Right Wing Watch 👀 ‘Christocrat’ Rick Scarborough Aims to Take Over Texas School Boards From the ‘Godless Educrats.’

Kyle Mantyla

In 2021, Rick Scarborough, a self-described “Christocrat,” strident anti-LGBTQ activist, and longtime critic of public education, set his sites on taking over school boards in three Houston-area school districts. Scarborough was optimistic about his chances of having conservative Christians take over the school board because, he said, “most people don’t vote.”

“We’re gonna win this Houston school board if the church shows up,” Scarborough bragged, and indeed candidates he backed were ultimately able to defeat two board members.

Inspired by this showing, Scarborough announced in late 2022 that he had begun preparing to target school boards all across the state in 2023.We are already preparing for our next big project: the school board elections that take place in May,” Scarborough declared.

We’re laying the ground [work] now for that election. We need to move the church so that our children can be saved from the indoctrination and oversexualization that is taking place.

On Wednesday, Scarborough’s Recover America Action organization released a video promoting his campaign to defeat the “godless educrats” and rescue the children of Texas who are “being groomed by homosexuals and the trans perverts to be recruited into their evil lifestyles.”

Continue reading @ Right Wing Watch.

Hate From Christocrats

Right Wing Watch 👀 ‘Christocrat’ Rick Scarborough Aims to Take Over Texas School Boards From the ‘Godless Educrats.’

Kyle Mantyla

In 2021, Rick Scarborough, a self-described “Christocrat,” strident anti-LGBTQ activist, and longtime critic of public education, set his sites on taking over school boards in three Houston-area school districts. Scarborough was optimistic about his chances of having conservative Christians take over the school board because, he said, “most people don’t vote.”

“We’re gonna win this Houston school board if the church shows up,” Scarborough bragged, and indeed candidates he backed were ultimately able to defeat two board members.

Inspired by this showing, Scarborough announced in late 2022 that he had begun preparing to target school boards all across the state in 2023.We are already preparing for our next big project: the school board elections that take place in May,” Scarborough declared.

We’re laying the ground [work] now for that election. We need to move the church so that our children can be saved from the indoctrination and oversexualization that is taking place.

On Wednesday, Scarborough’s Recover America Action organization released a video promoting his campaign to defeat the “godless educrats” and rescue the children of Texas who are “being groomed by homosexuals and the trans perverts to be recruited into their evil lifestyles.”

Continue reading @ Right Wing Watch.

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