Atheist Ireland ✒ Pope Francis has confirmed that Catholic education is evangelisation, and has compared not speaking the truth about God in education to burning books, during a private reception in the Vatican on 22 April for educators including from Mary Immaculate College in Limerick.

He also told a gathering of Christian Brothers to evangelise by educating, and educate by evangelising.

This confirms again what Atheist Ireland has been saying for years: that our publicly funded school system is part of the evangelising mission of the Catholic Church. As is often the case, the Catholic Church and Atheist Ireland are the only groups open about this fact, while the Department of Education and other state bodies pretend that this is not the case.

Catholic education is evangelisation — Pope Francis

At the April meeting referred to above, Pope Francis said that:

Catholic education is also evangelisation: bearing witness to the joy of the Gospel and its power to renew our communities and provide hope and strength in facing wisely the challenges of the present time. I trust that this study visit will inspire each of you to rededicate himself or herself with generous zeal to your vocation as educators, to your efforts to solidify the foundations of a more humane and solidary society, and thus the advancement Christ’s kingdom of truth, holiness, justice and peace.

Continue reading @ Atheist Ireland.

Pope Confirms Catholic Education Is Evangelisation

Atheist Ireland ✒ Pope Francis has confirmed that Catholic education is evangelisation, and has compared not speaking the truth about God in education to burning books, during a private reception in the Vatican on 22 April for educators including from Mary Immaculate College in Limerick.

He also told a gathering of Christian Brothers to evangelise by educating, and educate by evangelising.

This confirms again what Atheist Ireland has been saying for years: that our publicly funded school system is part of the evangelising mission of the Catholic Church. As is often the case, the Catholic Church and Atheist Ireland are the only groups open about this fact, while the Department of Education and other state bodies pretend that this is not the case.

Catholic education is evangelisation — Pope Francis

At the April meeting referred to above, Pope Francis said that:

Catholic education is also evangelisation: bearing witness to the joy of the Gospel and its power to renew our communities and provide hope and strength in facing wisely the challenges of the present time. I trust that this study visit will inspire each of you to rededicate himself or herself with generous zeal to your vocation as educators, to your efforts to solidify the foundations of a more humane and solidary society, and thus the advancement Christ’s kingdom of truth, holiness, justice and peace.

Continue reading @ Atheist Ireland.

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