Frankie McKillop 🔖answers thirteen questions in Booker's Dozen. 

 Reading Aloud And Allowed

TPQ: What are you currently reading?

FM: Nothing ATM. I have a few books that I plan to read 'sometime.' One is called Frankie Boyle My shit life so far ISBN 978-0-00-788056-0 and the other is by A. Kemp-welch Stalin and the literary Intelligentsia 1928-39 ISBN 0-333-27770-8.

TPQ: Best and worst books you have ever read?

FM: The worst book was Gerry Adams' Hope and History. The best . . . Some I enjoy more than others and for different reasons. But Adams is the worst by a very long stretch.

TPQ: Book most cherished as a child?

FM: Danny The Champion Of The World. My English teacher in St Gabes, Paddy Branigan, got us to read it and I was 12/13. I was a scout in Ardoyne at the time and when we went camping in Castlewellan, I would try to look out for peasants just like Danny did in the book... And no Quillers, I didn't catch a thing!!!!

TPQ: Favourite Childhood author?

FM: Because of Danny . . .  it has to be Roald Dahl.

TPQ: First book to really own you.

FM: 'Owning me'.....? I have never been owned by a book or person but Dillons The Dirty War made me think. A French girl asked me to read Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. It owned her at that time . . . I read it and I t came across as a bad acid trip.

TPQ: Favourite male and female author?

FM: That's like asking me do I prefer male or female song writers/singers . . . I don't have a preference. 

TPQ: A preference for fact or fiction?

FM: As a rule of thumb, fact, but I really enjoyed Perfume: The Story of a Murderer by Patrick Suskind and Puzo's The Godfather,

TPQ: Biography, autobiography or memoir that most impressed you.

FM: The first was a two part autobiography about the life of Elvis Presley by acclaimed music biographer Peter Guralnik, Last Train To Memphis: The Rise of Elvis Presley, and the follow up Careless Love: The Unmaking of Elvis Presley. If anyone wants to read what Elvis's life was like, read it. It is a miracle he lasted until he was 42. The other was Excellent Cadavers by Alexander Stille, it's about the lives of Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, the two Sicilian prosecutors who took on the Mafia and paid with their lives weeks apart.

TPQ: Any author or book you point blank refuse to read?

FM: Gerry Adams . . . One book was enough to suffer through.

TPQ: A book to share with somebody so that they would more fully understand you.

FM: It would be two songs, the first is by the Hillbilly Shakespeare called Ramblin Man the other is another country song called Long Haired Country Boy - by the Charlie Daniels Band.

 Royal Portuguese Reading Room, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

TPQ: Last book you gave as a present?

FM:  It was a book about the life of Audrey Hepburn  - I bought it as a birthday present. She enjoyed it. 

TPQ: Book you would most like to see turned into a movie?

FM: My yet unwritten book . . .  From The Arsehole Of Belfast To The Shit Hole Of Europe And Back -The Tales Of A Belfast Rockabilly.

TPQ: The just must - select one book you simply have to read before you close the final page on life.
FM: Honest . . . Catch 22. I read the first chapter years ago.

🕮 Frankie McKillen is a Belfast Rockabilly

Booker's Dozen 📚 Frankie McKillen

Frankie McKillop 🔖answers thirteen questions in Booker's Dozen. 

 Reading Aloud And Allowed

TPQ: What are you currently reading?

FM: Nothing ATM. I have a few books that I plan to read 'sometime.' One is called Frankie Boyle My shit life so far ISBN 978-0-00-788056-0 and the other is by A. Kemp-welch Stalin and the literary Intelligentsia 1928-39 ISBN 0-333-27770-8.

TPQ: Best and worst books you have ever read?

FM: The worst book was Gerry Adams' Hope and History. The best . . . Some I enjoy more than others and for different reasons. But Adams is the worst by a very long stretch.

TPQ: Book most cherished as a child?

FM: Danny The Champion Of The World. My English teacher in St Gabes, Paddy Branigan, got us to read it and I was 12/13. I was a scout in Ardoyne at the time and when we went camping in Castlewellan, I would try to look out for peasants just like Danny did in the book... And no Quillers, I didn't catch a thing!!!!

TPQ: Favourite Childhood author?

FM: Because of Danny . . .  it has to be Roald Dahl.

TPQ: First book to really own you.

FM: 'Owning me'.....? I have never been owned by a book or person but Dillons The Dirty War made me think. A French girl asked me to read Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. It owned her at that time . . . I read it and I t came across as a bad acid trip.

TPQ: Favourite male and female author?

FM: That's like asking me do I prefer male or female song writers/singers . . . I don't have a preference. 

TPQ: A preference for fact or fiction?

FM: As a rule of thumb, fact, but I really enjoyed Perfume: The Story of a Murderer by Patrick Suskind and Puzo's The Godfather,

TPQ: Biography, autobiography or memoir that most impressed you.

FM: The first was a two part autobiography about the life of Elvis Presley by acclaimed music biographer Peter Guralnik, Last Train To Memphis: The Rise of Elvis Presley, and the follow up Careless Love: The Unmaking of Elvis Presley. If anyone wants to read what Elvis's life was like, read it. It is a miracle he lasted until he was 42. The other was Excellent Cadavers by Alexander Stille, it's about the lives of Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, the two Sicilian prosecutors who took on the Mafia and paid with their lives weeks apart.

TPQ: Any author or book you point blank refuse to read?

FM: Gerry Adams . . . One book was enough to suffer through.

TPQ: A book to share with somebody so that they would more fully understand you.

FM: It would be two songs, the first is by the Hillbilly Shakespeare called Ramblin Man the other is another country song called Long Haired Country Boy - by the Charlie Daniels Band.

 Royal Portuguese Reading Room, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

TPQ: Last book you gave as a present?

FM:  It was a book about the life of Audrey Hepburn  - I bought it as a birthday present. She enjoyed it. 

TPQ: Book you would most like to see turned into a movie?

FM: My yet unwritten book . . .  From The Arsehole Of Belfast To The Shit Hole Of Europe And Back -The Tales Of A Belfast Rockabilly.

TPQ: The just must - select one book you simply have to read before you close the final page on life.
FM: Honest . . . Catch 22. I read the first chapter years ago.

🕮 Frankie McKillen is a Belfast Rockabilly


  1. Replies
    1. sorry about that Frankie - the link is working now. I fixed it there. Glad to have your contribution to Booker's.

  2. Catch 22 is a great book, just do NOT read the preface as it gives it away or at least my copy did. Always grateful to a friend who warned me of this before reading it. God Knows by the same author is hilarious too.
