeral, oh, sorry, he has already had a burial according to the Irish Mirror. Surely, he has family and as he denied the allegations to his dying day, if indeed that is what he met, then surely, they would be standing by him? Or, on the other hand have his denials fell on deaf ears, including his family, and, this being the case, have the British secretly disposed of him? Perhaps he could be, if he is dead, be at some unknown bog in the twenty-six counties like so many other of the “disappeared” many sent there by this man himself, as that must surely now be what Scappaticci could be, one of the “disappeared!!” Have the British disposed of their inconvenient waste in much the same way as the IRA did theirs. This being the case, if indeed it is the case, it makes all the hype over the “disappeared” look a little hypocritical, but it is very early days. Perhaps when the Biden hype has died down a more in-depth account of what has happened to Fred Scappaticcii my surface.
The final question, for the moment is; is Fred the Dread really dead or is he alive and well after plastic surgery somewhere in South America?
🖼 Caoimhin O’Muraile is Independent Socialist Republican and Marxist.
And I'm called a conspiracy theorist. I could make a better argument about Elvis not dying on the 16th August 1977 but ended his days in a chip shop than you made asking 'Is Scap alive or dead'.....
ReplyDeleteWhy is there an almost news black-out etc....Simply 'they' control the media and own the narrative.
I ate the chips from Cafe Elvis Frankie - it's a pop up in Dublin so don't mock - the King is alive and his chips are delicious.
DeleteConspiracy theories are not the most persuasive of cerebral devices so I am with you on this one.
Oh, you naive fool. I'm not saying he is or is not dead, but questions remain. Stick to Elvis and Chipers Frankie, more up your street.
ReplyDeleteThere is absolutely no evidence to prove this high profile character is dead. Now, if it was somebody never heard of then yes, fine, but this bloke was high profile and not a word?
Caoimhin O'Muraile
He's dead. In true PR style they delayed releasing it until Biden was in town to bury the story.
ReplyDeleteYou don't whack your own agents especially those you have turned, as it has the potential for putting off future recruitments.
As I pointed out years ago on this blog the MO is to discredit if the resource becomes troublesome. Dump stuff on his laptop and pull him in front of courts. Once the reputation is damaged they pipe down. Besides, his own ego would have him jumping up by now proclaiming his resurrection!
I get what you mean don't worry. But his usefulness has passed and did so when the Castlereagh files were read. The spooks are glad to have him put to bed, one more headache gone. He was near 80 anyhow.
DeleteHe is not dead Steve - He played for Manchester City right up until last season when they sold him to Arsenal. Just look what he did to the Gunners. Left them as far away from a title as he did the IRA from a united Ireland.
DeletePaisley must be playing for us then. A lot of shite talked and fuck all to show for it!
DeleteThat makes more sense, Steve, though something niggles me there is a possibility this bastard may still be alive. The Brits would never admit to stiffing him, just pretend natural causes were the cause of death.
ReplyDeleteI was asking questions, key wards "could it" and "what if" - it was not a statement of fact as Frankie implies.
Caoimhin O'Muraile
Freddie has become like Schrodinger's cat
ReplyDeleteShindingers Rat?
ReplyDeleteAnthony, I'm an Ardoyne rockabilly, I'd never mock the King....even though he died on his throne...I'm close to finishing a piece for TPQ called 'Elvis-the man, the myth, the music....'
Caoimhin........maybe you should have written a piece linking on how similar 'they' quietly slipped into the news the death of Brian Nelson and how the FRU set up a pensioner to keep Scap alive.....There is by your own admission too many 'could's, ifs, buts and why's' in your piece for me to take serious.......
I'm a republican Frankie - King's don't much matter!!
DeleteAh well, points made, personally I think your all crackers taking the media reports as read. Experience tells me not to, I'd even go as far to say, the only believable thing in the papers is the date, then have to double check.
ReplyDeleteCaoimhin O'Muraile
those media rotters Caoimhin - last year they told us the Queen was dead and staged an elaborate funeral for her. All the time she was preparing for a run at the Wimbledon tennis title which she will take this year😂😂😂 Never believe them - they almost had me thinking Elvis was dead for a while until I took my conspiroflam meds. They soon put me right😂😂😂
DeleteWell, Anthony, I'm afraid this hoax worked. Scap is alive and well working in Maddigans, North Earl Street. Go in and ask them, just to prove your point if he's really dead, tell them I sent you, explain what you are trying to find out🤣🤣🤣🤣.
ReplyDeleteI dont believe the one about Elvis though, your having me on🤔, arent you 🤫🤫? And the one about the Queen, oh come on😇🙃🤣🤣🤣🤐🤐
Caoimhin O'Muraile
Caoimhin - that's a conspiracy theory about Madigans. He is definitely serving ice cream at Elvis concerts. 🤣🤣
DeleteYou're having me on😒! I thought Elvis was dead😇🤠🤠? Thats what the papers said a couple of months after United won the FA Cup in 1977🤣🤣🤣🤣.
ReplyDeleteNext time you're passing Maddigans, pop in and ask them, say you know me, ask if a fella called Freddie Scappacciti works there behind the bar🥳🥳🤣🤣🤣🍺🍺🍺🍺🍷🍷🍻🍺🍺
Caoimhin O'Muraile
There's the problem - you go off believing your own eyes again. Man Utd never won the final in 77. That was an optical illusion to make people believe Liverpool never won the treble.