Dr John Coulter ✒ TPQ’s Monday columnist cast his eye over the latest publication by the evangelical Christian author and evangelist, M David McKillen, entitled Essential Questions for End Times: what can we know for sure?

If there are two questions which Christians of whatever theological shade and non-believers have pondered is when and how the world will end?

Earlier this year, I did a review of M David McKillen’s excellent in-depth theological masterpiece End Times for Beginners.

I have known David since my school and university days at Ballymena Academy and New University of Ulster at Coleraine and regard him as an accomplished academic on Christendom’s evangelical wing.

Based on his competent research, David shows the literary courage to ask some of the awkward theological questions which many Christians either want to avoid, or are too scared to pose.

One of his blunt questions is: Will there be ‘WW3’? His response is equally blunt:

Yes! But world events move very quickly. By the time you read this, WW3 could be history, and WW4 may be on the horizon! That is only conjecture, based on trends in our world today. But when we look in the Bible - God’s Word - we can see that there are 3 or even 4 ‘world wars’ which are still future. Some of them incredibly terrible in their destruction.

Another question David poses when referring to the Biblical ‘mark of the beast’ is: “can the ‘mark’ be received by accident?” His response is: “The ‘mark’ is not a vaccine, or a drug. Nor anything that would allow it to be received accidentally. Scripture is totally clear on this point.”

For me as a born again believer and evangelical Christian, this single paragraph from David makes his latest work a ‘must read’. During the Covid pandemic, I have heard so much nonsense talked by Christians ridiculing the vaccines.

It is, therefore, really refreshing to read a recognised theologian like David sticking to his guns and theologically calling a spade a spade! Modern-day Christianity is plagued with so much ‘fluffy bunny’ theology of not wanting to offend anyone, that having David produce quality material is a real blessing.

Whilst this latest work is only just over 60 pages, it is packed with essential questions and Biblical answers. Among the questions David poses are: Is anyone out there? One God or many? Can religion help? Does our world have a future? Will Christians really disappear? Will there be a world ruler? Is prophecy literal? Is ‘Armageddon’ a battle? And Is there hope?

With the overwhelming pandemic restrictions lifted and some degree of normality restored, many churches have already resumed their Bible study groups. Many of these Bible study groups, whether they are meeting in church buildings or homes, have booklets on Bible books to assist their study of God’s Word.

David has also designed his latest work so that it would easily become a series of discussions which Christians and non-Christians alike could debate.

His writing style is such that he does not ram Bible theology down the reader’s throat. He makes his points, allows the reader to digest the information and make up their own minds, but he makes a compelling case for the doctrine of Salvation.

David’s graphic entitled ‘simple chronology of Bible times’ is especially impressive and easy to understand. And for the Biblical scholar who wants to engage in preaching the Gospel, David’s book makes an interesting collection of ideas to develop sermons.

Indeed, for any evangelical Christian who has a passion for spreading the Gospel message, David’s latest work is a must-get worthwhile read.

M David McKillen, 2022, Essential Questions For End Times: What Can We Know For Sure? John Ritchie Publishing. ISBN 978-1-914273-28-5.
Follow Dr John Coulter on Twitter @JohnAHCoulter
Listen to commentator Dr John Coulter’s programme, Call In Coulter, every Saturday morning around 10.15 am on Belfast’s Christian radio station, Sunshine 1049 FM. Listen online

Essential Questions For End Times

Dr John Coulter ✒ TPQ’s Monday columnist cast his eye over the latest publication by the evangelical Christian author and evangelist, M David McKillen, entitled Essential Questions for End Times: what can we know for sure?

If there are two questions which Christians of whatever theological shade and non-believers have pondered is when and how the world will end?

Earlier this year, I did a review of M David McKillen’s excellent in-depth theological masterpiece End Times for Beginners.

I have known David since my school and university days at Ballymena Academy and New University of Ulster at Coleraine and regard him as an accomplished academic on Christendom’s evangelical wing.

Based on his competent research, David shows the literary courage to ask some of the awkward theological questions which many Christians either want to avoid, or are too scared to pose.

One of his blunt questions is: Will there be ‘WW3’? His response is equally blunt:

Yes! But world events move very quickly. By the time you read this, WW3 could be history, and WW4 may be on the horizon! That is only conjecture, based on trends in our world today. But when we look in the Bible - God’s Word - we can see that there are 3 or even 4 ‘world wars’ which are still future. Some of them incredibly terrible in their destruction.

Another question David poses when referring to the Biblical ‘mark of the beast’ is: “can the ‘mark’ be received by accident?” His response is: “The ‘mark’ is not a vaccine, or a drug. Nor anything that would allow it to be received accidentally. Scripture is totally clear on this point.”

For me as a born again believer and evangelical Christian, this single paragraph from David makes his latest work a ‘must read’. During the Covid pandemic, I have heard so much nonsense talked by Christians ridiculing the vaccines.

It is, therefore, really refreshing to read a recognised theologian like David sticking to his guns and theologically calling a spade a spade! Modern-day Christianity is plagued with so much ‘fluffy bunny’ theology of not wanting to offend anyone, that having David produce quality material is a real blessing.

Whilst this latest work is only just over 60 pages, it is packed with essential questions and Biblical answers. Among the questions David poses are: Is anyone out there? One God or many? Can religion help? Does our world have a future? Will Christians really disappear? Will there be a world ruler? Is prophecy literal? Is ‘Armageddon’ a battle? And Is there hope?

With the overwhelming pandemic restrictions lifted and some degree of normality restored, many churches have already resumed their Bible study groups. Many of these Bible study groups, whether they are meeting in church buildings or homes, have booklets on Bible books to assist their study of God’s Word.

David has also designed his latest work so that it would easily become a series of discussions which Christians and non-Christians alike could debate.

His writing style is such that he does not ram Bible theology down the reader’s throat. He makes his points, allows the reader to digest the information and make up their own minds, but he makes a compelling case for the doctrine of Salvation.

David’s graphic entitled ‘simple chronology of Bible times’ is especially impressive and easy to understand. And for the Biblical scholar who wants to engage in preaching the Gospel, David’s book makes an interesting collection of ideas to develop sermons.

Indeed, for any evangelical Christian who has a passion for spreading the Gospel message, David’s latest work is a must-get worthwhile read.

M David McKillen, 2022, Essential Questions For End Times: What Can We Know For Sure? John Ritchie Publishing. ISBN 978-1-914273-28-5.
Follow Dr John Coulter on Twitter @JohnAHCoulter
Listen to commentator Dr John Coulter’s programme, Call In Coulter, every Saturday morning around 10.15 am on Belfast’s Christian radio station, Sunshine 1049 FM. Listen online

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