Ten links to a diverse range of opinion that might be of interest to TPQ readers. They are selected not to invite agreement but curiosity. Readers can submit links to pieces they find thought provoking.
Before We Conform, Or Condemn, Let Us At Least Be Curious
Gogol Bordello: Coming to Terms with the Era of the End of Eras
UN report details summary executions of civilians by Russian troops in northern Ukraine
T4P — Responsibility for attacks on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure
A just and lasting peace for Ukraine!
Cold Injuries and the War in Ukraine
How life has changed in Russian-occupied Kherson
Ukrainians tell of torture and humiliation in Russian prisons
Ukraine prosecutes its own citizens forced to fight for Russia
RTX, Ukriane and the Government in Kiev
♜One recognizes one's course by discovering the paths that stray from it - Albert Camus♞
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