Brendan Curran with a poem from his expansive body of work.


 Woman  . . . Do What You Are Told 

Born upon a cold Lino floor
In front of a range where the coke did roar
My mother alone in her darkest hour
My father on the corner where only men gather
No fancy eiderdown or bed
No soft plump pillow for my head
My mother birthing all alone
No such thing as mobile phone
An older child is sent out running
For a late night doctor to summon
My father alerted comes quickly too
Like men of his time, he doesn’t know what to do
A fresh young life lying on the floor
An 8th young boy, there will be no more
My mother a by product of it all
The last child birth, a last motherhood call
She said she never wanted so many
In despair she asked the priest for serenity
The priest's response was cold and bold
Obey your husband . . . do what your told!

⏩ Brendan Curran, The Poet Without A Pen.

Woman . . . Do What You Are Told

Brendan Curran with a poem from his expansive body of work.


 Woman  . . . Do What You Are Told 

Born upon a cold Lino floor
In front of a range where the coke did roar
My mother alone in her darkest hour
My father on the corner where only men gather
No fancy eiderdown or bed
No soft plump pillow for my head
My mother birthing all alone
No such thing as mobile phone
An older child is sent out running
For a late night doctor to summon
My father alerted comes quickly too
Like men of his time, he doesn’t know what to do
A fresh young life lying on the floor
An 8th young boy, there will be no more
My mother a by product of it all
The last child birth, a last motherhood call
She said she never wanted so many
In despair she asked the priest for serenity
The priest's response was cold and bold
Obey your husband . . . do what your told!

⏩ Brendan Curran, The Poet Without A Pen.

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