Ten links to a diverse range of opinion that might be of interest to TPQ readers. They are selected not to invite agreement but curiosity. Readers can submit links to pieces they find thought provoking.
Before We Conform, Or Condemn, Let Us At Least Be Curious
Israel's new government pushes country towards the precipice
Why German state racism is now directed at the Palestinians
Jerusalem: One dead and several wounded in twin explosions
Israeli military demolishes school in occupied West Bank, rights group claims
UN Special Rapporteur: Israel's impunity 'eroding foundation of international order'
How it feels to visit an apartheid country
An Autistic Teen Was Killed by Israeli Soldiers. Her Mother Found Out Only a Day Later
Palestine: Boy shot dead by Israeli forces 'en route to school'
Ben Gvir reissues threat to boycott government if not given Galilee, Negev ministry
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