Ten links to a diverse range of opinion that might be of interest to TPQ readers. They are selected not to invite agreement but curiosity. Readers can submit links to pieces they find thought provoking.
Before We Conform, Or Condemn, Let Us At Least Be Curious
NSS tells government not to halt plans to stop unregistered schools
Abortion rights in USA: Frontera Struggles for Reproductive Justice
Protect free speech around religion, NSS urges UN
Is net finally closing on US priest who allegedly abused ‘countless’ children?
Campaign ad targets Darren Bailey's insane fundamentalist Christian beliefs
Proselytising doctor must attend further training
The future of religion in Britain: a rise in Islam as Christianity declines
Elderly worried about euthanasia proposals, bishops warn
The Flying Spaghetti Monster: a True Religion or a Bunch of Satirical Noodles?
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