Lynx By Ten To The Power Of Three Hundred And Fifteen

Ten links to a diverse range of opinion that might be of interest to TPQ readers. They are selected not to invite agreement but curiosity. Readers can submit links to pieces they find thought provoking.

Before We Conform, Or Condemn, Let Us At Least Be Curious

The New Schism: Will the Idea of the ‘West’ Survive the Scourge of the Russia-Ukraine War?

Journalist: How far should 'anti-Russia backlash' and boycotts over Ukraine go?

'Orwell is weeping': Kremlin propagandists say Russia is providing 'security guarantees' for 'the whole world'

'We have to kill them': Russian mercenary holds up skull while bragging about slaughtering Ukrainians

One recognizes one's course by discovering the paths that stray from it - Albert Camus♞ 

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