Ten links to a diverse range of opinion that might be of interest to TPQ readers. They are selected not to invite agreement but curiosity. Readers can submit links to pieces they find thought provoking.
Before We Conform, Or Condemn, Let Us At Least Be Curious
Florida civics teachers are being indoctrinated with Christian nationalism
DfE refuses to end faith school discrimination despite inequalities
Atheist sues company that fired him for not coming to daily prayer meetings
Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses may get access to elders' files on them
State funded theology colleges “can be exempt” from free speech duty
Pastor and family stole $8M from taxpayers in Covid scam, feds say. Why haven’t they been charged?
Mother wants justice for two daughters who died by suicide amid abuse claims
12 Christians arrested in Australia after 'faith-healing' death of child
Canadian church criticized over event to 'protect' kids during Pride Month
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